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Chapter 300

Emperor Xuanwu appointed his favorite minister, just like a butterfly flapping its wings, the climate in the capital had a chain reaction, and for a time the weather was turbulent and uneven.

The so-called hidden household means that people often escape from their original place of residence in order to avoid rent and taxes and avoid corvee labor. After escaping from their original place of residence, they do not need to perform corvee service and their names are not included in the household registration. Therefore, these people often become tenants of noble families.

Some of the timid ones hurriedly returned the hidden rooms in their homes before His Majesty could conduct a thorough investigation. But some people were reluctant and unwilling to lose a large amount of cheap labor, so they camped around to find ways, and the capital became increasingly lively.

As the principal, Cui Weizhen had many people looking for him, but under the cover of Zhou Xunting, he went back to Cui's house early and thanked the guests behind closed doors. Even those who wanted to inquire about the information were helpless.

Ye Zhenzhen was stunned when she heard the news about his promotion.

From the seventh grade to the sixth grade, although he only advanced one level, no matter in ancient times or in later generations, the promotion of each grade is very difficult. But Cui Weizhen is not good. Promotion is as easy as drinking water. He still has not found an official in the same year.

Woolen cloth.

The Ministry of Household Affairs is in charge of household registration and land, which is the key position of "dividing small people into acres". Ye Zhenzhen is an insider. Seeing this, she couldn't help but ask: "Did His Majesty ask you to start the reform now?"

Wouldn't that be like striking an egg against a stone?

Cui Weizhen shook his head incomprehensibly: "Build the plank road in the Ming Dynasty, knock on the mountain to shake the tiger, and slowly map it out."

Ye Zhenzhen: “???”

What the hell?

She understood Xu Xu Tuzhi, but what did he mean by building plank roads and knocking on mountains to scare tigers? But Cui Weizhen deliberately tried to sell it off and didn't want to explain it to her in detail. Ye Zhenzhen didn't have this kind of cells, so she couldn't figure it out and could only

gave up.

Forget it, making money is what she does. She would rather not get involved in the court's bad stuff.

She just figured it out, and soon people who couldn't figure it out came to her door.

There are not many people who can knock on the Cui family's door right now, and Wang Junshen is definitely one of them.

Cui Weizhen had long expected that he would come to the door, so he was not surprised at this moment. He directly invited him to sit down in the study. He also leisurely asked Hong Zhiyuan to make a pot of tea, poured two cups himself, and pushed one cup to Wang Junshen.

In front of me: "Uncle, please."

Wang Junshen is such an elegant person. He used to be able to tell a few things while drinking tea. Now he is like a cow chewing a peony. There is no taste at all. But there is an advantage. It calms down his anxiety.

Quite a bit, at least his expression is much calmer.

With a cup of tea in his stomach, he remembered to congratulate his nephew on his promotion: "Brother Zhen, you are young and promising, and your uncle's face is also bright. When the news comes back to Taiyuan, your grandfather and grandmother will have to add another bowl of rice."


Cui Weizhen thanked him calmly, still looking like an old god.

When it comes to personal interests, Wang Junshen lacks determination. After several pleasantries, he finally couldn't help but inquire about the news: "Brother Zhen, please give uncle an accurate answer. Is His Majesty planning to take action against the aristocratic family?"

When talking about hidden tenants, are there more noble people than aristocratic families? The hidden population of aristocratic families has been accumulated from generation to generation. Every time there is a natural disaster or man-made disaster, it is when they expand their population. It is accumulated from generation to generation. It is simply

Too many to be frightening.

No wonder Wang Junshen was anxious. If Emperor Xuanwu planned to verify the household registration and count the population, the aristocratic family would be the first to bear the brunt. Without the hidden tenants, how would the aristocratic family cultivate their fields? How would they accumulate wealth?

This is a nerve-wracking event!

The Wang family has already extended an olive branch, and it will be a relationship of interest from now on. Cui Weizhen will have to rely on the Wang family in the future, so he will naturally not hide it - in fact, his every move will be watched now. At this time, it is no longer possible to rely on the Wang family to send signals to the outside world.

It couldn't be better.

So he stopped counting and said: "Uncle, if you are willing to believe me, you can count the hidden households and register them after you return to the clan."

After the reform of "sharing a small person into an acre", land tax will be collected instead of head tax, and there will be no need to hide hidden households.

Of course, Wang Junshen didn't know the inside story yet. Hearing this, his expression changed drastically and he said: "Brother Zhen, hiding in the house is very important and should not be trivial. This is a serious matter that will cause you to lose your head!"

Although it is well known that aristocratic families hide in groups, if they openly call out, wouldn't it give the court the leverage to take action?

Cui Weizhen shook his head: "Uncle, don't worry, I will never harm you."

Wang Junshen hesitated, struggling fiercely in his heart, and couldn't make a decision for the moment. Cui Weizhen didn't force him, and just said: "Uncle, don't rush to answer now. You might as well go back and discuss it with your grandfather. It won't be too late to make a decision then."

That's exactly what it should be.

Wang Junshen originally wanted to stay in the capital for a few more days, but at this time he was no longer in the mood to visit relatives and friends. After saying goodbye to his sister, he hurriedly left the capital and returned to his hometown.

This move confused the people who were watching the Cui family's activities. Unfortunately, the Cui family did not have their spies and could not hear the conversation between the nephew and uncle. They could only send people to continue to follow Wang Junshen and wait for follow-up reactions.

At the same time, an inconspicuous boy set out from Jurenfang, took the autographed letter from his master and rushed to Qinghe. On the post road where there were suddenly more carriages and horses, he was not at all inconspicuous.

After Cui Weizhen asked someone to deliver the news to his third uncle, he began to concentrate on the work of the Ministry of Household Affairs. He had done relevant homework in the Hanlin Academy before, and he got started quickly. In addition to being a favorite, in addition to all kinds of spying on information, Cui Weizhen

I haven't encountered any troubles at all.

It's just that we can't pry out a shred of news from his mouth, and he himself hasn't seen any action. Those who are interested can only calm down slowly, turn from light to dark, patiently observe, and secretly plan countermeasures.

In addition to the Wang family and the Cui family, the King of Wei was also an insider.

Cui Weizhen had already defected to King Wei, and some of his policy ideas were naturally not concealed from him. Unlike King Ke, who pursued the goal of winning over the influence of aristocratic families, King Wei's court ideas were closer to those of Emperor Xuanwu.

The aristocratic family is a big fat one. If the person in power has the ability, he can really make the best use of it. However, this fat person has ideas and ambitions. If a weak and incompetent emperor comes, the backlash is inevitable - these former

North Korea has already learned a lesson from the past.

Whether it was for the sake of far-reaching plans for future generations or for the concentration of imperial power, the family was determined to weaken. The foresight and broadmindedness of King Wei alone were enough to defeat King Ke - after all, King Ke planned to use the family as a bargaining chip.

The pattern of the two is clear from the high to the low.

As an insider, Ye Zhenzhen could not understand the inside story. As a person in the game, King Wei could naturally predict how it would develop in the future, so he secretly ordered his men to move quietly to wait for the consequences.

Of course, there will inevitably be some leakage of information, but I just know it and don't know why. I just think that he cut off his arm to please the emperor's father. The deeper level is unthinkable, so there is no need to worry.

The net has been quietly spread out, and it's just time to close it.

This chapter has been completed!
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