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Chapter 1274: Release of Sales and Membership

"Jade plate, give one to Guard Chen."

Yupan sent Chen Chuan away with a shy look on her face. Ye Zhenzhen called Qiu Wu up and asked about the oolong incident: "Why did you ask Yupan to come up and pour tea just now? Fortunately, Chen Chuan has a good character, otherwise the marriage would not have happened.


Qiu Wu shouted that he was wronged, and quickly explained: "Madam, you are wronged! It was not me who brought the jade tray up. The slave was originally making tea in the tea room, but the little girl on the jade tray snatched the tea and brought it up. Otherwise, the tea would be

It won’t be that hot!”

Ye Zhenzhen put her hand on her forehead, and it was like what a jade plate could do. Fortunately, she didn't mess up the matter.

Although the marriage will have to wait until next year, the things that need to be prepared still need to be prepared.

Ye Zhenzhen turned to Cui Weizhen and asked: "Weizhen, if I want to give the jade plate and return the deed of betrayal, can I change my registration in Mingzhou Prefecture?"

Jade Pan is the son of the Cui family, and the slave status is naturally also in the hands of the Cui family. Nowadays, giving a slave girl a birth certificate is not like what is shown in the TV series. It is just a matter of tearing up or burning the bond of sale. The master needs to bring it with him.

You have to go to the government to change your registration as a maid and sell your body. Only when you are registered in the government household registration, you are a truly good citizen, and you will need to pay taxes as a good citizen in the future.

It stands to reason that Jade Pan is from Qinghe. Ye Zhenzhen didn't know whether it was possible to deregister in a different place, so she asked professionals.

Cui Weizhen nodded: "Of course it's possible. Just release the maid. If you have to go to the government of origin, wouldn't it be extremely troublesome? The slave owner can do it easily and release the maid back at the local government, but the maid will be registered in the local register.

, and from then on he became a person with local household registration.”

So, if the jade plate is deregistered in Mingzhou Prefecture, it will become a member of Mingzhou Prefecture from now on?

Ye Zhenzhen felt that this was not a big problem, so she said to Qiu Wu: "Qiu Wu, go and get the jade plate's slave certificate from the small box."

As the mistress of the house, Ye Zhenzhen is naturally in charge of all the slave books in the house. These slave books are all stored in a small box. Qiu Wu holds the key to the box, and ordinary maids have no right to touch it.

Of course, the possibility of those who stole their slave status and escaped is absolutely impossible. As long as the government does not cancel their status, the master can replace it if he loses his slave status. However, those escaped slaves cannot cancel their status based only on their slave status. On the contrary,

He will be accused of being a runaway slave, and if he is caught, the consequences will be very serious.

Therefore, as long as the mind is not unclear, or if it is really impossible to survive in the master's house, the average servant will not choose to escape.

Cui Weizhen took the opportunity to teach Ye Zhenzhen the law and talked about the various criminal laws that escaped slaves would face. The maids serving in the hall were so frightened that they trembled and secretly wondered if Lang Jun was beating them on purpose.

Fortunately, Qiu Wu came back soon with the jade plate's deed of sale, and the maid quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Zhenzhen took the deed of betrayal and handed it directly to Cui Weizhen: "Then you go back to Qiantou Yamen in the afternoon and cancel the slave status of Yupan. By the way, do you need to bring the jade tray with you?"

Logically speaking, you need to bring it with you, but Cui Weizhen shook his head decisively: "No, I'll just do it."

Ye Zhenzhen snickered: "Okay then, after you cancel your registration, remember to make up a short-term labor contract for Yupan. She will still have to stay in the house until she gets married."

Cui Weizhen nodded, these things are very simple to operate: "I'll have someone bring the deed back to you in the afternoon."

There are people in the court who are easy to do things, and the same is true in the Yamen. There is no need to go out, it is just a matter of doing things in the front and back yards. It is not too easy.

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