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Chapter 185 Four joys in life

The four great joys of life are dew after a long drought, meeting an old friend in a foreign land, a night of flowers and candles in the wedding room, and when it comes time to inscribe the gold medal, Cui Weizhen has completed two and a half, and today it is finally the time to inscribe the gold medal.

At this time, he was the top scholar in high school and paraded through the streets, wearing a gold-flowered black gauze hat and a scarlet python robe. He held the imperial edict in his hand and sat astride a horse with a gold saddle and red mane. He cheered in front and behind him, with flags and drums clearing the way. Thunderous cheers and cannons shook.

During the day, the streets were decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations. There were huge crowds of people everywhere, and the atmosphere was extraordinary and lively.

Cui Weizhen was so handsome that flowers and sachets were thrown down wherever he went. One person received more things than the second and third most popular people combined, which shows how popular he was.

How come such a handsome, young and talented person doesn't attract people's attention?

Parading the streets with hairpins is an elegant and common thing. Jinshis such as Tanhua and Chuanlu, who are ranked second in the rankings, received the flowers thrown at them and put hairpins on their heads to show their dignity. Some young and bright Jinshis were lucky enough to be handsome, even if they had red flowers on their hairpins.

They also look elegant and elegant, but when they are older, they look funny.

The second place winner is a fifty-year-old man with more wrinkles on his face than chrysanthemums, a head full of silver hair, and a skinny appearance that is hard to compliment.

He was the most excited. He caught all the flowers thrown at him and put hairpins on his temples one by one. The flowers on his head were not like the smart head of the second place, but like a mobile building.

It's too fancy.

Compared to the person who came second, Cui Weizhen appears to be much colder and colder.

No matter which boudoir girls threw them flowers, handkerchiefs and tips, he would not accept them. He was so cold and aloof, which made all the girls feel sad and lamented. The second-place finisher couldn't stand it anymore and asked him, "Cui Zhuangyuan?

Why not wear hairpins?"

Cui Weizhen didn't know what he thought of, a smile flashed across his black eyes, and he said: "It's not what I love."

Don't pick wild flowers on the roadside. If you pluck someone else's flowers, someone's jealousy will be overturned.

When Cao Cao arrived, Cui Weizhen heard a familiar voice. He thought it was his imagination, but when he heard the voice and looked around, he saw Ye Zhenzhen by the window on the second floor of the teahouse.


Today, Ye Zhenzhen is dressed in red, and her eyebrows are as delicate and clear as the apricot blossoms blooming in March. Among the noisy crowd, she still shines brightly, so that she can be distinguished among thousands of faces at a glance.

Saw her.

At this time, she was as happy as a child.

Without the restraint and dignity of a lady, she waved and shouted at him with a bright smile. She was obviously just one person, but she shouted like a thousand troops. She didn't know if her voice could withstand it.

Immediately afterwards, she seemed to have remembered something, and quickly went to the flower basket in Yuxiu's hand, and sprinkled all the apricot flowers in it towards Cui Weizhen. Cui Weizhen just walked under the teahouse and inevitably suffered the attack of a shower of apricot flowers.

, the strong fragrance of flowers hit my nostrils, so I sneezed very rudely.

Cui Weizhen: "..."

Others just threw one or two flowers, but Ye Zhenzhen just threw a basket - very good, very Ye Zhenzhen style.

Cui Weizhen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he also took the initiative to take the apricot blossoms that were thrown at him, and chose the best-blooming hairpin to put on his temples. His face, which was originally as calm as lake water, slowly became rippled, and his thin lips raised,

His deep pool-like eyes were filled with smiles and tenderness, taking in his wife by the window.

When he smiled like that, the surrounding area exploded.

The girls around him were astonished by the handsome man who had just broken the ice, and they were deeply jealous of the woman who melted the iceberg. They really couldn't imagine what kind of woman could be worthy of such a handsome man.

They followed the champion man's unusually lingering eyes and saw a young woman with picturesque features, like a fairy, leaning against the window and smiling. Her face was like a spring flower, her eyes were like dots of paint, and her smiling face was full of beauty, just like a peony blooming, delicate and charming.

Pure and beautiful, she is a rare beauty.

Based on the rumors and looking at Cui Weizhen's demeanor, the identity of the woman is self-evident.

That should be his wife Ye.

As the reputation of the Danqing pen grew, almost all the girls in the capital had heard of Ye Zhenzhen's reputation and knew that she was good at making rouge and makeup brushes, and even painted. It was said that her husband, Cui Zhuangyuan, was

Xumi's paintings were inspired by her original sketches.

——This touching story of a husband and wife finding each other, and the harmonious music of the harp, is simply a love story in the hearts of girls in the boudoir. Many people who have never met Ye Zhenzhen are always a little unconvinced in their hearts, but now they have met the real person,

Finally I know why the number one scholar has no regrets about his love for him.

There are many talented women, but those who are both talented and beautiful are very rare. Ye Zhenzhen is one of them. With such a jewel in front of him, how can the number one scholar fall in love with other rouge fans?

As a result, many young girls in Huaichun became depressed after seeing their legendary love rival.

In addition to the extremely excited woman, even some of the men present were muttering in their hearts about the good fortune of the number one scholar. Such beauties are rare.

Not only were the onlookers curious, but even the person being watched - the second-place old man who was over fifty years old behind him - was also curious. He joked with a double entendre: "The number one scholar, has he ever been married to a famous woman?"

Cui Weizhen chuckled, "Of course."

The second-place finisher burst into laughter. He was in high spirits, and even though he was over fifty, he was like a dead tree blooming in spring. He actually had a very generous posture, and even the flowers on his head were no longer ridiculous.

The No. 1 pick and the No. 2 pick were originally at the head of the queue. For some unknown reason, the two stopped chatting and the whole queue came to a standstill. Ye Zhenzhen, who was the center of the topic, was also forced to be watched by people all over the city. She was a little agitated for a moment.

Can't hold it.

Fortunately, it did not last long. Cui Weizhen smiled at her, moved his lips a few times, then reined in his horse and continued to move forward. The cheers and discussions of the people also faded away, turning into a noisy and vague sound. Ye Zhenzhen fell silent.

After what he had just seen, he looked dazed and couldn't come back to his senses for a while.

Until Aunt Cui woke her up and said, "Zhen'er, come back to your soul quickly. Brother Zhen has already left?"

Aunt Cui is a young and beautiful widow. Over the years, she has become accustomed to keeping a low profile. Even when she came out to see her son riding a horse through the streets, she did not appear in public. She was content to just take a look from a distance.

What she wants to do most now is to go home, wait for her son to come back, and celebrate as a family.

Ye Zhenzhen woke up from her personal thoughts, her ears were a little red, her mouth was humming, but her heart was like a deer, beating wildly, but she was extremely happy.

Others couldn't see clearly, but she was the only one who knew what Cui Weizhen said to her.

It’s a night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber, and it’s time to inscribe names on the gold medal list.

This chapter has been completed!
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