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Chapter 429

"Master, the news just came that three carriages left from the back alley of Zhenpin Pavilion. Apart from the carriage that came to this city gate, the other two carriages went to the other two city gates."

Li Cang definitely did not deal with Shunzi.

In the distance, the official had lowered the curtain and asked the driver to leave.

Gu Qingying felt something about what happened outside, but did not tell Shen Yunzheng.

The two picked tea very quickly.

Finally, two hours later, the carriage stopped.

The tea leaves were finally picked by the two of them.

Shen Yunzheng and Gu Qingying appeared in the carriage.

At this moment, Shen Yunzheng opened the car curtain and said: "Stop the car in front."

The driver was still shocked, but he still followed Shen Yunzheng's prompts and chose a place to stop.

Gu Qingying jumped off the carriage and said: "It's not far from the town ahead. I'll just walk back. You guys should go back quickly, otherwise the city gates will be closed."

Shen Yunzheng did not get off the carriage because he could not get off. The carriage was filled with tea leaves. He was also squeezed in at the door, with his back against the basket, for fear that the basket would not be placed firmly and fall.

"I won't say anything unnecessary. Just be careful along the way."

Gu Qingying left without saying anything.

Shen Yunzheng looked at the coachman and said, "No matter what I saw or heard today, it was rotten in my stomach."

The coachman hurriedly said: "Young Master doesn't trust others, why don't you trust me? Don't worry, even the smallest things that happened today will not be leaked. Do you have any other instructions?"

"Go back to the imperial city."

The coachman immediately turned the carriage around and drove towards the imperial city.

Imperial City.

Li Cangjue already knew that Gu Qingying was not involved in the other two carriages.

At least I feel relieved.

There was no one in the three carriages, which meant that Gu Qingying was still in the city.

Until sunset, Li Jingyi came out of Zhenbao Pavilion.

Shunzi, who was secretly watching, realized something was wrong.

If Gu Qingying and Li Jingyi were both in Zhenbao Pavilion, why did Li Jingyi come out alone?

Shunzi couldn't bear it anymore and stood in front of Li Jingyi.

"I take the liberty of disturbing the Ninth Princess."

When Li Jingyi saw that it was Shunzi, she was not embarrassed, but asked in confusion: "Shunzi, are you coming to me because my royal brother wants to see me?"

Of course it was impossible for Shunzi to say that Li Cangjue wanted to see Li Jingyi.

He quickly said: "Master knows that Ninth Princess is very busy, so he asked the servant not to disturb Ninth Princess. I came to see Ninth Princess because I want to ask about Miss Gu."

For some reason, Li Jingyi felt a flash of joy in his heart.

Because she knew that Gu Qingying left the imperial city under the watch of her imperial brother.

Otherwise Shunzi would not appear in front of her.

She was happy in her heart, but Li Jingyi did not show her emotions on her face.

Pretending to be displeased, he frowned: "What do you have to ask about Qingying?"

Shunzi said quickly: "I just want to know if Miss Gu is in the backyard."

The backyard Shunzi refers to is naturally the backyard of Zhenbao Pavilion.

Li Jingyi shook her head decisively and said: "No, Qingying would have left long ago if something happened!"

She looked at Shunzi blankly.

This made Shunzi even more panicked.

Has the person left?

Shunzi hurriedly said goodbye and left. He had to tell Li Cangjue the news.

His master still foolishly thought that he had not left the city before, but he was afraid that Gu Qingying had already left the city.

Shunzi went to Zuixianglou this time.

In the room on the third floor, the shopkeeper served you carefully.

The dishes were served one after another. Li Cangjue had a good appetite today and the food was particularly delicious.

But when Shunzi went upstairs in a panic, Li Cangjue put down his chopsticks, and a bad feeling arose spontaneously.

Shunzi said in a panic: "Master, Miss Gu is not in the backyard of Zhenbao Pavilion. The Ninth Princess said that she left long ago. I'm afraid she has already left the city."

Li Cangjue was completely angry.

"What did you say?"

He had a bad premonition today and kept staring at the city gate because he was afraid that Lu Qingying would leave secretly.

In the end, Gu Qingying was allowed to escape.

This woman is so cruel!

He actually kept guarding against him!

The key point is that the people he sent were watching Wanyan Tiancheng, and there was nothing wrong with him.

Did the two of them join forces to confuse him? Or even Wanyan Tiancheng didn't know that Gu Qingying would leave today.

Li Cangjue no longer had the appetite to eat.

He stood up and said, "I want to leave the city now."

He is going to chase Gu Qingying.

Shunzi boldly stopped Li Cangjue and said, "Master, don't go. You won't change anything if you go."

This doesn't sound good, but it's true.

Li Cangjue stared at Shunzi coldly, so frightened that Shunzi lowered his head and did not dare to look at Li Cangjue.

"I won't go."

He knew that even if he went there, nothing would change.

Li Cangjue returned to the Zhennan Palace with a gloomy face and went directly to find Yun Nuo.

That night, laughter and laughter came from Yunnuo's yard, but Fan Qingyue's yard was still deserted.

Wanyan Tiancheng did not leave the post house all day, but was reading quietly.

He knew that Gu Qingying and Shen Yunzheng had left.

But he didn't show any abnormality because he knew that Li Cangjue had been staring at him.

If Gu Qingying wants to leave the imperial city, he must not make any mistakes.

Therefore, he was willing to help Gu Qingying cover up.

Minghe said respectfully: "Miss Gu has arrived in a small town outside the city. Li Cangjue just now found out that Miss Gu left."

Wanyan Tiancheng was relieved: "There are people waiting in the town outside the city for a long time. There is nothing that can stop Qingying from leaving Li Cangjue."

small town.

Lu Qingying slept soundly because she was resting in space.

When she stayed in an inn, she was always worried that someone would come to assassinate her, so she couldn't relax and rest at all.

But it was different in space. She could sleep carefree and didn't have to worry about danger at all.

After finally getting enough sleep, Lu Qingying came out of the room and checked the house to make sure no one came in last night, and then went downstairs with confidence.

When we got downstairs, the guards all stood up.

Gu Qingying said: "The carriage is ready! Let's eat while walking."

It's getting late, so we can't delay it any longer.

Gu Qingying got on the carriage.

Just over an hour after Gu Qingying and the others left, Shunzi personally came to the town with his guards.

He finally persuaded Li Cang not to come in person.

After asking the innkeeper, they found out that Gu Qingying and the others had just left for more than an hour, so they still chased after them.

Of course, it was impossible for Gu Qingying to follow the normal official path.

Looking at the map given by Shen Yunzheng, he pointed to a large locust tree on the roadside in front of him and said: "We will take the branch road under the locust tree later."

The driver and the guards naturally didn't say much.

The carriage walked slowly along the path.

Shunzi and his men pursued him from the official road.

Gu Qingying looked at the map given by Shen Yunzheng and gave directions to the coachman: "This road will take about five days to reach Lizhou City. It will pass through many small roads in the middle. Let's be careful. There are many assassins who want to assassinate me."

She knew the killers secretly, and they were eager to kill her to receive the reward.

This chapter has been completed!
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