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Chapter 419

Emperor Ming waved his hand: "Bring the people up!"

After a while, I saw two imperial guardsmen escorting several people, all covered in blood.

The first woman in shackles was thrown to the ground and cried out in pain: "Ah!"

Ming Lanruo took a look and saw that the woman was dressed like the assassin leader who pretended to be a pipa dancer that day, and the veil on her face was even still there!

Ming Lanruo was stunned: "This... the assassin was caught?"

She quickly glanced at Cang Qiao, who was sitting at the top, and saw that he was supporting his chin with one hand and nonchalantly turning the string of beads in his hand.

Feeling that she was looking over, he raised his eyes to look at her, slightly curved the corners of his lips, smiled a little evilly, and seemed to say silently - don't worry.

When Ming Lanruo smiled at him, his face felt a little hot for no reason.

In public, why is he smiling so... so seductively, no, why is he smiling so coquettishly!

The Minister of Punishment suddenly raised his hand and saluted: "Your Majesty, when the imperial army searched the city, they captured the assassin leader and her men."

Cang Qiao said calmly: "The Forbidden Army is very powerful. Even the Dongchang Jinyi Guards have not caught anyone. Under the leadership of the Criminal Department, the Forbidden Army has made rapid progress."

The Minister of Punishment had a straight face and said coldly: "I don't dare to compete with Master Qiantose. I'm just lucky."

This time, almost no one from Dongchang actually moved. I heard that His Majesty the Emperor did not allow Jiu Qiansui to intervene in the investigation of this case. It seems that His Majesty is still somewhat suspicious of Cang Qiao!

It's a good thing that the emperor is suspicious of Cang Qiao!

After saying that, the Minister of Punishment looked at the woman who was dragged up coldly, and asked sharply: "Who is there?"

The female assassin leader had obviously been tortured. She struggled to hold her body up, spat blood on the ground, and cursed——

"You bunch of dog emperors...dog officials...poof!"

Emperor Ming's face changed drastically, and he slapped the table angrily: "How outrageous! Drag me down and beat you hard!"

The female assassin seemed to be frightened, and actually looked at Ming Lanruo: "Ming Concubine...save this subordinate!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall couldn't help but whisper among themselves. They didn't expect that the assassin actually knew Concubine Ming!

Emperor Ming looked at Ming Lanruo with a murderous look in his eyes - it was indeed Ming Lanruo who was the mastermind!

Ming Lanruo was also dressed in plain clothes, which made her appearance even colder. She looked at the female assassin—

"If you are really a member of the Red Blood Legion of the Xiao family; if you really think that the destruction of the Xiao family has something to do with His Majesty."

"If you hate everything about the royal family, then why do you call me Ming Fei?"

"This is a royal title given by His Majesty. In your eyes, this title should be nothing more than an insult."

Her few understatement questions made the female assassin leader freeze for a moment and stuttered: "I...Ming...Ming...Xiao Xiao..."

For a moment, she suddenly didn't know what to call Ming Lanruo.

When people around him saw this, they couldn't help but feel a little confused. Although what Ming Lanruo said was a trivial matter, it did make sense!

The Minister of Punishment looked at Ming Lanruo coldly: "Ming Fei, don't quibble, it's just a title, it doesn't mean anything!"

The female assassin immediately calmed down and showed a heartbroken look: "Ming Fei, you are because your subordinates are useless... you want to give up on those of us who have worked hard for you??"

Ming Lanruo looked at her and said calmly: "Of course I will not give up on you."

Everyone was stunned. This... did Concubine Ming admit that she knew these assassins?

Did she say she was crazy?

The female assassin was stunned and glanced furtively at the Minister of Justice.

Why is this different from what was said before?

The Minister of Punishment was suspicious, but he immediately looked at the emperor: "Your Majesty..."

Ming Lanruo interrupted him unceremoniously and sneered at the assassins——

"I want to give up pursuing you, you beasts. What will happen to the many unarmed innocent women at the banquet that day? If you are really the assassins that day, each of you will die without a burial!"

These words with undisguised murderous intent shocked all the civil and military officials of the dynasty.

Especially the officials whose wives and daughters attended the banquet, but were either killed tragically or seriously injured, stared at the assassins with great anger, wishing to cut them into pieces!

The assassins were trembling at the sight.

The leading female assassin pulled off the tattered and bloody veil on her face and shouted angrily at her——

"How could you do this, Concubine Ming? We all went to assassinate the Dog Emperor because of you!"

The other assassins seemed to be angry as well: "Ming Fei, you can't abandon our group of people who are working hard for you!"

The Minister of Punishment also immediately said: "Your Majesty, in addition to these thieves, I also have a variety of physical evidence collected here, including but not limited to the place where Concubine Ming hid her weapons, correspondence, etc.!"

Someone sent a bunch of so-called physical evidence and letters to Emperor Ming, the Queen Mother, and Cang Qiao respectively.

When the other officials present saw it, they couldn't help but glare at Ming Lanruo. She was so righteous and stern just now, but it turned out that they were all fake!

Emperor Ming, the Queen Mother and others looked at the evidence, and the more they looked at it, the more shocking they became.

Especially the Queen Mother recognized Ming Lanruo's handwriting. When she saw the handwriting on it, she couldn't help but frown——

It's actually exactly the same as Lan Ruo's handwriting!

These thieves really tried their best to frame Lan Ruo.

Cang Qiao looked very calm. He flipped through it casually and threw it to the little eunuch beside him. Then he glanced at Xiao Qizi not far away.

Xiao Qizi nodded immediately and disappeared outside the palace door.

However, Emperor Ming had already angrily threw those memorials in front of Ming Lanruo: "Ming Lanruo, you committed treason and killed the mother of the country. Now that the evidence is conclusive, what else do you have to say!"

Shangguan Hongye, who had been standing silently and looking very haggard, looked at Ming Lanruo with a complicated expression and wanted to say something...

But in the end he clenched his fists and said nothing.

Ming Lanruo said neither humble nor arrogantly: "Your Majesty, I don't."

Emperor Ming criticized the case and said: "How dare you quibble! I will drag her down and execute her in Lingchi..."

"Father!" Shangguan Hongye suddenly raised his head.

But before the imperial army came to arrest her, Ming Lanruo said in a cold voice: "Wait a minute - the female assassin caught here by the Ministry of Justice is not the woman who assassinated that day at all. I'm afraid the other ones are not the real assassins that day either!"

This sentence made everyone's eyes widen immediately.

What, these people are not real assassins?!

A flash of panic flashed in the eyes of the Minister of Punishment: "Concubine Ming, don't make any excuses! How could our Punishment Department arrest the wrong person!"

Ming Lanruo's words made Emperor Ming frown tightly. He was very upset in his heart and just wanted to have Ming Lanruo dragged down and killed.


If those assassins are not real assassins... it means that the real assassins have not been caught and will come to kill him!

Doesn't that mean he has to be in danger every day?!

When General Zhou saw the emperor's hesitation, he knew that Ming Lanruo's words had hit the emperor's weakness accurately.

His eyes turned cold. Ming Lanruo, a bitch with a sharp tongue, if she really persuaded the emperor to hesitate, plus Cang Qiao, the biggest variable...

No, he couldn't give her a chance to persuade the emperor to investigate more closely!

After all, the things they prepared and the fake assassins couldn't withstand Cang Qiao's investigation methods!

Then, he immediately said: "Your Majesty, in fact, in addition to these assassins and evidence, I also have witnesses at the scene!"

Emperor Ming was stunned and frowned: "Bring it up!"

After a while, a slim white figure was led in by the eunuch, and he paid homage to the emperor in accordance with the rules.

This chapter has been completed!
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