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Chapter 414 Empathy

The village where Uncle Wu Zexi lives is not far away, and he found it soon after going down the mountain.

At this time, it is the time when tired birds return to their nests. The smoke from the village is curling up, and the sounds of calling children and dogs barking are heard. The villagers who are busy in the fields are also walking back carrying hoes and wearing straw hats. Along the way, they talk loudly about what is going on at home.

, very lively.

As soon as Ye Zhenzhen and this group of strangers entered the village, they immediately attracted the attention of the villagers.

The first ones to discover them were the children playing at the entrance of the village. These children were very courageous. They even dared to run up and look out curiously, and followed them all the way to the village. Some older children very cleverly ran to shout.


There are many dialects in Lingnan, with different customs and even the pronunciation of the languages ​​are different. Ye Zhenzhen can only speak authentic Cantonese, but does not understand the slang and dialects in the countryside, so she does not know what the child shouted, which caused the group to go to the fields.

The villagers who returned came over carrying hoes, rakes, sickles and other crops, and put on a posture of resistance.

Ye Zhenzhen suspected that the other party regarded them as invading bad guys, so she quickly let Wu Zexi out and said: "Master Wu, isn't this your uncle's house? Explain the situation to them quickly."

Wu Zexi seemed a little embarrassed, but he still walked out and talked to the group of villagers in dialect. He didn't know what he said. Not only did the other party not relax their vigilance, but there was also a look of suspicion on his face.

Ye Zhenzhen asked him inexplicably: "What did you say to them?"

Wu Zexi touched her nose angrily and said awkwardly: "My mother married away from home and rarely came back to her parents' home because of the inconvenient transportation. I only visited my uncle's house a few times when I was a child, so no one in the village knew me."

No wonder the villagers suspected them of being liars.

Ye Zhenzhen could only say: "Then let them invite your uncle to identify him."

"My aunt has passed away and my uncle is not at home."

Wu Zexi shook his head and said: "No one is doing the farm work in the fields today. He just came back from the mountain and went to work in the fields. He hasn't come back yet."

Ye Zhenzhen was dumbfounded and remembered the gossip that Guan Yan had told her during the day. Wu Zexi's uncle became famous for suing his son. Presumably his son was lazy and did not go to work in the fields, so he had to do it by himself.


Thinking of this, Ye Zhenzhen asked again: "Does your cousin or cousin know you?"

Just as he was talking, there was a sudden commotion among the villagers. Someone said something in a loud voice. A carefree and arrogant young man was summoned. He was not tall and had a handsome face. He just had a handsome face.

The flowing triangular eyes in his eyes destroyed the harmony of his face.

The bad young man first glanced at Ye Zhenzhen and the others, and then his eyes fell on Wu Zexi. The two of them muttered something, and Wu Zexi had a look of anger on his face, and he turned his head coldly and ignored each other.

Seeing that the conversation between the two parties was unpleasant, Ye Zhenzhen didn't ask any questions, so she went to rest under a nearby big tree. A bold and curious child came over. Guan Yan was about to stop him, but Ye Zhenzhen waved him to leave.

After resting, he waved the children over and gave them the snacks in his luggage.

The children in the countryside spend all day with the mud, and they don't look as clean and cute as the children in the city. They are even more greedy when they see delicious snacks. They don't care whether there is anything wrong with the other person's snacks, they just take them and stuff them into their mouths, gobbling them down.

After eating, he stretched out his hand to ask for something from Ye Zhenzhen.

This kind of scene is very familiar to Ye Zhenzhen, or in her original memory. Ye Zhenzhen is not used to it. Even so, she does not blame the children for being demanding and ignorant of the meaning of etiquette, because no one has taught them etiquette, justice and shame.

, they have never eaten delicious pastries and snacks, and what they do is just based on nature.

This was one of the reasons why the imperial court wanted to build academies extensively to educate the people.

Ye Zhenzhen handed out all the remaining cakes, leaving the remaining dry food untouched, and clapped her hands to indicate to the children that it was gone.

The children were still interested and looked at her package eagerly, but they did not rush to grab it. They dispersed in twos and threes. Ye Zhenzhen thought they ran away to play, but unexpectedly they ran back soon.

, everyone held a handful of purple-black wild fruits in their hands, and handed them to Ye Zhenzhen very diligently.

Ye Zhenzhen did not expect anything in return from the children, so she was a little flattered at this moment. She pointed at the wild fruits in their hands, then pointed at herself, and tentatively asked in Cantonese: "For me?"

The children either understood Cantonese or understood her gestures. They nodded in unison and spoke excitedly in dialect. A bright smile appeared on their dark little faces. Ye Zhenzhen was infected by the smile.

As soon as he took it, he solemnly thanked him.

The children looked at her with smiles, probably waiting for her to eat wild fruits.

Zhen Zhen has eaten this kind of wild fruit. Her college roommate is a native of Lingnan. She went to her home during the summer vacation. This kind of wild fruit grows in the bushes in the mountains and forests near her home. The wild fruit is unripe.

The peel of the fruit is green when it is young, and turns purple-black when it is raw and ripe. It is very small and cute, only the size of a little finger. The round flesh is topped with a corolla. The peel is torn open from the corolla to reveal the pulp inside, which is small.

He took a sip, and the fragrance of the pulp immediately filled his mouth, and even his lips were stained with the color of the juice.

Ye Zhenzhen was very impressed when she ate it for the first time, and her roommate would bring it to her every summer. Unfortunately, with the development of rural areas, there were fewer and fewer forests and bushes, and this wild fruit gradually disappeared.

Because I don’t know the name and I don’t see it being sold, this wild fruit has gradually become a regret in my memory. Now, separated by far away time and space, I suddenly see the familiar wild fruit and taste the familiar but unfamiliar taste. Ye Zhenzhen suddenly felt tears filling her eyes.


Holding back the surge of emotion in her eyes, Ye Zhenzhen gave the children a thumbs up and continued to smile in Cantonese: "Good food."

Seeing that she liked it, the children smiled with satisfaction as if they had completed a major task. Some children even continued to run to pick wild fruits. After a while, there were a bunch of wild fruits around Ye Zhenzhen.

Wu Zexi was very surprised to see Ye Zhenzhen getting along well with the children despite not speaking the same language. She couldn't help gossiping with Guan Yan: "I didn't expect Mr. Ye to be so friendly. He seems to like children very much and he is also very popular with children."

In Wu Zexi's impression, the children in the countryside are all naughty. Even he, who grew up in the countryside, doesn't like these children. This Young Master Ye seems to have an extraordinary background, and he can actually get along with a group of wild children. It's really

It's incredible.

Guan Yan remained silent, but he understood the reason in his heart - Madam, I am afraid she missed the young master at home, and she must have had an empathic effect on these children.

Children have the keenest senses. If a stranger is kind to them, they will naturally reciprocate the kindness.

This chapter has been completed!
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