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Chapter 436 I like the woman he likes

The news that the Crown Princess took poison in the East Palace Courtyard and was forced to death spread quickly.

Emperor Ming was furious when he heard this. In anger, he almost kicked over the incense burner in the alchemy room: "You are a traitor! You are a traitor!"

He also wanted to ask Cang Qiao to find a way to cover it up, but that bastard did this and even threatened the commander of the imperial army in public!

"Your Majesty, you must not do it. If this incense burner falls over, it will offend the immortal!" Several old Taoist priests in the alchemy room were so frightened that they all came up and hugged Emperor Ming's legs.

Emperor Ming endured it again and again, and then said angrily: "Let go! Get out of here!"

The old Taoist priests quickly fled.

A voice came from outside the door: "Your Majesty, calm down, your health is important."

When Emperor Ming heard Cang Qiao's voice, he immediately looked over, but this time he did not greet him as happily as usual.

He said with a cold face: "You still know how to come to my place! Aren't you a good niece who stays with you every day?"

Cang Qiao looked at Emperor Ming and said leisurely: "Your Majesty is joking. That girl Lan Ruo was greatly frightened during the assassination in the Queen's Palace. She was too sick to get out of bed, so I went there more often."

Emperor Ming did know that Ming Lanruo was bedridden and even fell into a coma.

He secretly thought that it would be better for that damn girl to go see the King of Hell.

If he hadn't been worried about Cang Qiao and worried about his illness, he would have had that annoying girl killed!

Emperor Ming sat behind the table and snorted: "You remember clearly how Xiao Guanyin took care of you for several years, and you repaid your kindness to her daughter."

Cang Qiao smiled slightly: "If I am the kind of ungrateful person, would Your Majesty dare to use and trust me?"

These words made Emperor Ming choke for a moment. When he thought about it, it was the same reason.

Emperor Ming narrowed his eyes and chuckled: "Haha, I look at my Dongchang Killing God with a long-term affection."

He paused: "But I see that you treat Lanruo very well, so it would be good for her to feel more guilty and make amends, right? After all, I am impressed by what you did to the Xiao family."

Cang Qiao paused and said calmly: "Yes, no matter what I have done, it was to be loyal to His Majesty."

Emperor Ming patted his hand gently and smiled happily: "I like your kind and cruel look. Don't worry, there are some things that you know and I know, and no one knows anymore."

Cang Qiao lowered her long eyelashes and placed the soup cup in her hand on the table: "I personally stewed the hot soup. Please drink it to clear your mind. Don't worry too much about the prince's affairs."

Emperor Ming looked at the soup cup and sighed: "Ai Qing still misses me the most. I also liked your cooking skills the most back then. The stewed medicinal food tastes better than the one in the imperial kitchen."

As he spoke, his face turned ugly: "That treacherous son, a half-wasted princess can provoke him into losing his composure and force him to kill that woman in public. What a waste! Zhou'er has always been calm before, why did he change?

It’s like this!”

Cang Qiao sat lazily at the bottom: "Listening to your Majesty's words, father and son still have a deep love. Do you want to protect the prince?"

Shangguan Zhou was afraid that he had fallen into someone's trap, so he lost his composure in public and forced the princess to be killed.

Emperor Ming's expression was very complicated: "Zhou'er is a talented person. He has done very well in the Ministry of Household Affairs over the years. He has done well in both the national treasury and my private treasury to my liking."

There was a sarcastic light in Cang Qiao's eyes. To put it bluntly, she still couldn't bear Shangguan Zhou's ability to make a fortune.

He raised his eyebrows: "Actually, it's not that we can't protect the prince."

"Oh! My dear, please tell me!" Emperor Ming's eyes lit up immediately.

Cang Qiao said slowly and calmly: "The most suitable person in the Manchu Dynasty to protect the prince is the Zhou family. The Zhou family is the mother family of the queen. As long as they do not pursue the death of the queen and come forward to protect the prince, the officials will not be able to say anything."

"This is a method, but how can the Zhou family protect the crown prince? They are putting up this drama just to force me to depose the crown prince!" Emperor Ming's eyes were filled with annoyance when he mentioned this.

Cang Qiao raised his eyebrows and smiled: "As long as you find a reason to demote the King of Qin, take off his title of King of Qin, or even hand him over to Dongchang, won't you be able to force the Zhou family to sacrifice his son to protect His Highness the Crown Prince!"

When Emperor Ming heard this, his expression changed unpredictably: "The way to remove the fuel from the cauldron is that Aiqing's brain is really easy to use. The civil and military affairs of the whole dynasty are not as good as yours. This is why I value you, but..."

Losing the other son he values ​​the most to protect the other one...

"Your Majesty, are you afraid of hurting King Qin's heart? You hand King Qin over to Wei Chen, and Wei Chen promises to 'protect' him." Cang Qiao slowly stroked the white jade finger with a gentle smile.

Seeing Emperor Ming walking down with a headache, spinning around on the ground, looking uncomfortable.

Cang Qiao was sitting as steady as a rock, in a good mood. The palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh. I wonder which piece of flesh his Majesty would choose to cut off?

No matter which piece is cut off, Your Majesty will feel pain. It will hurt, right?

He gracefully supported his forehead and thought leisurely——

It hurts, that’s right!

Emperor Ming turned around countless times before he took a deep breath, stood still, and looked at Cang Qiao: "Ai Qing, I really..."

"Your Majesty is really reluctant to leave King Qin, and I know that." Cang Qiao lazily took over Emperor Ming's words.

He simply made excuses for Emperor Ming——

"Since His Highness the Crown Prince was able to use even the traitor Yun Ni of Dongchang to get rid of the Queen, he was also able to bring the assassination into the Queen's Palace."

"Who knows that he won't bear a grudge against Your Majesty, or worry that Your Majesty will depose him and send someone to assassinate Your Majesty next time?"

Cang Qiao paused and smiled slightly: "After all, His Majesty is passing away. He is the prince, and he is the most legitimate person to ascend the throne as the emperor. How can you be comfortable as a prince when you are the emperor and don't have to worry about anyone dethroning you?"

Although Emperor Ming wanted Cang Qiao to convince him that he would feel more comfortable if he deposed the prince.

But after hearing what Cang Qiao said, every word hurt his painful feet. Emperor Ming's expression changed, he turned back to his seat and said coldly——

"People from the Ministry of Annunciation will enter the palace immediately and prepare to invalidate the crown prince's edict!"

Hearing this, Cang Qiao stood up and saluted: "Yes."

Tsk, what a pity, His Majesty is still reluctant to hand over King Qin to him.

When Cang Qiao left the palace of Emperor Ming, there was a snow-white little Persian cat in her arms.

He touched the soft belly of the little Persian cat in his arms and narrowed his eyes comfortably: "Go and find out what is the reason that made the prince so angry today, and... is the prince really dead?"

He and his father-in-law immediately understood: "Do you suspect that the Crown Princess faked her death?"

"It's a coincidence that Mu Qingshu is here today. I remember that he and my little empress used to have some contacts, and the commander-in-chief really listens to her words." Cang Qiao said calmly.

He and his father-in-law immediately said: "Although Commander Mu is the great-nephew of the Queen Mother, and the young lady often goes to the palace to see the Queen Mother, she tries her best to avoid being around Commander Mu. The young lady is trying to avoid suspicion."

Cang Qiao glanced at him sideways: "What did I say? Aren't you from me? Why do you bother to help that girl so diligently?"

He and his father-in-law were a little helpless: "I just don't want there to be any conflict between the two of you."

When the little empress first escaped from confinement, the commander of the imperial army helped the little empress once, but he also hid the wax plum that she originally wore on her head.

The Governor later specifically mentioned this matter to Ming Lanruo once, but at that time the two were at odds with each other and had a bad relationship, so the Governor ridiculed the young empress.

The young empress later took great care to avoid bumping into Commander Mu in private, and the meeting took place when the Queen Mother was around.

If the Crown Princess faked her death because of the Empress and Commander Mu, it would have been for official reasons, but the Governor is a narrow-minded person, so it would be bad if he left something to be desired.

"What kind of resentment can I have? It's just that she took action without informing me. She was a bit reckless." Cang Qiao chuckled.

He and the father-in-law said in a long voice: "Well, you'd better not have any hard feelings and don't go to ask His Majesty for the King of Qin just for the sake of anger."

Cang Qiao touched the cat in his arms and said lazily: "I just want to give your Majesty some strong medicine, otherwise he will drag his feet and refuse to deal with the prince."

There was silence with the father-in-law for a while: "You want His Majesty to hand King Qin over to Dongchang...you have no selfish motives?"

Cang Qiao smiled slightly, and her handsome face was so dazzling in the sun that it was strange: "Selfish? I just admire King Qin. Who allowed him to have the same hobbies as me?"

——The King of Qin loved the same “cat” that he loved

He father-in-law: "..."

He sighed: "There is a letter from Northern Xinjiang, saying that preparations are almost complete, but if there is an uprising in the future, I am worried that the red-blooded people may not accept you."

Cang Qiao paused, held up the little Persian cat in his arms, and kissed the tip of its nose: "Let's talk about it later."

He and his father-in-law looked at Cang Qiao's back and shook their heads secretly.

Mr. Qiansui always avoids matters related to the Xiao family and Chixue.

This chapter has been completed!
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