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Chapter 449

Everyone in the Cui Mansion was immersed in the celebration and bustle. Aunt Cui was so happy that she ate an extra bowl of rice, but Ye Zhenzhen had a surprising lack of appetite. She was thinking about Cui Weizhen who was still socializing outside and worried about whether he would be able to eat enough.

I won’t get drunk by my colleagues…

When the excitement subsided and Cui Weizhen hadn't come back, the two young and old at home couldn't hold on any longer. Cui Auntie washed and rested, and Ye Zhenzhen also carried the dozing Wangzi back to Mingxiyuan, wiped him down, and put him in the

As soon as he lay down in the crib, the child fell asleep without anyone coaxing him.

After Ye Zhenzhen washed up, she was not sleepy at all. She moved a imperial concubine chair and sat under the grape trellis in Mingxi Garden, lying down, drying her long hair while waiting for Cui Weizhen to come back.

Golden autumn and August are the ripening seasons for grapes.

The grape vines are covered with bunches of plump and plump grapes, which taste sweeter and more watery than last year. The wine brewed last year has been consumed. With experience this year, we can brew a few more barrels and seal them up to drink slowly.

Cui Weizhen must not have any free time these days, and he doesn't know if he can find free days to pick grapes and make wine with him before the grapes are completely mature.

Along with the cool breeze of the autumn night and the chirping of crickets, you can think about some endless things. In the dark night sky, the stars are as bright as pearls. The maids who are waiting are so quiet that they don't speak, and Ye Zhenzhen's heart is also at peace.

Come down, pull away your emotions from the joy of Cui Weizhen's promotion, and start to calmly think about the pros and cons and political purposes.

Before she could figure out what to look for, she heard the sound of commotion coming from outside. Ye Zhenzhen stood up in a hurry, stepped on her embroidered shoes and ran over. As expected, she met Cui Weizhen who was being helped back at the entrance of the hospital.

He seemed to have drunk a lot, and the strong smell of alcohol still lingered on him. The smell of smoke was flowing in the quiet night wind. His face was very red, and his eyes were a little straight. He was obviously drunk.

He looked like he was dead, but he still stood like a green pine without swaying. Before Ye Zhenzhen appeared, he tried to break away from Guan Yan's support.

But as soon as Ye Zhenzhen appeared, his blurred eyes instantly focused, and a brilliant smile bloomed on his expressionless face like an epiphyllum blooming at night. Without hesitation, he opened his hands and took Ye Zhenzhen into his arms.

He made an action that he would never do when he was awake - he buried his head and rubbed her neck. His voice was low, with a hint of complaint and grievance: "I've been looking for you for a long time, why did you just come back?"

It seems that he is not returning home, but waiting for guests.

Ye Zhenzhen's heart instantly softened, and she kissed him affectionately: "It's my fault for keeping you waiting for so long."

Cui Weizhen didn't say anything more about the promise of eachother, he just laughed softly, lowered his head and kissed her forehead gently. The focus and tenderness in his eyes were worth a thousand words.

Although he was not conscious at the moment, Ye Zhenzhen believed that this was the most sincere expression of his heart. His whole body was as sweet and happy as if he had been soaked in a honeypot, even his complaints were tinged with joy: "Look

You, after drinking so much wine, you will have a headache tomorrow. I have prepared a hangover soup for you. Drink a bowl to sober up the hangover first. You probably didn’t eat much at the banquet. Eat something to cushion your stomach in the middle of the night.

I woke up hungry..."

Cui Weizhen let Ye Zhenzhen hold his hand and walk into the house, nodding in agreement, quiet and well-behaved, like an adult version of Wang Zai, he really understood people's hearts.

There is no intention to be cute or anything, it is simply a foul!

This chapter has been completed!
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