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Chapter 61 The Eunuch Can't Do Anything

Behind the screen, the hidden scholar's voice seemed to be a little lost and gloomy: "I know that I have no ability. I was not desperate and did not choose to enter the palace. It is really in vain to study the saint's book. I am not worthy to serve the princess."

Ming Lanruo was silent for a while, although the little scholar's words seemed a bit girly, even with a bit of "green tea flavor".

But somehow she remembered the arrogant and cruel governor of the East Factory.

I don’t know how he was so desperate at the beginning that he chose that path and became the nine-thousand-year-old man who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people today.

She closed her eyes and leaned against the barrel lazily: "Well, I will consider it. My little boy still needs an enlightenment teacher to teach literacy."

At that time, let the people in Dongchang investigate this scholar. If he really has no father or mother, there is no problem. They can consider letting him become a teacher in the government.

Scholar Yin raised his eyes and said with a smile, "Thank you, Princess."

Behind the screen, her soft and graceful body was as smooth and beautiful as mutton-fat jade in the candlelight, but he knew he could only watch...

Nothing can be done.

Just because he is not a complete man at this moment, and he has promised not to move her.

Suddenly, the sight of her leaning in King Qin's arms flashed before his eyes, even looking like she was on her head.

He squeezed the apple in his hand tightly with his fingertips, and finally couldn't help but test: "This world is not fair to women. It is not easy to give birth to a child when you are a widow. You insist on giving birth to a young master, you must like his father very much..."


She rubbed her long hair with her hand, was silent for a while, and then responded absently: "I originally liked it."

Does it matter whether you like her or not? Xiaoxi's father has no idea that she has his child.

Scholar Yin's fruit-cutting hand stopped, and the blade cut his fingertips, and blood flowed down his fingertips.

A subtle but sharp pain spread from the cut wound to my heart.

He lowered his eyes to cover up the red corners of his eyes.

Even though I already know the answer, why do I still feel my heart hurts so much?

He asked gently and forbearingly: "You liked it originally? Then you don't like it now?"

He continued to peel the apple as if he were self-inflicted, and the blood from the wound dyed the flesh red little by little.

She looked at the steaming water vapor quietly and tiredly for a long time, and then said slowly: "I just don't want to dream anymore. I'm very unlucky. I always fall in love with the wrong person."

He was silent for a while and asked softly: "Does that mean there was more than one person in the princess's dream?"

Maybe it was because the hot water was so relaxing, or maybe it was because there was a stranger outside the screen who didn't know anything, which made Ming Lanruo relax.

She looked at the roof for a long time, and said mockingly to herself: "Including the past and present lives, I can barely count two. The one in this life, after all, is still the elder I am very close to."

The hidden scholar stopped peeling the fruit, his eyes dark and obscure: "...you like him??"

He didn't understand why she would talk about past and present lives, but at the moment all his attention was on the word "elder".

She lowered her eyes and said in a desolate and soft voice: "People still can't take the old dreams of the previous life too seriously. When you wake up from the dream, you will understand that people - have to live in the present."

At the moment, Cang Qiao no longer needs her by her side.

In this life, he only wants her to be a "relative" behind him and stay by his side, like a pet and a forbidden concubine.

But how could she do it? She beat his sweetheart, and the dignified governor of the East Factory could not bear the attack, which was enough to give her face.

He said that she was his only relative in this world and he would always protect her.

The hidden scholar didn't understand and asked nervously, "What does this mean? What is an old dream?"

Ming Lanruo covered her face with a warm handkerchief, turning the sourness and fragility in her eyes into calmness - "The old dream was too ridiculous and not affectionate enough. After I woke up from the dream, I didn't want to like anyone anymore, so I let it go."

She might have been Cang Qiao's Bai Yueguang, but she didn't even know why he thought she was Bai Yueguang.

But now, someone else has entered into his heart, and she, Bai Yueguang, should be his burden.

Then let it go.

She has Xiao Xi, who is the best gift Cang Qiao has given her in this life, and that is enough.

The hidden scholar unconsciously squeezed the blade of the knife with slightly trembling hands, without even feeling the pain: "You... don't want to like him anymore."


The feeling of suffocation and pain in his heart made him feel breathless.

As soon as he couldn't breathe, he wanted to kill someone.

I really... really want to kill someone.

The hidden scholar's slender eyes were fragile and hollow. He slowly let go of his hand, and the slender fruit knife cut a hideous wound in his white palm.

Blood dripped from the palm of his hand, and the small blood stain quickly soaked into the tablecloth, like a pool of blood-red tears.

He stared blankly for a long time, then slowly exhaled the slightly sweet smell of blood in his throat, suppressing the surging blood in his lungs.

for a long time……

He expressionlessly took the handkerchief and wiped the blood from his palm casually, his thin scarlet lips curved into a gloomy smile: "You can pick it up and put it down."

Ming Lanruo felt inexplicably familiar with the cold and gloomy tone.

She was startled and immediately sat upright: "What did you say?"

Scholar Yin turned around and his voice returned to normal: "Nothing, have you finished bathing? After bathing, I will go down and prepare some midnight snacks for the princess."

Ming Lanruo was slightly startled, suspecting that seeing Cang Qiao was just her illusion.

The frail scholar stood by the window, still looking like his usual self.

She still nodded: "Okay, you go ahead, but don't call me Princess, it will easily reveal your identity. You should just call me the little lady of the Ming family."

Xiao Niangzi is a popular term for young women, and it can never go wrong.

"Yes, little lady." Scholar Yin left the room in silence.

Ming Lanruo packed up, stood up and turned around, only to see blood stains on the table and a red apple.

She frowned, did the scholar cut his hand? Why didn't he say a word?

She stood up a little uneasily and walked out the door.

By the time she came downstairs, the sky had completely darkened.

Only a dozen heavily armed officers and soldiers who were still searching were left in the lobby of the inn, drinking and eating meat. The guests had all hid in their rooms early, and no one dared to show up.

As soon as they saw her appear, the officers and soldiers began to glance directly at her dazzlingly beautiful face and slender figure.

This time, they drank too much and even raised their voices unscrupulously——

"Is this the one we saw on the bed during the search just now?"

"How's it going? Isn't this little girl from out of town pretty?"

"Hehe... the little face is really beautiful, with thin skin and tender flesh, leaning against a man's arms, it looks so sexy, tsk tsk..."

Ming Lanruo had a cold face and walked back.

Unexpectedly, after taking only two steps, someone suddenly came up and surrounded her: "Oh, little lady, why are you hiding from us when you see us?"

The leader, who smelled of alcohol, was clearly the squad leader who came to search just now.

She clenched her fists and looked around them with a cold face: "What do you want to do?"

"Hey, why are you so cold-faced? This attitude is not a good citizen!" The squad leader laughed obscenely and approached her.

He was tall and tall, forcing Ming Lanruo to take two steps back with a look of disgust on his face to avoid the smell of alcohol.

Immediately, several officers and soldiers looked at each other and said with playful smiles: "The officers just want to search you, little lady, to confirm whether you are an assassin."

"Please stay with me, gentlemen, and I will ensure that you leave safely!" The team leader reached out his hand towards Ming Lanruo's chest.

This little girl has such a good fragrance that you can smell it even standing here. It must be very refreshing when you put it on.

Ming Lanruo narrowed his eyes dangerously, and silently touched a brocade bag in his sleeve.

But as soon as she moved, she heard a thin "chi". The squad leader's eyes widened instantly, he covered his nose and fell backward without saying a word.

A group of officers and soldiers were stunned, watching the squad leader suddenly foaming at the mouth on the ground, convulsing like a maniac, and soon began to bleed from his orifices.

They ignored Ming Lanruo and hurried up to check in panic: "Captain, what's wrong with you, Captain!?"

Ming Lanruo was also stunned. Why did this person arrive before she took action?

"Don't make any noise and come with me." A gentle and cold voice sounded low in her ears.

The next moment, someone grabbed her hand and ran back.

Ming Lanruo took a closer look and saw that the person pulling her to hide was actually a hidden scholar, and she didn't struggle.

Scholar Yin led her into the kitchen in various twists and turns, turned around and said calmly: "Don't come out, I'll send them away."

"Are you okay?" Ming Lanruo frowned, a little worried.

Those soldiers were not as well-trained as the elite around the prince. They looked like gangsters who were used to bullying men and dominating women. They drank too much and it was difficult to give up.

The hidden scholar smiled inexplicably: "Don't worry, I have my own way."

"You...be careful."

Ming Lanruo watched him turn around and go out, unable to stop him, so she could only wait quietly in the kitchen.

When the hidden scholar returned to the lobby, a group of soldiers surrounded him angrily.

"Where did you hide that little bitch? Our captain died while you were here. How much money is your boss going to take in compensation?!"

"If you don't pay compensation, I will smash up your little shabby shop and arrest you and behead you!"

Scholar Yin raised his eyes and looked at the ferocious-looking officers and soldiers in front of him. He curled up his thin scarlet lips in amusement and said, "The prince is such a loser. He actually created such a thing as you."

The officers and soldiers were stunned for a moment, almost suspecting that they had heard wrongly, and scolded him viciously: "What did you say, you untouchable, that you don't want to live anymore?"

The delicate scholar suddenly stretched out his hand and spread his palm: "Do you want compensation?"

A group of soldiers' eyes suddenly widened and they looked at the ingot of gold on his white palm in disbelief.

"Heaven, it is gold...gold!"

"Fuck, the owner of this inn must be very rich, and what's more, our captain's life is not enough!"

A tall soldier with a greedy face pointed his sword at him and roughly reached out to grab the gold in his palm.

The hidden scholar narrowed his eyes and casually tapped the tall soldier's neck in front of him with his fingertips.

The man suddenly screamed "Puff!" and involuntarily fell to his knees on all fours.

Scholar Yin casually flicked his sleeves at him, and the soldier's head clicked, his eyes popped out, and he was no longer breathing, but his limbs were still lying firmly on the ground, like a "stool"

The hidden scholar lifted his robe gracefully and sat lazily on the "human stool".

"What did you do to him and you still don't get up!" A soldier pointed a knife at him in horror and yelled.

The hidden scholar curved the corners of his delicate lips, his beauty mark was scarlet and cold: "Ah... it's so noisy."

As he spoke, he closed his palms, and the ingot of gold was crushed into powder in his palms.

The soldiers were stunned, and before they could react, he turned his fair and slender palms, the cold wind gathered in his sleeves, and the golden powder condensed into a strange golden mist in his palms.

He raised his hand casually, made lotus seals on his fingers, and waved his sleeves lightly.

The gold powder actually carried the strong wind and fiercely covered the dozen soldiers.

They didn't even have time to run. The moment the golden dust touched their faces, everyone froze.

The fine gold powder actually penetrated their heads, leaving countless tiny holes on their faces.

Their faces were distorted, their eyes popped out, and blood mist erupted from their mouths, but they couldn't even scream.

A group of five-strong and three-strong soldiers held down their necks and all died. The scene was strange and tragic, leaving only the smell of blood.

He narrowed his slender eyes and inhaled the smell of blood in the air: "It's really...the annoying stench has been cleaned up."

"Yes!" Dozens of mysterious black shadows floated out from nowhere and quickly and quietly began to deal with the scene.

The hidden scholar sat on the "human stool", lowered his head, took the handkerchief, and carefully wiped off the remaining gold powder on his fingers bit by bit. The corners of his slender eyes turned a sickly and sinister red.

I don't know why, but the excitement and stimulation after the killing made him feel more irritable now.

It can't calm him down like usual, why?

Because his little wife said...she doesn't want to like him anymore?


He had to find something to calm himself down. He liked being calm.

What are you looking for?

It's better to find his Ming family lady.

[The author has something to say]

If there are still old readers who feel that this chapter is not enough, you can go back and start reading from chapter 49~~

This chapter has been completed!
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