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Chapter 258

As mentioned before, in order for Cui Weizhen to have a good reputation in social circles, Ye Zhenzhen gave him a fixed amount of pocket money every month. Recently, when he became an official in the court, his pocket money doubled, so there was definitely no reason to spend enough.

Because it was the pocket money given out by himself, Ye Zhenzhen naturally knew how much money Cui Weizhen had on hand and how much money he spent - he could tell by asking Hong Zhiyuan. After all, Cui Weizhen had no intention of hiding it, so it was easy to know.

In fact, Ye Zhenzhen was not stingy enough to keep an eye on Cui Weizhen's every expense, but suddenly Cui Weizhen gave her a gift that was completely beyond her financial scope, which made her suspicious and brought Hong Zhiyuan over.

When I asked about his expenses, I immediately knew that he was hiding his personal money.

As for where the private money comes from, it is still a mystery.

Seeing her smiling, Cui Weizhen had a headache, so he had to bite the bullet and ask, "How did you know that I have private money?"

This is admitted.

"The blood jade bracelet you gave me last time."

Cui Weizhen: "..."

Because he often buys jewelry for Ye Zhenzhen, the familiar shopkeepers will tell him as soon as they get something good, which is how the blood jade bracelet came from.

At that time, he liked the bracelet when he saw it. He thought Zhen Zhen's wrist was white and thin, and a blood jade bracelet would look good on it. He bought it in a daze, but he didn't expect that the secret would be revealed.

How careless!

He glanced at her wrist. He was wearing a blood jade bracelet on his hand. The collision of white and red created a thrilling beauty under the oil lamp. It was delicate and fragile, making people feel care and love from the heart. He only felt that the beauty had "bright wrists".

"Ningshuangxue", only such the best can be worthy of her.

It's actually quite worth it.

Cui Weizhen gave up the struggle and decisively betrayed his teammates, "Xunting opened a shop, I participated in the shares, and everyone got a lot of share."

"No wonder, it turned out that you two were secretly making money." Ye Zhenzhen said: "Ningyan also told me that her husband has grown a lot recently and no longer asks her for money. It turns out that he has other income."

Cui Weizhen's mouth twitched, and he silently mourned for his good brother in his heart. If Zhenzhen shared this matter with Chu Ningyan, with Zhou Xunting's cowardice, it would be very difficult to keep this private money.

As for himself...

Cui Weizhen silently glanced at Ye Zhenzhen and said proactively: "That shop has just started to make a profit. I originally wanted to tell you, but I was too busy and forgot about it. If you want it, I will give it to you. Let Hong Zhiyuan give it to you in the future."

Your ledger."

He is very calm and carefree, and regards money as nothing.

Ye Zhenzhen looked at him suspiciously, not believing that he was so generous in giving away the dividends from secretly participating in the shares, and worried that he was taking a step back to make progress, so she asked: "Is it because the money I gave you is not enough? If you

If you want money, just take it directly from home. You have said that husband and wife are one, and I have never limited your money."

This is not a problem.

But, which man doesn’t secretly hide some private money? Cui Weizhen also has many secret agents in Beijing. He needs money everywhere, and it is inconvenient to get money from home all day long. Besides, he is too embarrassed to work hard with Zhen Zhen.

The money earned supports one's own power.

He didn't know how to explain it, but Ye Zhenzhen surprisingly lit up the telepathy skill, and seeing his troubled look, she burst out laughing.

Cui Weizhen didn't know why, "Why are you laughing?"

Ye Zhenzhen smiled and said, "Suddenly I think you are very cute."

Cui Weizhen: "..."

Ye Zhenzhen was so happy that she stopped teasing him, "Okay, okay, since it's private money, just keep hiding it, I don't want it from you. As for Ningyan, I won't say anything more, let her

Find out for yourself."

Don't underestimate Chu Ningyan's fighting power. Even Ye Zhenzhen can infer from clues that Cui Weizhen has hidden private money, let alone Chu Ningyan who has been fighting wits with Zhou Xunting for so many years. Is she just temporarily deceived now?

Discover, wait until the day of discovery... Haha, just wait and see the excitement.

Ye Zhenzhen decided not to be an outsider interfering with her best friend's relationship. Cui Weizhen also acted very unethically and did not warn the good brothers of the danger of exposing their secrets. They quietly watched the movie together. From the perspective of risking bad things, these two people

They are a perfect match.

After successfully resolving the trust crisis between the couple, they returned to the topic again.

Ye Zhenzhen carefully read the secret memorial from beginning to end, and finally confirmed that Cui Weizhen's version of "divide a small family into an acre" was similar to Yongzheng's version. He also wrote down the pros and cons and implementation measures in the memorial, and the whole article was reasonable.

It's well-founded, logical, and breathtaking.

According to the laws of the Zhou Dynasty, the Ding Yin collected by the court, which is the poll tax, actually had many drawbacks. The common phenomenon is that "the rich have fewer fields and fewer Dings; the poor have no standing cones and have more corvees."

The imperial court's population review was conducted every five years. The dingyin was collected based on the population. Officials and gentry used their privileges to hide the population, and the cunning people used it as a guest to avoid it. However, the dingyin project still existed, and the result was poor farmers.

on the body.

Because poor farmers are powerless and exploited by officials, ordinary people do not carefully check the number of people living, old, sick, and dead in their homes. In order to pursue excess, they often make false boasts during editing and review, giving up wealth to become poor. "Every time I encounter editorial review... Therefore, those who should be deleted are not deleted.

Those who should not be increased will be increased, or even people who have died will not be dismissed... and then flee, it is inevitable." The result of the increase in the surplus of Ding Yin is to make the middle and lower classes bear more Ding Yin, and suffer from the consequences.

The pain of acceptance.

Therefore, this resulted in the big landowners who only had to pay a small amount of dingyin to get huge profits; while the poor people had no "place to establish themselves", but they still had to bear heavy dingyin and corvee labor, and finally fled to live as guests.

It is a matter of course for a squire family to be a tenant.

In response to this phenomenon, the reform of allotment of land into acres was implemented, and the amount of tax was stipulated according to the number of acres of land. Those with more land would pay more, those with less land would pay less, and those without land would not pay. This would help liberate the poor and tenants, but it would trigger

interests of the officials, gentry and landlords.

In this era, it is the officials, gentry and landlords who have the right to speak. How can they tolerate it if their interests are violated? No wonder Cui Weizhen went to the secret meeting. If even the slightest rumor spreads, he will become a thorn in the eyes of countless people, and they can't wait to get rid of him.

Throughout history, which reformer can end up well? Let’s look at Shang Yang and Wang Anshi. Cui Weizhen is now just a powerless petty official, and the backlash he will receive in the end may be even more severe!

At the beginning, the emperor just wanted Cui Weizhen to reduce the power of the family. If he handed this booklet over, he would be making enemies of all the officials, gentry and landlords in the world!

What do you think of changing the hard mode to hell mode?

This chapter has been completed!
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