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Chapter 344 Completion of the Academy

After cutting off Ye Jiajia's retreat, Ye Zhenzhen ignored how she made a fuss, but vaguely heard that the Feng family was a little uneasy, and wondered if it was Feng Yuran who was making a fuss.

Perhaps Feng Yuran was unwilling to marry Xu Anhao, and she didn't know what she had in mind. She sent messages to Ye Zhenzhen again and again, but Ye Zhenzhen had no interest in talking to her and refused on the grounds of raising a baby.

The days of raising a baby were peaceful and long. In ancient times, medical conditions were backward. Ye Zhenzhen did not dare to go out and play around, so she could only cook at home. However, after cooking a few times, she almost cut her hand once. When Aunt Cui learned about it, she

She was never allowed to cook again.

Fortunately, it was late autumn and August, and the grapes in the yard were finally ripe. Ye Zhenzhen forgot about her initial encounter with the snake, and focused on the grapes again.

She had already tasted the taste of grapes. They were large, sweet, and juicy, and were most suitable for making wine. So, with her five-month-old pregnant belly, she stood aside and directed the maids to do their work.

The ripe grapes were cut off bunch after bunch, washed, dried and put into oak barrels specially made by her. After further processing, the women were asked to carry the oak barrels and put them into the oak barrels for fermentation.

After Zhen Zhen became pregnant, her memory became worse and worse, so she reminded Yu Xiu to remember the time, as there would be a second fermentation.

Yuxiu kept it in mind and asked curiously: "Madam, is this how wine worth thousands of gold is made? It seems quite simple."

Brewing wine is naturally simple, but whether the brewed wine is smooth and mellow depends on technique. As a master of craftsmanship, Ye Zhenzhen, making wine is just a trivial matter to her.

She joked with Yuxiu: "I have been with the master for so long, why do you still have doubts about my ability?"

Yuxiu also smiled and complimented: "Madam, you are the most powerful, you will definitely be able to make good wine."

Cui Weizhen came back and happened to see this scene. He couldn't help but smile a little. He stepped forward to hold her hand and asked, "Have you taken a walk today?"

This is what Dr. Xu ordered. You should walk around more and exercise regularly to avoid difficulties in giving birth in the future.

Ye Zhenzhen's belly is now bulging, and her back will be sore if she stands for a long time, let alone walking. During the day, she doesn't stand when she can sit, and she doesn't do anything when she can lie down. She doesn't want to move around at all.

Of course, these are not the main reasons. The most important thing is——

Sure enough, Cui Weizhen gave her a disapproving look and said, "Sure enough, you are lazy again. I will walk around the yard with you a few times."

Ye Zhenzhen snickered, this was the most fundamental reason why she was too lazy to take a walk by herself, she wanted Cui Weizhen to accompany her.

Every time at this time, she behaved super well-behaved and clingy. She didn't shy away from the eyes of the maids and women. She held Cui Weizhen's arm and wanted to lean her whole body on him. Cui Weizhen went from not adapting to it at the beginning to letting it go now.

, it can be seen that human habits are terrible.

The two started chatting again, and I don’t know when they started. Ye Zhenzhen developed the habit of talking to him about family affairs. Cui Weizhen was impatient and listened carefully to her talking about the trivial things that happened today.

It just saved him the trouble of asking the maid.

To reciprocate the favor, he would also selectively talk about his affairs outside, so Ye Zhenzhen knew that Salesian Academy and Yunshan Academy were both completed.

"Yunshan Academy?"

"That is the name of the academy given by His Majesty."

Cui Weizhen explained: "His Royal Highness the King of Wei has been appointed as the head of Yunshan Academy. The next step is to select various scientific and educational edicts. When the preparations are completed, the academy will be opened."

Ye Zhenzhen asked curiously: "How are the edicts chosen? Is it a great sage in the opposition or an official in the government?"

"Both." Cui Weizhen didn't know what he thought of, and his expression changed slightly, "These are all decided by His Majesty and King Wei. The people who serve are all talented people. It will be a good idea to send Huwa there when the time comes."

Ye Zhenzhen had nothing to worry about. With Cui Weizhen's relationship, it would not be a problem for Huwa to get a place in school. What she was concerned about was Cui Weizhen's behavior just now. He seemed to have something on his mind.

After thinking for a while, she quickly came up with a guess: "Does His Majesty also want you to be the academy's tutor?"

Cui Weizhen was not surprised. Although he always teased Zhen'er for being stupid, in fact she had a deep heart and had keen observation of certain things, especially his emotional changes. Outsiders said that he could not express his emotions or anger.

, is an old fox, but in front of Zhen'er, he is like a demon who has revealed himself, with no secrets at all.

He actually felt a bit satisfied because of this, and his eyes became softer: "Your Majesty wanted me to teach calligraphy and painting, but my talent is shallow and I am far inferior to all the famous scholars, so I refused."

"You lied."

Ye Zhenzhen exposed his lies mercilessly, but she couldn't get angry at all in her heart, because she knew that the reason why Cui Weizhen turned down this good job was to spend more time with her.

She didn't know that she was a little woman who only cared about love. Although her current life was peaceful, she had not forgotten that Cui Weizhen would reform in the future. In order to pave the way for her, the emperor even made arrangements for the supervision of the academy. How could she let him refuse?

A teaching that can create a reputation?

"I'm doing well at home. Youniang and Dr. Yu are watching over me. There won't be any problems. You have to put important things first. If you become the tutor of the academy, Huwa won't be bullied by other classmates."

Yunshan Academy is special after all. When the time comes, not only dignitaries will send their children to study there, but also many princes in the palace. Huwa, an ordinary peasant boy, will definitely suffer some criticism and bullying if he enters.

Such a lovely brother, Ye Zhenzhen couldn't bear to let him go.

Cui Weizhen was silent for a long time, and finally compromised: "That's fine, let Dr. Yu come and stay at the house when the time comes, and Dr. Yu can go to the hospital for consultation."

Dr. Yu has brought his family from Qinghe to the capital. They used their savings to open a medical clinic in Panxia, ​​Dongshi. The whole family lived in the backyard of the medical clinic, but Dr. Yu was entrusted to live in Cui Mansion.

Serve as a family doctor for their family.

Cui Weizhen didn't believe in Dr. Yu's medical skills at this time, and wanted to find a more reliable Dr. Yu to look after him.

Ye Zhenzhen had no objection to this, as long as he changed his attention, he agreed repeatedly. After that, Cui Weizhen personally talked to Dr. Yu and his wife. At this time, Dr. Yu was not angry even though he was disliked, and he happily agreed.

To put it bluntly, Dr. Xiao Yu is young and naturally does not want to be a family doctor, which is like a pension for the elderly. What he hopes more is to run a medical clinic and spread the reputation of the Yu family in the capital.

Doctor Yu is already old, so it would be best for him to take care of himself in the Cui family. Neither father nor son had any objections, so the matter was settled.

This chapter has been completed!
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