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Chapter 469: The Unlucky Chu Yuanbai

Ming Lanruo drove the carriage wildly, causing smoke and dust to billow.

She held the reins with a stern look on her face. If she was trapped in a crowded place, she would be in a trap and unable to display her abilities.

And it will also drag down the innocent people around!

We must break out of the siege and get out of the city and into the mountains!

The soldiers who were chasing her were shouting - "Stop the frightened horse!"

But one by one, in the name of stopping the horse, they fired arrows in Ming Lanruo's direction and killed her!

It was just that the soldiers responsible for intercepting and killing did not expect that Minglan, instead of staying where he was to save people and resist, would make a decisive decision and take control of the carriage and run wildly.

They could only hurriedly chase and shoot arrows, while sending messages to Ming Lanruo's accomplices who were running in the opposite direction, setting up obstacles to intercept them.

"Drive!" Ming Lanruo suddenly shook the reins as she heard the horses galloping behind her and the sound of arrows whizzing towards them.

Fortunately, the people in front had already reacted and basically avoided it early.

Occasionally there was someone who had no time to dodge, but Ming Lanruo poured his inner strength into the whip and rolled it to the roadside.

It would be better to suffer some minor flesh injuries than to die.

If Ming Lanruo noticed that Jing Ming was also catching up, she immediately said bluntly: "Jing Ming, when you see someone blocking the road, use your whip to get away!"

Then, Ming Lanruo threw the whip onto the roof of the car with his backhand.

Jing Ming caught the whip accurately, and also took over Ming Lanruo's work, rolling away the people who had no time to avoid them, and clearing the way for the racing carriage.

They simply and swiftly left behind all the pursuing soldiers on both sides.

The carriage went straight to the west city gate without any danger, but suddenly saw a group of people rushing out from in front of the city gate, setting up a horse-blocking interception under the city gate!

On the shelf, there were actually soldiers holding out cold spears and shields to block the front, and they also scattered a bunch of caltrops on the ground!!

"Fuck his uncle, the military refuses to use horses!" Jing Ming saw this from the roof of the car and cursed angrily.

She has been in the military for many years, so she doesn't recognize this posture!

The purpose of the spear and shield formation to block the horses is to block the cavalry from breaking through the barrier, and the iron caltrops on the ground are to pierce the horses' hooves, causing the horses to slip and get injured!

"These bastards are blocking us as enemy troops! They are not in the capital but at the enemy's border!" Jing Ming was extremely angry.

Chu Yuanbai, who was almost vomited from the jolt, also looked extremely ugly. He pulled the window to steady himself——

"Ming Lanruo, you have offended the emperor. Does the emperor want to kill you? This assassination style is really off the charts!"

Ming Lanruo tightened her grip on the reins and said calmly: "Congratulations, you got the answer right!"

Chu Yuanbai was going crazy: "You are still in the mood to joke, I'm going to be hurt by you, a bitch!"

He is the dignified King Xiao Jingnan, why should he accompany her here to be assassinated? It’s not like he offended anyone!

"Tsk, don't you call me sister anymore?" Ming Lanruo pulled the reins suddenly and stopped the carriage with a slight click.

When she tells the truth, no one always believes her. When she tells lies, many people always believe her. Tsk.

Chu Yuanbai choked and said angrily: "Sister, stop joking, what on earth are we going to do now!"

Ming Lanruo narrowed her beautiful big eyes and suddenly called out: "Jing Ming, open the way!"

"Yes!" Jing Ming suddenly hooked the car with one hand, turned sideways, rolled down from the roof, and quickly kicked the roof with both feet. Several crossbows suddenly appeared on the roof.

All of them are automatic repeating crossbows modified by Mr. Anonymous.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Jing Ming pressed the button on the car wall.

The powerful crossbow arrows quickly shot towards the Juma in front!


Someone among the soldiers behind the horse screamed!

As for those crossbow arrows, there is a special cavity in the tail of the arrow, which is filled with medicine. After returning, the smoke explodes instantly.

For a time, the dazzling smoke filled the air in front of the city gate, causing the intercepting soldiers to cry and shout and bump around.

"Cough cough cough...what the hell, damn it!"

"My eyes, I can't see my eyes!"

“Cough cough cough cough——!”

Ming Lanruo threw a damp cloth soaked in potion to Chu Yuanbai, and she and Jing Ming also picked up the cloth to cover the lower half of their faces.

Chu Yuanbai looked at the mechanism and the cloth soaked in potion in his hand, and understood instantly - if Minglan had been prepared to be assassinated!

He is really... unlucky to have been implicated!

He cursed secretly, took a cloth, and quickly covered his face.

But the soldiers were so smoked that they couldn't see them, so they couldn't push the horses away and let the carriage pass.

Jing Ming pressed the knife and said to Ming Lanruo neatly: "I will open the way. As soon as the way is opened, the eldest lady will rush over. Don't worry about me. I have my own way to escape!"

After saying that, she directly raised the sword, pointed her toes, and flew towards the direction of Ju Ma.

Ming Lanruo didn't hesitate. After waiting for a moment, she saw screams and blood burst out from the smoke.

Jing Ming's petite figure struck out one by one like a god of death, but in an instant the gap was opened to block the horse.

"Drive!" Ming Lanruo flicked his whip and drove the car towards the city gate.

Wherever the carriage passed, it knocked away and trampled countless soldiers trying to surround and kill her.

Chu Yuanbai didn't even blink when he saw her, he directly picked up the reins and drove straight to the city gate. He couldn't help but feel scared and had a strange and strange feeling in his heart.

This woman is really... cruel!

While Ming Lanruo was concentrating on driving, he suddenly shook his hand, and several hidden weapons ejected from the mechanism on his wrist.

Knock down all the soldiers who rushed towards her and tried to rush to close the city gate.

She said coldly without changing her expression: "Xiao Bai, pull out your Miao Dao and clear the way for me. These assassins will not recognize your identity as King Xiao Jingnan!"

Chu Yuanbai looked ugly and pulled out the Miao Dao from his waist with his backhand, and kept cutting down the arrows that tried to shoot at Ming Lanruo.

Although he didn't want to help her, he had to admit that what she said was right!

Chu Yuanbai's martial arts skills are not bad, and he also has many hidden weapons. He is used to hunting and killing people in the Miaodi Mountains. Neither ordinary soldiers nor assassins are his opponents.

Soon, with his reluctant help, the carriage rushed out of the west city gate.

Ming Lanruo listened to the hoofbeats of the pursuers behind her, whipped up her whip, and drove towards a road leading to the nearest mountain forest, running wildly: "Drive!"

Chu Yuanbai held the knife, panted heavily, looked at the people who were chasing them, and said angrily: "Did you really abandon your loyal female guard?!"

He thought she would at least wait for her female escort, but Ming Lanruo showed no sign of stopping.

"Jingming's martial arts skills and experience in fighting enemies are much higher than ours. Let's worry about ourselves first." Ming Lanruo focused on driving, with a cold expression.

She knows Jing Ming's abilities best.

What's more, the old man of the Zhou family dared to kill her with open fire, which meant that the Zhou family had already made complete plans - no one would have time to save her.

She stopped and waited to cause trouble for Jingming.

The carriage rushed all the way into the mountains!

The man who was chasing behind him did not give up, and chased him wildly, sending smoke and dust billowing straight into the forest.

This chapter has been completed!
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