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Chapter 53 Who taught whom?

Minglanruo had Chunming, Jinghe followed, and her heart felt much more settled. Xiaoxi was almost kidnapped and assassinated, which was always a thorn in her heart.

The group of people wandered around for more than an hour before returning to Prince Mourning's Mansion.

When Grandma Wang saw her princess bringing in two pretty girls in fine clothes, she hurriedly came up to salute: "You are finally back. Grandma Tan who is with the Queen Mother is here and said that the Queen Mother wants to summon you."

When Ming Lanruo heard this, she couldn't help but asked worriedly: "The Queen Mother has come back to worship the Buddha? But she is unwell?"

The Queen Mother is old and has always had a heart disease. She has had it treated several times, but this old age disease cannot be cured.

Aunt Wang shook her head: "Aunt Tan said that the Queen Mother is currently recuperating at the Tangshan Hot Spring. A carriage will pick you up in the afternoon, and the imperial army will escort you up the mountain."

Ming Lanruo thought for a while and said, "Okay, Chunming was my former personal maid. She is a steady person. I will let her stay at the palace. If you have anything you don't understand, just ask her."

Aunt Wang looked at Chunming, who looked calm and generous. She didn't look like a maid, but rather like a captain of the bodyguard who came from a noble family.

She knew in her heart that this was definitely not an ordinary maid, and she couldn't steal the limelight from this one, so she immediately nodded: "I know this."

In Chunming, Jinghe followed Minglanruo back to the inner courtyard.

Jing He looked at the dilapidated courtyard and his eyes turned red almost immediately: "Miss, we didn't even know you had lived in a place like this all these years..."

She, a maid, has a better place to live in the Duke's Mansion than the eldest lady!

But Xiao Xier waved her hand proudly: "It's very good here, very good. The windows where my mother and I lived before were all leaky!"

Ming Lanruo smiled unconcernedly: "This is indeed the best courtyard in Prince Mourning's Mansion. It is just a place to stay. There are so many details. I can just reunite with you if I can live well."

Chunming and Jinghe held back their tears and nodded with smiles: "Yes, we can finally reunite with the lady."

Miss, you have really grown up, and you actually have a calmness and courage that is not inferior to that of the Duke.

In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon. Ming Lanruo simply packed some clothes, took Xiao Xi and Jing He to the palace carriage, and was escorted by the imperial army all the way to Tangshan.

Aunt Qin sent someone to wait at the foot of the mountain early and led them to settle down at the Tangshan Hot Spring Palace.

The quiet villa they live in is located on a high ground and has an elegant environment. When you open the window, you can see the beautiful scenery of the mountains behind with white snow and green pines, which is refreshing and refreshing.

Xiao Xier screamed and ran over to lie on the window and exclaimed: "Wow, so beautiful!!"

"The Empress Dowager is really thoughtful. Lan Ruo will go to diagnose the Ping'an pulse for the empress in a moment." Ming Lanruo knew that this was a good position chosen for them by the Empress Dowager, so she gave a blessing ceremony to Grandma Tan.

Aunt Qin turned sideways to avoid her greeting and said with a smile: "Princess Mourning is too polite. The Queen Mother has ordered that you take the young master to the hot springs first and have a good rest. We will check the pulse tomorrow."

After Aunt Tan left, Xiao Xier jumped over and grabbed Ming Lanruo's sleeve. "Mother, I have never been to a hot spring."

"Okay, we'll go there in a minute." Ming Lanruo smiled and rubbed his chubby little face.

Jing He packed his things and said with a smile: "Eldest lady, take the young master with you. I will pack my luggage here and check the surrounding environment."

If Ming Lan understands what Jing He means, she must be familiar with the situation in the annex to prevent others from doing harm to others in the annex.

Ming Lanruo nodded with a smile and led Xiao Xi to the hot spring.

Tangshan is a hot spring palace for the royal family. There are more than a dozen springs and hot spring villas built around the springs. Therefore, even in the depth of winter, the mountain is full of exotic flowers and plants.

When she was young, she came with her father every year, so she was familiar with the route.

But Xiao Xi was like a little skinned monkey out of the cage, jumping around everywhere, looking strange everywhere, and wanting to jump to the tree.

"Slow down, be careful not to fall!" Ming Lanruo could only run after him, unable to hold the monkey back.

It wasn't until she accidentally twisted her foot that Xiao Xier calmed down.

The little guy came over with a wilted voice, took her hand and put it on his head: "Mom, I'm sorry, Xiaoxi is using you as a crutch!"

Ming Lanruo poked his forehead in a funny and helpless way: "If you do this again, my mother won't take you out to play."

She looked at her ankle and saw a slight pain, but it wasn't serious.

She simply helped Xiao Xi to the nearest spring, and under the service of the maid at the hot spring hall, she and Xiao Xi'er soaked in the hot spring together and changed into bathing robes.

Ming Lanruo asked the palace maid to put the homemade compound rose flower oil into the hot spring pool, and the warm aroma filled the room and invigorated the palace.

Xiao Xi'er was like a chubby snow-white glutinous rice ball. First she carefully held Ming Lanruo's legs and slowly rolled and floated in the water.

After a while, he really looked like a little fish, shaking his fat little legs and learning to float, and his little face puffed out and bubbled.

"La la la, baby Xiao Xi is a little fish, swimming and swimming until he reaches his mother's arms!"

He was so silly and cute that the maids on the side couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Baby Xiaoxi is so awesome."

The palace maids all rushed to tease him with their own hidden snacks and hug him. They were very fond of this cute "little fat fish".

Ming Lanruo was taking a dip in the hot spring, smiling as she watched the little guy enjoying himself.

But this calm and cheerful atmosphere was quickly broken.

"It smells so good. I have soaked in so many hot spring pools in Tangshan, and this is the first time I smell this aroma."

"There are no concubines from the palace who can come to Tangshan with the Queen Mother this time, so this fragrant spring must have been prepared by the Tangquan Department for Miss Zhou."

"Then we have benefited from Miss Zhou..."

Amidst the chatter and compliments, a group of girls wearing light hot spring clothes walked in with their maids.

Until they discovered that there were already people taking a bath in the open-air hot spring pool.

A girl with a long face looked at Ming Lanruo and scolded her with disdain: "You vulgar servants, how dare you take your children to soak in the fragrant spring prepared for us by the Tangquan Division. Do you want to get slapped!"

Before Ming Lanruo could say anything, the maid on the other side had already stood up and said with a frown: "This is Princess Mourning and the young master taking a bath here. All ladies, be careful what you say and do."

When the girls heard this, most of them didn't react. The people who followed the Queen Mother to worship Buddha this time were all unmarried girls. Why did a princess appear?

Condolences...Princess, which palace uses such an unlucky title?

Until the beautiful girl with a cold and arrogant face in the lead said softly: "Who am I talking about? It turned out to be the eldest lady of the Ming Dynasty who had just been released from the captivity."

At this time, the other girls reacted.

"Is this the legendary woman who almost became a princess but got pregnant out of wedlock?"

"Oh my God, she actually still has the nerve to be alive. How unlucky!"

"If a woman like this comes to bathe in a hot spring, she won't cause us any internal diseases!"


Before they could react, the hot spring water suddenly poured over their heads and faces.


A group of girls instantly had their heads wet and screamed together.

"You brat, you dare to pour water on us!" The girl with a long face was extremely angry and glared angrily at Xiao Xi who emerged from the water holding a basin.

Xiao Xi made faces at them unceremoniously: "My mother and I came here first, and it was my mother who put the essence in the fragrant spring. If you think it's dirty, get out of here, you long-tongued woman!"

The faces of all the noble girls suddenly became ugly.

The cold, arrogant and beautiful girl at the head wiped the water on her face with a handkerchief, and looked at Ming Lanruo contemptuously: "The seed born of a slut is indeed a dirty thing with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth."

Ming Lanruo had been silent before, but now he looked at her coldly: "Miss Zhou Changle, you are the niece of Queen Zhou and the eldest daughter of General Zhou. Isn't it inappropriate to speak dirty words?"

The girl in front of her is none other than Empress Zhou's niece who is currently banned from the palace.

"Is it appropriate that you use dirty means to force the Queen to be grounded and make Prince Qin's cousin miserable every day?" Zhou Changle looked at Ming Lanruo's cold face with disgust.

Ming Lanruo was a few years older than her, and she was the most beautiful person in the capital before she was imprisoned.

After she grew up, she also had a cool and outstanding appearance. Behind her back, the young masters once commented that she looked like the eldest lady of the Ming Dynasty Duke's Palace, but she was not as good as her.

How could such a dirty woman compare to herself? Not to mention that Ming Lanruo once pestered King Qin's brother!

Ming Lanruo looked at the jealous light in Zhou Changle's eyes and immediately understood that she was another fan of King Qin Shangguan Hongye.

She absolutely didn't want to continue talking to this brainless girl, otherwise, she would always think of herself as an incorrigible fool like Zhou Changle.

Minglanruo stood up gracefully while holding the maid's hand, "Xiao Xi, let's go back."

Xiao Xier pouted: "Oh, what a pity that such a nice pool of water has to be stained by the saliva of a group of tongue-tied women!"

The maid of Tangchi Palace immediately and respectfully presented the mother and son with bath towels and a small heater, preparing to send them to change into clean clothes.

"You!" the girls were angry.

Zhou Changle looked coldly and glanced at the long-faced girl beside him.

"Who are you calling a fool, a little bitch born of a slut!" The girl with a long face suddenly raised her hand to push Ming Lanruo while Ming Lanruo was passing by her.

The direction in which she pushed him and fell wasn't even a pool, but a decorative glazed stone tower that was as tall as one person.

Normally, Minglanruo would never let such a person touch her.

But just as she was about to turn sideways to avoid it, her injured ankle suddenly began to throb in pain due to such a movement, her body swayed, and her forehead hit the sharp glass piece on the stone tower.

The maids were so frightened that they screamed - "Princess!"

There was a flash of schadenfreude in Zhou Changle's eyes, haha, after losing his appearance, who will say that this slut is more beautiful than her in the future?

At the critical moment, if Minglan could only raise her hand to block it immediately, it would be better to break her hand than break her head or scratch her eye.

But the next moment...

A cold embrace carrying the scent of ashes suddenly swept over her and gently took her into his arms.

Then "Pa!" With a flick of his sleeve, the girl who made the move was knocked off the stone tower by him.

"Ah!" screamed, and the girl with a long face slammed her face against the stone tower, and the sharp glass fragments poked out one of her eyes.

The girl covered her bulging eyes and screamed and fainted.

"Drag him down and throw him out of Tangshan." The visitor said coldly, turning a blind eye to this tragic scene.

"Yes, Lord Governor!" Two eunuchs came up immediately and dragged the fainted girl away without even giving her any clothes.

This chapter has been completed!
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