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Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Repaying kindness

The days of dire straits passed in the blink of an eye, and the days of banquets came in the blink of an eye.

The head chef invited from the county arrived at Cui's house early in the morning, set up an earthen stove and started preparing meals. The girls and wives from Yejia Village came over to help, washing vegetables, setting the table, etc., and they were very busy.

The squire and rich people from all over the country came one after another. Ye Dayong registered at the door and received the gifts. His hands were shaking with shock at the large sums of money, ranging from as little as ten taels to as many as one hundred taels. He thought to himself, no wonder everyone wants to study, it’s just a guy.

The scholar-gong is fawned over by so many people, what if he becomes an official?

Such a big scene made everyone in Yejia Village feel embarrassed, let alone the Ye family.

Ye Shiming's leg was broken and he couldn't come out, but everyone in the Ye family except him was able to move.

Li Erniang commanded her daughter-in-law to work in a domineering manner, as if she was the mistress of the house; Li Cuier was helping in the kitchen, but the pocket hanging on her waist was stuffed slowly, pretending to be stuffing it secretly.

The meat and cakes that came in were so bulging that they really looked like they were blind; as for Ye Erya, she was bumping around in the yard, just wanting to take a look at Brother Zhen a few more times...

Ye Zhenzhen came out of the main room and happened to bump into Erya who was sneaking around. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Erya, what are you doing?"

Ye Erya's eyes were fixed and fell directly on Ye Zhenzhen's new clothes.

The color of the clothes is a soft light pink, which does not make her look black at all. Instead, it makes her bright and delicate, with the pinkness and liveliness of a girl, and fully exaggerates all her advantages, as if she is

It's like it's tailor-made.

Isn't it tailor-made?

This dress was made by Aunt Cui for Ye Zhenzhen over the past few days. With the carefully selected fabrics and Aunt Cui's excellent embroidery skills, it would be impossible not to think of it as brilliant.

Ye Erya has always been conceited. She feels that she is dozens of times better than Ye Daya in terms of background and appearance. However, all this changed after Daya got married. Not only did she become more and more beautiful, but her identity

, are all a bit taller than her.

The only distance between her and Da Ya is Cui Weizhen.

"Sister, I'm just walking around casually."

Thousands of thoughts went around in her mind, but it only took a moment. Ye Erya suppressed the jealousy and unwillingness in her eyes, and said warmly, "Brother-in-law is entertaining guests in the main room? Sister, you are busy, I will go and help.

Say hello."

"Need not."

Ye Zhenzhen directly grabbed Erya who was rushing in, and looked at her with a half-smile, "There is no reason to entertain guests, and you don't have to be misunderstood as a servant of the family. If Erya is too busy, just

Go help in the kitchen."

Ye Erya started to struggle, and when she was about to start a fight, Aunt Ye appeared out of nowhere, grabbed her arm with her big hands, and dragged her into the kitchen.

"Erya, why are you still hanging around outside? Your mother asked you to help. Go quickly."

Under Aunt Ye's big palm, Ye Erya couldn't splash the water at all, and was carried directly to the kitchen.

Once she goes in, it will be difficult to get out again, and the aunts are good at talking. As long as she avoids laziness, the next day everyone in the village will know that Ye Erya is a lazy girl.

Most of the guests were sitting outside the courtyard, and the person in charge of entertaining them was Ye Boshan.

Ye Zhenzhen walked around and realized that Ye Erya's petty thoughts were nothing at all. In terms of discussion, Ye Boshan was much more disgusting.

He always regarded himself as the grandfather-in-law who was the leader of the case, and boasted about his kindness to his grandson-in-law. It was he who took in the mother and son of the Cui family who had fled here, and that made Cui Weizhen what he is today. It is not an exaggeration to say that his kindness is as great as a mountain.

Outsiders deliberately flattered him and flattered him repeatedly, saying that Mr. Ye was anxious for public good and had a keen eye for gold.

In the final analysis, Ye Boshan is using Cui Weizhen to build momentum and build a good reputation for him. If Cui Weizhen does anything improper in the future, he will be drowned by spittle.

Ye Zhenzhen turned red with anger and turned around to tell Brother Zhen.

Not long ago, Cui Weizhen met a lot of people from the same age and wrote messages to them. Today he came here to show his respect. At the moment, he was talking to Zhang Yuan and Xu Ziqin. When he saw Ye Zhenzhen come in, he looked at her inquiringly.

Ye Zhenzhen signaled that she had something to say, pulled the person to a corner, and then told him all about Ye Boshan's actions.

To be honest, she felt very ashamed because it was her family that was holding Brother Zhen back.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it."

Cui Weizhen patted her arm comfortingly, apologized to Zhang Yuan and others, and walked outside.

Ye Boshan was still bragging to others. Cui Weizhen listened and said nothing more. Instead, he went to invite all the elders of Yejia Village.

His movement attracted everyone's attention. When the time was almost up, Cui Weizhen revealed his plan.

"Dear fellow villagers, thanks to everyone's care, I took my mother and son in to settle down. In order to thank everyone for your kindness, I would like to donate a clan school and sacrificial fields to the clan. All the children of the Ye clan can be raised in the clan school.


Donate to build clan schools and sacrifice fields?

There was silence for a while. When the Ye family villagers came to their senses, they all started shouting in disbelief, "Brother Zhen, are you serious? Do you really want to donate clan building and sacrificial fields to us?"

"Yes, although I am a foreigner, I will not forget the kindness of Yejiacun. I hope that with the clan education, the children of Yejiacun can learn to practice etiquette and honor their ancestors."

After receiving Cui Weizhen's affirmation, everyone finally became excited. This was a matter related to their vital interests, so how could they not agree with it happily.

In the future, with the introduction of clan education, their son will be able to gain enlightenment without spending any money. He might even be able to pass the examination as a scholar and change his family name. Who would dare to say anything wrong about such kindness?

The elder of Yejia Village expressed his gratitude on behalf of the whole village and said that he would remember his kindness in the family tree.

Others also praised Cui Weizhen for his kindness and repaying his kindness, which is indeed a good story.

The good reputation that Ye Boshan had worked so hard to build suddenly became a stepping stone for Cui Weizhen. He had already repaid his family knowledge and sacrifice to heaven. If he wanted to repay the favor in the future, he would have to weigh whether others would agree.

After all, the kindness he said was his own, and the kindness Cui Weizhen repaid belonged to the whole village.

If they don't want to offend Cui Weizhen, who has a bright future, everyone knows what choice to make. After all, if their descendants have a future, they still expect others to support them.

Human relations and society are nothing more than this.

Ye Boshan suffered the loss of being mute and could only feel depressed secretly. He could only smile and praise Cui Weizhen's righteous deeds with the villagers. Finally, he was given the power to manage the clan school, which was better than nothing.

He was not in a hurry, and his grandfather-in-law's name was still there, so this identity was very useful.

This chapter has been completed!
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