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Chapter 208 The adulterer and the husband are in the same room

late at night

In a small house in the Concubine Ming's Mansion, a shadow sneaked into Homurako's residence.

When the ghostly figure looked up, it was the gentle face of the 'Hidden Scholar'.

"Master, there is news from the palace that the route map for the 'south patrol' that you placed in the upper study has been rubbed by someone. It is estimated that the 'south patrol' route has been exposed."

Homura lazily cut the wick with scissors: "I have to protect my substitute all the way to the south, and don't let anyone find anything unusual, understand?"

He stayed away from the capital and went to Northeastern Xinjiang to investigate cases and monitor the young empress and the King of Qin. He always had to have an excuse, and the southern patrol was a good reason.

But unexpectedly, someone actually wanted to take the opportunity to assassinate him on his 'southern tour'?

"This is a good opportunity... to expose those idiots who dare to be disloyal to Dongchang and me, so that we can eradicate them in one fell swoop. They are too stupid and don't deserve to live!"

The scissors in Homurako's hand cut fiercely, and the dancing candlelight suddenly became a little brighter.

"Yes, Master!" The 'hidden scholar' said respectfully with his fists clasped.

He curved the corners of his crimson lips with satisfaction, and then glanced at the face of the 'hidden scholar': "You have to keep your identity as the 'hidden scholar' and don't show off, eh?"

The hidden scholar nodded and quietly retreated.

Early on the next morning, at dawn, two carriages and more than 20 elite guards with red blood set off on horseback from the entrance of Concubine Ming's Mansion to meet at the gate of Prince Qin's Mansion.

After arriving at the gate of Prince Qin's Mansion and waiting for a while, Ming Lanruo saw Shangguan Hongye, dressed in smart clothes, leading people out.

The woman who followed him closest was Zhou Xiangyun, who had changed into a palace dress embroidered with silk and chrysanthemums, and wore a phoenix hairpin, clearly showing her identity as a concubine.

Ming Lanruo got out of the car and greeted Shangguan Hongye slightly according to the rules: "Lanruo has met the prince."

Hearing that she never called herself a concubine, something strange flashed in Shangguan Hongye's eyes, but he didn't show it on his face. He only looked at the carriage behind her solemnly.

When Zhou Xiangyun saw her, he immediately saluted her respectfully: "I'm here to see you, Concubine Ming."

Minglanruo acted resolutely, and her ability to get rid of Zhou Changle as soon as he said he would get rid of Zhou Changle made her feel palpitated and afraid.

What's more, there is no longer a principal concubine in Prince Qin's palace. Ming Lanruo has the highest status as a common wife now. She is a side concubine, so she is naturally extremely respectful.

Ming Lanruo had a faint smile on her unparalleled face, and gave Zhou Xiangyun a virtual support: "I haven't seen you for a few days, and my sister is already Zhou Xiangyun's concubine."

Zhou Xiangyun knew very well that the Concubine Ming was quite satisfied with her performance. She breathed a sigh of relief, lowered her head and said respectfully: "This is because of the love of the prince and Concubine Ming."

"Xiangyun is just a concubine. She has never had any problems with you, so there is no need to target her." Shangguan Hongye suddenly interrupted their conversation.

These days, he was very satisfied with Zhou Xiangyun's intelligence, gentleness, and well-kept backyard. He was worried that Minglan would deal with Zhou Xiangyun like he dealt with Zhou Changle.

Ming Lanruo said coldly: "Your Majesty, you are too worried. I will not offend others unless they offend me. I never target innocent people."

Upon seeing this, Shangguan Hongye just snorted and continued to look at the mahogany carriage behind her: "This carriage is quite big and comfortable enough."

Ming Lanruo whispered: "This is the carriage sent by the Nine Thousand Years Old Man. If the prince wants to ride with me, please do so."

Not only was the carriage large enough, it was also strong and light, and... it had been specially treated to make it difficult to catch fire and invulnerable to swords.

Cang Qiao, as the governor of the East Factory, has experienced too many assassinations, and he is also someone who enjoys things, so the carriage sent is naturally the best in terms of safety and comfort.

However, if Shangguan Hongye and Cang Qiao were unable to deal with the situation, he would definitely not be willing to get on the carriage.

Shangguan Hongye narrowed his eyes and suddenly said: "Okay!"

With that said, he got on the carriage directly.

Ming Lanruo was stunned for a moment: "..."

This was beyond her expectation. Originally, she had planned to ride in separate carriages from Guan Hongye.

So, she hid the adulterer in the car... uh... no...

"Who is he? What are you hiding here?!" Shangguan Hongye lifted the curtain and looked at the beautiful young man sitting in the car making tea with an unhappy expression.

Ming Lanruo was silent for a moment: "Then what...Xiao Yanzi, let's meet His Highness King Qin and say goodbye."

Xiao Yanzi's fair face flashed with gloom, and she raised her slightly tapered chin and nodded perfunctorily towards Shangguan Hongye: "Xiao Yanzi has met His Highness, King Qin."

Shangguan Hongye suddenly became angry when he saw his contemptuous attitude, but he didn't speak yet.

Xiao Yanzi looked at Ming Lanruo with a sinister look: "Ming Fei, Master Chitose said that this car is prepared for you alone, and Xiao Yanzi only serves you."

Didn't she say that Shangguan Hongye wouldn't take the car he sent?

As a result, the adulterer Shangguan Hongye dared to sit on it!

Ming Lanruo: "That..."

"Ha, it seems that you are a slave given to me by Master Qiantose. A dog slave dares to talk to me like this!"

Shangguan Hongye's Danfengyan made a violent arc, and he wanted to throw away the whip in his hand!

Ming Lanruo: "Then what..."

Xiao Yanzi sneered and suddenly took out a badge from her waist: "My lord, I have seen it clearly. I am a third-rank commander of the Imperial Guard. I am your Majesty's servant, but I am not your servant yet!"

Shangguan Hongye froze, such a big-ass young man was actually a third-level commanding officer?!

It must have been sent by Cang Qiao to monitor him!

He gritted his teeth and glared at Xiaoyanzi: "Haha, Master Tongzhi is serving my king's princess here, isn't it true that she is overqualified for her talents?!"

Xiaoyanzi said confidently: "Haha, here in Xiaguan, serving Concubine Ming as ordered by Lord Chitose is the top priority!"

Shangguan Hongye became even more clear that the high-ranking young eunuch in front of him must be tasked with secretly monitoring him!


Ming Lanruo finally took the opportunity to speak between the two men who were at war with each other like cocks: "Your Majesty, for your own good, why don't you go and ride in your own carriage?!"

She knew that Xiao Yanzi deliberately took out her belt and identity to make Shangguan Hongye afraid of getting on her carriage.

These two people really can't stay together...

Shangguan Hongye looked at Xiaoyanzi's sinister expression and finally gritted his teeth: "No, of course I will ride in the car with the princess!"

Surveillance is surveillance, he is too scared, maybe that dead eunuch Cang Qiao will be killed by Shangguan Zhou's people on his way south!

With that said, he climbed into the car without ceremony and sat down, patting the seat next to Ming Lanruo: "Princess, come on, sit down!"

A vein appeared on Xiaoyanzi's forehead: "...you!"

Ming Lanruo held her forehead and couldn't help gasping: "..."

Very good, this trip will be exciting!

The "adulterer" and her main wife "husband" live in the same room, although both of them claim to be her main wife...

She finally understood why some men didn't like it at all...it was a blessing to have a complete wife and concubines.

What a headache!

She was silent for a moment and asked tentatively: "How about... I go to ride the prince's carriage alone, and the two of you are here?"

"No!" The two of them shouted in unison, their eyes filled with ferocious hatred and disgust.

"Huh!" The two of them glared at each other at the same time and looked away.

Ming Lanruo took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to get into the car, which was called the 'Shura Field'.

The two sat down separately, and four carriages, along with dozens of carts of relief grain and grass, finally set off under the protection of the guards.

During their eastward tour, in addition to checking the disaster relief situation in Northeastern Xinjiang, they also wanted to find out the whereabouts of missing disaster relief officials such as Duke Chao.

As soon as Ming Lanruo got in the car, she immediately started reading the account books, completely ignoring the two gloomy-looking men beside her who were trying to kill each other with their eyes.

She looks at her nose with her eyes, and her nose looks at her heart. Form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and men and other things are really troublesome!

It wasn't until an hour later that they left the capital.

"Little empress, drink tea." Xiao Yanzi rolled her eyes at Shangguan Hongye who was staring at her, then raised the flower tea she had carefully brewed and handed it to Ming Lanruo.

Ming Lanruo took the tea, turned her bright eyes slightly, and looked at Xiaoyanzi: "We are going on a tour incognito this time, all disguised as business travelers, you should call me Madam."

Shangguan Hongye took her tea directly from Ming Lanruo's hand, took a sip, and said with a smile: "Yes, I... I will be a royal official from now on."

Xiao Yanzi glanced at him contemptuously, ignored him, and brought another cup of tea to Ming Lanruo: "Then call me little lady."

He would never call his woman someone else's wife!

Ming Lanruo was stunned, glanced at Xiaoyanzi, and frowned slightly: "Little lady..."

Yin Scholar also called her this, although Xiao Niangzi is a title for young women, regardless of whether they are married or unmarried, as long as they are young women, they can be called this.

However, there was only one person around her who called her that...

Xiaoyanzi's eyebrows twitched, and she immediately made a well-behaved and confused expression calmly: "Is this the case, little lady?"

This chapter has been completed!
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