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Chapter 1311 Canteen Food

"Master, please teach us how to deal with this." Lu Wenzhang bowed his head, his attitude even more respectful and sincere than before.

Ye Zhenzhen said: "Nothing but familiarity."

Seeing that they didn't understand, she added in detail: "Every time you take the mid-term exam or the annual exam, it is a very good training opportunity. If you take more exams, you will get used to it."

Lu Wencheng and others took note of it seriously and thanked them respectfully, which made Ye Zhenzhen sigh with emotion. Although this kid is petty and vindictive, he is still quite good at respecting his teachers.

She couldn't help but look back at her son.

Qiu Qiu talked to his mother. The child showed no dissatisfaction or arrogance. He was very calm and calm. He noticed her eyes and raised his head with a smile: "Mom, let's go have a meal. If we are late, sweet and sour pork ribs."

It’s gone.”

Sweet and sour pork ribs, this is a cafeteria delicacy that Cui Zhiduan never forgets. Ye Zhenzhen also tried to make it for him at home, but the child always said it was not as delicious as the one in the cafeteria - how can the big pot rice in the cafeteria compare to the water grinding kung fu at home?

Ye Zhenzhen had also been a student, so she naturally understood his mentality, so she very generously forgave her son for "slandering" her cooking skills.

Moreover, she was also curious about how delicious the sweet and sour pork ribs in the school cafeteria were.

So Ye Zhenzhen, who had never eaten in the academy cafeteria, was taken to the cafeteria by a group of hungry children. Then, with the students and the cafeteria ladies' jaws dropping in shock, she got a meal and sat down with the stewards.

In one place.

As soon as she sat down, Cui Zhiduan couldn't wait to grab a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs for her: "Mom, please try it quickly. Is it delicious?"

Yu Wenqi, Ning Kang, and Cui Zhiming all looked over expectantly, not to mention the other people who were watching secretly.

Ye Zhenzhen's head was suddenly filled with black lines - so what if she had a meal in the cafeteria? How could the expressions of these people be as surprised as the future generations of students who would find out that their teachers also go to the toilet?

The tempting pork ribs on the chopsticks suddenly lost their flavor.

Cui Zhiduan looked over in confusion: "Mom, what's wrong? Don't you have an appetite?"

He didn't ask his mother if she liked it. After all, she loved food. How could she not like such delicious sweet and sour pork ribs?

"No, let me try the taste."

How could Ye Zhenzhen bear to disappoint her son? She quickly regained her composure, picked up a piece of pork ribs very dignifiedly, gnawed the meat delicately, and then put the bones in the bone dish - the whole process was elegant and dignified, and she was very reserved.

Maintain the image of oneself as a role model for others.

"How is it? How is it? Doesn't it taste great!" Cui Zhiduan saw his mother eating it and immediately asked impatiently.

Ye Zhenzhen: "..." She was just paying attention to her image, and she didn't even taste the taste of the ribs.

However, she didn't panic at all, and took another piece very calmly. This time she tasted it very seriously, and then commented: "The heat and taste are very well controlled. It seems that this is the specialty dish of the canteen chef.


She felt that it was still a little inferior to her own cooking skills, but considering that this was a canteen dish, she couldn't be too harsh on it - after all, those who can make a big pot of rice delicious are all masters!

And...if nothing else, this cafeteria dish has quite the flavor of the pork ribs from the cafeteria in the previous life.

So she couldn't help but add: "It's really a delicacy in the cafeteria."

This chapter has been completed!
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