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Chapter 332

Because Ye Zhenzhen was so happy, Cui Weizhen took up the habit of collecting delicious food.

After he went to the government office every day, he asked Hong Zhiyuan to search for delicious food all over the capital. After he went to the government office, he personally bought it for Ye Zhenzhen to try. If she liked it, everyone was happy. If she didn't like it, she would find another one tomorrow.

This behavior fell into the eyes of those who were interested. They knew that Cui Cui and his wife had a deep love as a couple, which made others envious.

Ye Zhenzhen didn't know about the commotion outside. She kept drinking the medicine prescribed by Dr. Xu, her appetite gradually improved, and she could occasionally eat one or two meat dishes. Maybe it was because of the freshness, and the dishes Cui Weizhen brought back were easier for her to eat.

mouth, so Cui Weizhen became more and more active in searching.

Cui Weizhen worked professionally as a delivery boy every day, and Ye Zhenzhen, who was enjoying the job, felt a little uneasy about her conscience. Even though the relationship between the two had been reconciled, she knew that this was the result of Cui Weizhen's compromise. After all, his doubts had not yet been raised.


This matter was so unusual that Ye Zhenzhen did not dare to speak rashly, so she changed her reading list and asked Qiu Wu to find novels about ghosts and ghosts on the market for her, intending to use these to test Cui Weizhen's attitude first.

She was bored and browsed through it during the day, and she found a very interesting story book - "The Soul-Changing Story".

It is recorded in the book that a good man from the ninth generation devoted himself to being a poor scholar and married the daughter of a wealthy businessman. His wife spent all her dowry on him to gain fame. One day, her mother-in-law fell ill and had no money to buy medicine, so she went to the mountain to collect medicine.

Suddenly he fell off the cliff and became a living dead.

The scholar came to the top of the high school and was summoned by the emperor to be his consort, but he refused. He returned home in rich clothes and received the bad news about his wife. He cried with grief. His emotions moved heaven and earth. A ghost came into his dream and told him: The thirteenth daughter of the emperor is about to live a long life. If she can die in advance, she will be able to do so.

He possessed the soul and brought his wife back to life.

The matter concerned the emperor's daughter, and the scholar did not dare to be expert in it, so he quickly reported it to the Ming Emperor. Instead of being angry, the emperor was overjoyed and ordered his maids to harm the emperor's thirteen daughters. Ghost messengers captured the emperor's daughter's soul and entered it into the body of the number one wife. When the wife woke up, she was granted the title of

Princess, the number one scholar is the consort.

At the end of the story, someone said: There have been many ungrateful people in ancient times. The number one scholar spoiled his wife and refused to leave the court. However, he had a deep love for his wife and his wife, and they were unswervingly determined. They touched heaven and earth and got the princess from the gods. It is really a good story, and it should be regarded as an eternal love affair.

Remember it and future generations will chant it.

After Ye Zhenzhen read it, her views exploded and she was in a trance.

She didn't know whether it was her own problem or the problem of the times, so she handed the book to Yuxiu and Qiu Wu to read, and then asked them for their reactions. The two maids were both literate, and after reading the book, they were all moved to tears and praised them.

The champion is a good man.

The brains of the ancients were indeed broken.

Ye Zhenzhen: "...Are you all right? When the No. 1 Scholar's wife woke up, she was no longer the original owner, but the soul of the princess. He used his wife's body as a container for other women. Where did it come from?

Earth-shattering, unwavering feelings?"

Yuxiu and Qiu Wu sobbed and were both stunned.

They didn't see it that deeply. They only knew that everyone came back to life and it was a happy reunion. They really ignored the problem of the soul of the number one scholar's wife.

Qiu Wu's little face wrinkled in confusion: "Madam, where did the soul of the No. 1 scholar's wife go?"

Ye Zhenzhen shook her head: "When the number one scholar's wife was still a living dead, her soul was still in her body. When the princess came to her body, she took her fate and returned to the underworld."

The original title of the story is "Changing Souls", which is a metaphor for the fate of the two. The situation of the princess in it is different from that of Ye Zhenzhen. The princess took away the wife of the number one scholar, while Ye Zhenzhen inexplicably got pregnant after the death of the original owner.

, the two cannot be equated.

After Ye Zhenzhen's explanation, both Qiu Wu and Yu Xiu came to their senses and accused with indignation: "This princess is so bad! She is occupying the magpie's nest and murdering people!"

Ye Zhenzhen raised her eyebrows, but she was not surprised by their reactions. No matter what era it was, women would always be the victims of Feng Ping.

She asked: "The princess was killed by a palace maid, and her soul was gathered into the body of a stranger. Was she planning all this?"

Yuxiu and Qiuwu are stuck. Yes, the most innocent people in this book are undoubtedly the wife of the number one scholar and the princess. The exchange of fate between them was not based on their own wishes.

The wife of the No. 1 scholar is already a living dead, and it is unknown whether she will wake up in the end. However, the princess is alive and well, in a glorious state, and of royal blood, but she lost her life in vain because of an assertion made by a ghost who is not sure whether it is true or false.

, with a second-hand husband, even if she is named a princess again, it will not be justified.

Seeing them meditating, Ye Zhenzhen added something unclear: "Who knows which soul is in the body of the last person who wakes up."

This guess was a bit scary, and it frightened the two maids directly. Their eyes widened in shock: "You mean, the princess is not resurrected, and the one who wakes up may be the number one lady?"

"Maybe it is, maybe it's not, who knows."

Ye Zhenzhen answered with an unclear meaning, without clarifying, and left it to them to think about, because this question is a matter of benevolence and wisdom, which is the most interesting part of this book.

There are five people in total: the number one scholar, the number one scholar's wife, the ghost servant, the emperor and the princess. Each of them may be the mastermind of the conspiracy, and each mastermind represents different interests. It really makes people see all kinds of evil spirits and all kinds of life.

Among the many ancient novels that Ye Zhenzhen has read, this sentence can be said to be unique. It is no longer the traditional Chen Shimei routine, but borrows the method of gods and ghosts to steal the sky and exchange the sun, and the cage to exchange the birds. The scholar does not have to abandon his wife.

Notorious, but also able to rise rapidly and become the emperor's son-in-law. It can be said that he has the best of both worlds.

There is nothing wrong with simply saying that it is the work of a scholar's whim, but if you look deeper, it can also be said to be a satirical novel, which is very interesting.

It really fits the saying, there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people.

Ye Zhenzhen specially looked at the author of this book, named "Mr. Le Liao". She has read many story books on the market, but this is the first time she has seen this author. She has never seen the writing style before. Who should be the scholar?


It’s not like chasing stars, and Ye Zhenzhen is not disappointed if she can’t find the real author. After all, she didn’t choose this book to discuss literature, but for another purpose.

Without instructing Qiu Wu and Yu Xiu, who were still in a trance, she hid the rest of the story books herself, leaving only this "Soul Change", planning to wait for Cui Weizhen to come back and let him read it.

Because she had something in her mind, she couldn't help but feel anxious and anxious. She wished she had the ability to change the sun and let the sun set earlier so that Cui Weizhen could appear in front of her as soon as possible.

This chapter has been completed!
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