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Chapter 1080 how difficult people's livelihood is

Not to mention Zhao Gongshu and others, even Cui Weizhen was inevitably stunned for a moment.

He knew yesterday that his wife was going to take the children out, but she pretended to be mysterious and never revealed it. He didn't expect that she actually came here with the children.

Looking at his wife and children who were sweating profusely, he couldn't help but become silent.

Cui Zhiduan didn't know the complexity in his father's heart. As soon as he saw him, he excitedly waved his little hands and said hello: "Dad, Daddy, I'm here! We are helping dig ditches!"

Not to mention the pride in his tone, of course, the black and white marks on his little face, like a kitten's, are enough to prove that he is not lazy.

Cui Weizhen turned around and said something to Zhao Gongshu and others. Zhao Gongshu and others nodded and continued to measure the data. He then left the team and walked over.

Because of the work, the children's faces were more or less stained with dust. Cui Weizhen took out the handkerchief and wiped them clean one by one. Cui Zhiduan looked calm, but Cui Zhiming and Ning Kang were more or less embarrassed.

Cui Weizhen had always been strict and dignified, and rarely showed such gentleness in front of them, so they were a little flattered by this sudden thoughtfulness.

Cui Weizhen didn't care how surprised the children were, patted them on the shoulders one by one, and said: "People's livelihood is very difficult, and it is difficult to get a glimpse of it from a high position. I am very happy that you can come here to work today."

His tone was serious and solemn. The three children stood up straight uncomfortably, and the excitement and joy of being recognized and praised slowly grew in their hearts.

Although digging ditches is tiring, it is very rare to get approval and affirmation from people they respect, so the regret in their hearts because they can't go to the Cuju competition is instantly filled, and they become high-spirited again and wave their little shovels.

It went very fast and I didn't feel tired at all.

Ye Zhenzhen said sourly: "These boys really still listen to you."

Before he came, weren't these children digging ditches obediently?

Cui Weizhen shook his head helplessly, took the shovel in her hand, and opened her palm to see that it had been rubbed red and even blisters had appeared.

"Even if you let the children dig ditches, why did you do it yourself?"

Those boys practiced archery all day long, and their skin and flesh were already rough and thick, but Ye Zhenzhen was different. They put countless things on their hands every day to maintain them. They had thin skin and tender flesh, but now they still had to use a shovel to dig ditches.

What is it if it’s not suffering?

Cui Weizhen frowned in disapproval.

Ye Zhenzhen secretly glanced at the children and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that they didn't notice. She quickly retracted her hand and whispered: "I am setting an example for the children. This time, I will never do it next time."

Next time, let these guys follow Cui Weizhen out.

Ye Zhenzhen wanted to continue digging the ditch, but Cui Weizhen moved the shovel away and said, "No, you come with me to measure the data."

This Duanjia Canal is to divert Beiqin River for irrigation. Of course, diverting water into the canal is not just a matter of digging a ditch casually. Professionals must measure the land and river channels to calculate the most appropriate route and data.

And because farmers don’t understand data, there may be errors in actual operations, so real-time monitoring is required to avoid wasted work.

For this reason, Zhao Gongshu and others did not care about the construction of the cultural square. After leaving the work there to the craftsmen, they stationed themselves here with the scribes from the workshop.

Compared with the cultural square, the river course that benefits the country and the people is naturally more important.

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