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Chapter 365

This is the design drawing of the academy.

Yunshan Academy has been completed, so there is no need to draw any more design drawings, but don't forget that four academies need to be built across the country, and supervising the construction of the remaining three is also one of Cui Weizhen's responsibilities.

Ye Zhenzhen suddenly remembered the last time she met King Ke at Yunshan Academy. He said that Wei Zhen would soon leave the capital for business. Could this be the reason for Cui Weizhen's increasing anxiety?

"Are you leaving Beijing for business?" Ye Zhenzhen asked.

When she saw the drawings, Cui Weizhen had no need to hide them. He sighed and said: "His Royal Highness the King of Wei cannot leave the capital easily, so I can only go on errands. This matter has been delayed for a long time and cannot be delayed any longer.


If the delay continues, the censor should impeach.

Ye Zhenzhen could probably guess the reason. He probably wanted to stay in Beijing and wait for her to give birth, so he kept delaying it. Now he couldn't hold it off any longer.

Her mood dropped and she asked, "When will you leave Beijing for business?"

Cui Weizhen was silent for a while and then said: "I will leave before the child is one month old."

Ye Zhenzhen also fell silent. No wonder Cui Weizhen has been restless recently. As long as he leaves Beijing for business, it will take him a year and a half to come back. Not only will he not be able to catch up with his child's full moon, he may not even be able to come back for the first birthday party.

She felt extremely disappointed, but she could not say anything willfully to prevent him from leaving Beijing. Instead, she wanted to comfort him: "It is a good thing for you to go out on business. With His Majesty's trust and favor in you, you will be promoted when the time comes.

It will be easier if you want to reform."

How could Cui Weizhen not know this truth? Reform is a long-term plan, and he is already planning it, but his previous qualifications and achievements are indispensable, and it is indispensable for him to leave Beijing on business.

Until today, he has a deep understanding of what it feels like for children to love each other and for heroes to be short of breath.

"Okay, don't think too much. You have at least compensated me for a few more months. I am already very satisfied."

Ye Zhenzhen didn't want him to continue to feel guilty, so she forced a smile and started to change the subject: "I almost forgot to ask, have you named our daughter?"

She changed the topic very stiffly, but Cui Weizhen still cooperated and showed a look of embarrassment: "I have recently looked through "Shuowen" and "Erya", but I can't find the right word, Zhen'er,

Why don't you come and get it?"

Ye Zhenzhen, before you learned your calligraphy, you used two big books, "Shuowen" and "Erya". Reading these two books made her want to die, and she made up her mind never to read them again. How could she do it now?

Will you ask for trouble?

She immediately shook her head respectfully and said, "No, I'll leave the baby's name to the father."

Besides, she was very doubtful about her naming ability, so it was better not to ruin her baby girl.

Cui Weizhen is very talented and full of knowledge. He is not as uneducated as Ye Zhenzhen. However, no matter how much he praises her, he still feels that he is not worthy of his daughter. Therefore, he is caught in the dilemma of making a difficult choice. Choosing a name has become a sweet trouble.

Ye Zhenzhen was very happy when she saw it, and came up with an idea: "How about this, you write down all the names you like, and then let the baby choose by himself, and he will be called the one he chooses."

Cui Weizhen thought this was a good idea, so he pushed aside the messy rice paper and brushes on the desk, took another piece of clean rice paper and started to write the name with a pen. Ye Zhenzhen stretched her neck to look, intending to give the baby some eye contact, as it would be a mistake for his father

He gave her a name that would deceive his daughter.

This is not a random guess. Some names of the ancients are too funny in the eyes of later generations. Among other things, the names of Ji Dan, the fourth son of King Wen of Zhou, and Ying Dang, King of Qin Wu, are enough to make people laugh.

Fortunately, Cui Weizhen's skills were not low. The name not only had a beautiful meaning, but also sounded nice. She felt relieved and didn't care about it anymore. She just waited to get the baby after she was born.

Cui Weizhen had just finished writing the name and cut it into small pieces of paper. When he saw Ye Zhenzhen suddenly frowning with a painful expression, he was startled and asked quickly: "What's wrong? Is she about to give birth?"


Doctor Yu said that the due date is only an ideal date. During this period, a pregnant woman may give birth at any time. Especially in the past few days, Ye Zhenzhen's fetal movement was extremely violent, and there were throbbing pains from time to time. Several times, everyone thought she was about to give birth.

, everyone in the house was panicked, but in the end it was a false alarm.

Although this time it was possible that it was a false alarm, Cui Weizhen did not dare to take it lightly. He quickly picked her up and walked to the delivery room. His pace was fast and fast, almost as fast as a gust of wind. It was obviously a cold and windy season.

, his clothes were completely wet, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his face was flushed, which showed that he was extremely nervous.

His hand holding Ye Zhenzhen was steady and strong. If it weren't for the rapid beating of his heart, Ye Zhenzhen, who was shielded from the cold wind by his cloak, wouldn't have noticed anything unusual about him.

She felt extremely distressed and quickly comforted her: "Don't worry, don't worry, I'm fine."

Fortunately, the delivery room is in the west wing of the courtyard, just a few steps away, so we can get there quickly.

The maids in the yard were alarmed and started to move spontaneously without Cui Weizhen's instructions. Because of the previous experiences, everyone did not panic when dealing with the situation, and the maids and mothers got to work in an orderly manner.

Po Wen has been waiting in the delivery room, and even Dr. Yu was called over by the maid who taught the fastest. When Aunt Cui came over after hearing the news, she found that the maids in the yard were all in order, boiling water, and preparing food.

, and immediately nodded with satisfaction.

Ye Zhenzhen was placed on the delivery bed by Cui Weizhen. There was charcoal burning in the room and a mattress on the bed. It was warm. At this time, the pain in her stomach had eased. She still thought it was a false alarm and she had a comforting look on her face.

Nervous Cui Weizhen: "I'm fine. Maybe the baby is being naughty again and teasing us. We'll know after Doctor Yu checks the pulse."

Cui Weizhen pursed his lips and said nothing, looking at Doctor Yu. Finally, he couldn't help but urge him: "Doctor Yu, how are you? Are you going to give birth this time?"

Doctor Yu took back his hand and said: "Madam is really starting to move now."

Ye Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment. The sudden wetness from her lower body confirmed Doctor Yu's judgment. The throbbing pain that had started to stop began to sweep over her again. Ye Zhenzhen's forehead was instantly covered with fine sweat, and she couldn't help but moan softly.

"Doctor Yu! Zhen'er is feeling pain again. Please give her some medicine."

Cui Weizhen was so anxious that she lost all control. Aunt Cui held her down, and she didn’t even need Doctor Yu to speak. She explained by herself, "This is labor pain. There is still a long time before delivery. Men cannot enter the delivery room. It is unlucky."

, you go out quickly, don’t get messed up in there.”

She gave the eviction order very rudely. At this juncture, only she, a mother-in-law, dared to say such words in front of Cui Weizhen's serious face.

This chapter has been completed!
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