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Chapter 70 Spider Urine

Zhou Changle looked at Xiao Xi's back, hatred flashed in his eyes.

It's really disgusting that this bastard with an unknown father can appear in the royal palace!

"Miss, please don't act rashly again. Although Jiu Qiansui has left the palace with his people and Princess Mourning is not here, that kid is deeply loved by the Queen Mother."

Zhou Changle's nanny immediately warned her in a low voice, fearing that she would do something to the little baby here.

Zhou Changle took a deep breath, of course she knew how much the Queen Mother favored Ming Lanruo and her daughter.

She was punished for no reason by Nine Thousand Years Old and almost lost a layer of her skin after being soaked in water. She was in a coma for two days before she woke up.

My mother came all the way from the capital to get an explanation for her in front of the Queen Mother. As a result, there was a quarrel, and the Queen Mother was so angry that she had her mother kicked out of the hot spring palace.

If she and other noble ladies were not still bathing and fasting, I'm afraid she would have been kicked out of the capital.

"The Queen Mother is not getting along with the Queen's aunt. She is deliberately trying to embarrass our Zhou family. I know that when King Qin's brother ascends the throne, I will have to recover these debts from Ming Lanruo and her son!" Zhou Changle said with a cold face.

Zhou Changle's nanny breathed a sigh of relief and flattered with a smile: "What the young lady said is that His Highness King Qin's princess passed away just after entering the palace. The position of Queen Qin has been vacant for several years. The queen is waiting for you to grow up. These two

I will marry you into Prince Qin’s palace next year, but you must not cause any complications!”

Zhou Changle looked at his scarlet fingers painted with kodan and smiled delicately: "That's natural."

When the scandal broke out between Ming Lanruo, the future crown princess, and her cousin, Prince of Qin, she was only twelve years old.

The queen's aunt hurriedly gave the king of Qin's cousin an innocent girl from a small family to be the princess, just to prove to your majesty that the cousin of the king of Qin did not seduce his future sister-in-law.

It was Ming Lanruo who took the initiative to seduce her cousin in a shameless and despicable way.

A few days after the woman entered the palace, Ming Lanruo was married to a dead man and was imprisoned in the Mourning Palace from then on. The woman was naturally useless.

Within two years, the queen's aunt asked him to "die" of illness so that she could make way for Zhou Changle.

Now that she is sixteen, she will soon marry her cousin and become the Princess of Qin. In the future, when her cousin ascends the throne and becomes the emperor, she will be like her aunt as a mother to the world.

How noble!

You can't let a ruined Ming Lanruo and a little bitch block your future.

Thinking like this, the smoldering fire in Zhou Changle's heart was slightly suppressed.

"Let's go, it's time to recuperate, moisturize and rest." She snorted coldly.

The wet nurse finally breathed a sigh of relief and flattered Zhou Changle in a low voice: "The old slave heard a news near the Queen Mother's palace. The guards at the hot spring palace who went to pick up Ming Lanruo were all dead, but no one saw Ming Lanruo and her


Zhou Changle's eyes lit up: "What, that means something might have happened to that unruly maid!"

The wet nurse nodded: "Yes."

Zhou Changle couldn't help but laugh out loud and said with great joy: "It's true that a bitch will get her own retribution, even Dongchang and Jiuqiansui can't protect her!"

In the dark forest, the man Zhou Changle longed for was angrily scolding Ming Lanruo: "Ming Lanruo, how dare you leave me in this wilderness, you are seeking wealth and murder!"

Ming Lanruo packed up her things and looked at him with raised eyebrows: "I'm just going to let you stay alone in the carriage for one night while I take the hidden scholar back to the palace through the alley to find someone to rescue you. Why do you say something so outrageous?"

If she wanted to kill him, why not just throw him to the prince in the town?

Shangguan Hongye snorted coldly: "I don't believe you, unless you leave that scholar to take care of me!"

Before Ming Lanruo could speak, Scholar Yin said coldly: "Young man can't let your little lady walk alone at night. King Qin was once a famous general on the battlefield, why is he still afraid of staying alone in the mountains?"

Shangguan Hongye's face was gloomy: "I am seriously injured now. I am alone in the wilderness. If I encounter a wild beast, I will die."

He was not a fool, and he still hadn't figured out why he fainted in the inn but nothing happened to the scholar. He always felt that the scholar was not a good person.

Ming Lanruo said calmly: "You don't have to be afraid of this. Your body is full of the smell of rhubarb's urine. With its urine, no wild beasts or poisonous insects dare to approach you."

The red-eyed yellow spider is extremely venomous and carnivorous. It likes to prey on prey many times larger than itself. Even the tiger, the king of beasts, is its prey.

Spider urine…

When Shangguan Hongye and Yin Shusheng heard this word, their expressions suddenly froze.

Ming Lanruo didn't bother to pay attention to Shangguan Hongye's unreasonable troubles. She simply got out of the car and looked at the hidden scholar who was following him: "Are you really going to follow me?"

Scholar Yin nodded: "I don't worry about my little lady being alone."

Ming Lanruo's delicate eyebrows furrowed. This scholar could be frightened by spiders and be so weak. He couldn't even climb a mountain and fall down.

The path she took to the palace was accidentally discovered when she was playing in the palace when she was a teenager. Although it is not steep, it is not easy to walk.

Yin Shusheng knew what she was worried about and sighed: "Xiaosheng's legs and feet are still good, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to escape all the way and survive until now."

If Minglan thought about it, it made sense. This scholar was very rotten. If he had to follow him without any worries, then just follow him.

Anyway, it's quite close to the palace.

"Okay, let's go then. It's the dead of night and the prince's people don't know and don't dare to search the mountain. We have to hurry up." Ming Lanruo nodded.

The two turned around and set off. The hidden scholar looked coldly into the depths of the forest, and those shadows immediately followed him quietly.

The journey was beyond Scholar Yin's expectation. It took less than half an hour before he saw the side entrance of the palace.

He was stunned. He originally thought he could walk a few more steps with the young lady, but now he only had to climb the hillside to reach the side entrance of the palace.

Ming Lanruo grabbed a cane, tested its strength, and was about to climb up, when she saw the hidden scholar's expression was uncertain.

"What's wrong?"

The hidden scholar lowered his long eyelashes and said calmly: "It's okay, little lady, be careful."

Having said this, he raised his hand to support Ming Lanruo's waist, preparing to help her climb up the hillside.

At this time, they suddenly heard a "rustling" sound coming from the top of the hillside. The two of them looked at each other, alertness flashing in their eyes.

Why would someone come down from the hillside of the palace in the middle of the night?

Could it be that the assassins sent by the prince were guarding each door of the palace and would kill them when they appeared?

The hidden scholar didn't care, he just said softly: "Young lady, be careful..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a round ball sliding down the hillside with a quick "gulu" and landed right between them.

The "ball" let go of a vine, revealing four short legs and swaying.

"What is it, a wild civet cat?" The hidden scholar raised his eyebrows.

The "little civet cat" froze. Unexpectedly, he met someone just after he slipped out of the palace.

It raised its head and bared its teeth fiercely at Scholar Yin, scolding in a childish voice: "You are not a thing, I am a human being!!"

[The author has something to say]

I still want to vote for must-reads. In fact, I have updated quite a lot. Haha, one update is often as long as others' two updates. There are no special circumstances. I usually update twice a day, but since I haven't saved it yet, I will update and compare.

It's late, I'm working hard to save the article, and try to update it at a fixed time next week to prevent everyone from refreshing it all the time.

This chapter has been completed!
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