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Chapter 150 Sumeru World

The believers did not believe the little novice monk's words at all and continued to flock to him.

"Little master, open the painting quickly and let us go in and take a look!"

"Yes, the ladies and ladies in the painting are lifelike. I even saw their clear-cut hair moving with the wind. This must be true!"

"Yes, yes, the Buddha said that all living beings are equal. If ladies and ladies can go in, so can we!"

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another. Even if they were still hesitant, they were convinced by themselves and the people around them. There were even some who didn't believe it and were incited.

Such a painting method has never been seen before, so it is no wonder that the people are very surprised. In addition, due to the special location, believers believe that it is the Buddhist magic weapon of Zen Master Dedao of Xiangguo Temple, rather than some literati painting.

It has to be said that such consequences were unexpected by everyone.

The monks of Xiangguo Temple were dumbfounded. They couldn't help but be stunned by the chaotic scene. The monk Zhike quickly asked the monks to come to the rescue. The overly excited people could not be comforted for a while, but the poor little novice was rescued at least.

The little novice monk was very miserable.

His fair and tender little face turned red from suppressing pain, and there were many fingerprints on his round head, all of which were caught by the out-of-control common people. Needless to say, the monk's robes were all wrinkled and turned into pickles.

But Cui Weizhen's portrait of a beautiful lady was well protected by him. Because he held it in his arms while squatting down, it was inevitably a little wrinkled, but compared to being destroyed, it was already a blessing.

Things got out of control here, and Zen Master Xuyun, the abbot of Xiangguo Temple, also arrived. After listening to the lay monk's introduction to the cause and effect, his face showed curiosity, "There are actually paintings that have been misunderstood as Buddhist treasures? Zhiyuan, Mr. Cui

Show me the painting."

The little novice monk Zhiyuan presented the painting respectfully. When Zen Master Xuyun took a look at it, he finally understood why it had been misunderstood by the believers.

One flower, one world, one leaf, one Bodhi.

What this painting showed was no different from the real world. He became extremely curious about Mr. Cui. It was really rare to see a young man with such a connection with Buddhism.

However, we can meet again in the future, and we need to comfort the believers first.

He recited a Buddhist name and said, "Dear donors, this is not a Buddhist magic weapon, it is just an ordinary painting."

Zen Master Xuyun has a high prestige among the believers. When he said this, everyone calmed down and gradually believed that it was just an ordinary painting.

But some people refused to give up and asked regretfully, "Abbott, is it really not the world in the painting? The portraits in the painting are real."

Many people nodded in agreement. They had never seen such a compelling portrait.

Zen Master Xuyun knew that they still had doubts, so he directly invited the ladies and ladies who were entering the painting over, "Everyone, please look, the people in the painting are here."

Everyone looked at it together and compared what they saw in the painting, the reality and reality were exactly the same.

Someone shouted, "The fairy in the painting has come out!"

The female relatives were so amused that they covered their lips and laughed. Zen Master Xuyun had to ask the young novice monk to open the painting so that everyone could see clearly, proving that the group of female relatives in front of him did not come out of the painting.

The people in the painting are fine, and the people in reality also exist, so everyone believes that it is really just a painting.

Everyone felt disappointed, thus developing a compensatory mentality, and became extremely curious about the author of the painting - Mr. Cui is simply amazing!

Someone shouted, "Who is Mr. Cui? Let's see."

The crowd responded enthusiastically, asking to see who made such a magical painting.

Zen Master Xuyun looked over with a smile, and Cui Weizhen bowed his hands and walked up to the crowd, "Thanks to the kindness of all my fellow villagers, I am Cui Weizhen."


He is actually as handsome as a concubine. With such an appearance and demeanor, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a fairy!

Cui Weizhen's appearance this time established his broad mass base. As he shined, he became famous far and wide, but the most talked about thing is his identity as a painting fairy.

Of course, the later painter Cui Weizhen today was still a budding young scholar competing with others for his newly created painting method.

However, it is self-evident which one is higher and which one is lower.

Lingchen Yu knew that the situation was over and he didn't want to wait until the voting session. Taking advantage of the fact that he still had some dignity, he admitted defeat with a blue face.

"Young Master Cui is superior in skills. I bow to you."

Cui Weizhen smiled and said modestly, "I accept it."

Zen Master Xuyun noticed the strange atmosphere between them, so he smoothed things over, "The paintings of Editor Ling and Mr. Cui each have their own merits. They are both young talents with extraordinary skills that are amazing."

Lingchen Yu managed to save some face, and his face softened slightly, "I am not good at my studies, so I feel unworthy of the praise. I will work hard on my painting skills in the future, so that I can be worthy of the abbot's praise."

After saying that, he glanced at Cui Weizhen unyieldingly, as if he was going to confront him.

Cui Weizhen was fearless and took it calmly.

Chen Chenyu was naturally embarrassed when he didn't get a response. In addition, he had just lost the competition and was in a rather embarrassing situation. He didn't want to be pointed out in public, so he forced himself to say goodbye to everyone and took Su Yingru back.

The mood of the believers gradually calmed down, but there was still a lot of discussion about the talent competition. It can be predicted that in the next few days, the breaking news in Kyoto will be "the world of Buddhist Sumeru suddenly appeared in Xiangguo Temple".

After handling the emergency, Zen Master Xuyun invited Cui Weizhen and Ye Zhenzhen into the temple and served them tea.

Zen Master Xuyun is an eminent monk with broad knowledge and knowledge of astronomy and geography. Cui Weizhen had a hearty chat with him. After a while, the two of them no longer felt unfamiliar, and they were in harmony with each other.


Zen Master Xuyun stroked his beard and smiled, "Since ancient times, paintings have used two techniques: freehand brushwork and fine brushwork. Cui Xiaoyou's paintings are the first of its kind. I don't know what to name them?"

Ye Zhenzhen couldn't help but look at Cui Weizhen. Before, it was only called Gongbi painting. However, as his paintings became famous, it was no longer appropriate to call him Gongbi painting. If he established his own school, it would also reduce the resentment of some people in the Gongbi school.


Cui Weizhen thoughtfully said, "Wan Sheng's paintings were born out of Nei Zi's sketches, and were intended to be realistic and natural. As the Tao Te Ching says, loud sounds are loud, elephants are invisible, and they are natural and beautiful, so they were named audio-visual paintings."


Sound and video painting? Impression painting?

The sounds are similar, but the expression techniques are completely opposite.

Ye Zhenzhen's lips twitched, what a good name.

Zen Master Xuyun's eyebrows moved slightly, the smile on his face remained unchanged, and his voice was filled with immersive magic. He said unhurriedly, "No, no, Cui Xiaoyou's paintings are famous for Buddhist magic weapons, and the people's recognition is also

Gao, why not call it Xumi painting? Xumi is a small world of its own, shouldn’t it match your painting method?”

Want to be named after a Taoist classic?

Zen Master Xuyun said that this is impossible! If it happens, where can he put his Buddhist face?

This chapter has been completed!
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