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Chapter 1128 There are quite a few criticisms

As the saying goes, there are people in the court who are easy to get things done. Even if a wealthy family has no connections, it is just an ordinary family with wealth. If they have wealth but lack the means to protect it, it is no wonder that the head of the Duan family is eager to climb up.

Ye Zhenzhen didn't have many other things, but she had the most connections. Although she had left the capital, her five or six years in the capital were not in vain. Among the people she dated, there happened to be the right person that the Duan family leader needed to make friends with.

Of course, what Ye Zhenzhen provided was just a stepping stone, and the outcome would depend on the ability of the Duan family leader.

Even so, the head of the Duan family was overjoyed to be recommended, and kept bowing and thanking him. Fortunately, he didn't have to stay too long after the river was connected, otherwise Ye Zhenzhen really couldn't stand the enthusiasm of the head of the Duan family.

Cui Weizhen was quite critical of this, and said to Ye Zhenzhen on the way back: "Building canals is a matter of everyone getting what they need. There is no need for Zhen'er to sell favors for the Duan family leader."

Only then did Ye Zhenzhen realize that Cui Weizhen was a little unhappy and was actually worried that she would suffer a loss.

She couldn't help laughing, and rubbed his cheek boldly: "Look, you are starting to have a straight face again. Am I such a person who suffers easily? Although I recommended the Duan family leader, there is no betrayal.

That's what I said. I received similar instructions before leaving Beijing, and this time it was just a matter of effort."

Cui Weizhen's face softened slightly at this moment, he pulled down his wife's hand that was still messing with his face, and glared at her: "It's good that you know what's appropriate. You should be more vigilant on weekdays, and don't be deceived by some people pretending to be pitiful."

At this point, he was worried. Zhen'er had always been a warm-hearted person, and outsiders knew her temperament and were willing to get close to her. He was often worried that Zhen'er would see the wrong thing and be deceived.

"Then have I ever been deceived?" Ye Zhenzhen looked at him with stern eyes.

Cui Weizhen seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "Deceived, but not deceived, it's just that heroines often know that there are tigers in the mountains and prefer to go to the tiger mountains."

Saying this, Ye Zhenzhen immediately felt guilty, and she coughed uncomfortably: "This, these are all old things. It's all because of my youth and arrogance. There is no need to bring up the old things again."

Cui Weizhen quite agrees with this point. A few years ago, Zhen'er was really bold and reckless. She knew there was a trap but still took risks. It's hard to tell who followed her fearless temperament.

Fortunately, I am more stable now and no longer do those stupid things that make people scared. Of course, sometimes I am also very childish——

Cui Weizhen looked at someone who was grabbing his hair and starting to braid it. His lips moved, but in the end he didn't stop him. He just let her go in the carriage.

However, Ye Zhenzhen was not satisfied with her one-man show. After making up a twist, she proudly showed off: "Look, how did I make it?"

Cui Weizhen refused to look at his own image in the bronze mirror: "It's just so so."

"I think it's quite pretty."

Ye Zhenzhen looked at it carefully and commented with satisfaction: "It's quite exotic and fresh. She is really good-looking, and she doesn't look out of place no matter how she dresses."

The corner of Cui Weizhen's mouth curled up slightly, but in order to prevent someone from taking advantage of him, he quickly concealed it: "A gentleman values ​​virtue over appearance. Appearance is just an illusion. There is no need to use too many flattering words.


Ye Zhenzhen curled her lips.

"Zhen'er seems to have objections?"

"No, no, everything you said is right."

Cui Weizhen: "..."

I couldn't help but knock her on the forehead: "Yin and Yang are weird."

Ye Zhenzhen covered her head: "I noticed that you like to knock me on the head very much recently, aren't you afraid of knocking me silly?"

"You're not smart either."

“So it’s even more forbidden to knock!”

There is some truth.

Cui Weizhen said thoughtfully: "I will be more careful in the future and try not to knock on your forehead."

Ye Zhenzhen: "..."

She wanted to complain very much, but she didn't know where to start, but it made her very depressed.

Cui Weizhen glanced at her, and a narrow smile flashed across his eyes.

The carriage rushed forward and soon arrived at the back office of Mingzhou Mansion. When the porter saw the carriage, he immediately opened the door. The carriage entered the gate unobstructed and finally stopped at the second gate.

Cui Weizhen got off the carriage first, stretched out her hand, and a slender hand came up to help her get out of the carriage. The cold wind that came her way made her shiver.

"It's getting colder and colder today. I'll have to change into winter clothes in a few days."

Because of the long journey, everyone brought few clothes from Mingzhou Prefecture, let alone winter clothes that took up space. All of these clothes needed to be made again.

These days, both the master and the servants are busy working on the clothes, and the embroiderers in the sewing room are too busy, so the servants' winter clothes are made by embroidery shops outside. Fortunately, they were rushed out a few days ago.

Cui Weizhen wrapped her cloak around her and complained: "I told you to put on an extra layer of clothes before going out, but you won't listen. I'll ask the kitchen to make a bowl of ginger soup later to avoid catching the cold."

Ye Zhenzhen smiled slyly: "Then you have to drink with me."

Cui Weizhen, who hates ginger soup the most: "...Okay."

Ye Zhenzhen was finally happy and held his hand through the Moon Gate and walked into the Chaoshou Veranda. As she walked, she said: "It will snow after a while. I don't know how the snow scene in Mingzhou Prefecture is different from that in the capital.

A few days ago, the craftsmen renovated the back garden. We can just play with the giant pandas while enjoying the snow on the lake. I am not willing to drink the wine that Princess Ningyang brought from the capital, so I will save it for the first snow...


Along the way, he chattered and talked about trivial things. In response to the clatter of footsteps, there was a sense of tranquility and tranquility that lasted for many years.

Cui Weizhen echoed while bringing up a new topic to prevent her from getting bored by performing a one-man show, and unknowingly walked to Fuxi Courtyard.

The Fuxi Courtyard was always lively. It was already too late for Cui Weizhen and Ye Zhenzhen to come back. Ningkang had already gone back to the courtyard to have dinner with his grandfather. Cui Zhiduan and Cui Zhiming were still lively broadcasting the exciting events on the Cuju court with their grandmother.

"... It was too late, but then it was too late. Brother Guo swung his tail and easily avoided the Zheng team's blockage. Then he passed three more people and kicked the ball with a fake move to win the crucial game.

Later, the Zheng team was tired of catching up, and even if the hourglass ran out, they couldn't catch up with the point..."

"So the Daxing team won?" Ye Zhenzhen couldn't help but interjected and asked.

"Mom! Dad! You are back!"

Only then did Cui Zhiduan notice his father and mother standing at the door, and he quickly ran over to greet him. Ye Zhenzhen took his hand and walked to the main room, asking as he walked: "Son, you haven't told mother who won yet.


"Mom, it was Brother Guo and the others who won!" Cui Zhiduan was very excited: "Brother Guo and the others defeated the Zheng family team and became the champions of the Cuju competition!"

What a great drama about civilians counterattacking!

At this moment, Ye Zhenzhen had only one thought: Princess Ningyang was indeed a master of discerning pearls. She actually picked a dark horse in the huge crowd, overcame obstacles, climbed mountains and ridges, and actually defeated everyone.

The powerful team became the champions!

Presumably public opinion in Mingzhou Prefecture has exploded now.

This chapter has been completed!
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