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Chapter 454

"Hey, have you changed your official robe?"

The green robe was replaced by a scarlet robe, the silver fish talisman was worn, and the one-beam Jinxian hat was replaced by two beams. He was still the same person, but he looked more majestic. More importantly...

Cui Weizhen in the scarlet robe is so handsome!

There is an undeniable majesty and solemnity in his handsomeness, he is a gentleman and a dignified official, and his deep eyes are filled with irresistible tenderness. Who can withstand such a beautiful man who is strong and soft at the same time?

Anyway, Ye Zhenzhen couldn't bear it anymore.

She looked at him with a crazy look on her face: "...it's still pretty good-looking."

Cui Weizhen raised his brows and revealed a knowing smile on his lips: "So Zhen'er, you like scarlet colors. I will wear them for you every day from now on."

"This, this is not necessary, is it?"

Ye Zhenzhen said uncertainly, because she didn't know whether she liked Cui Weizhen's current appearance or the ascetic atmosphere brought by this appearance. Always wearing the same color clothes would cause aesthetic fatigue.

Cui Weizhen was silent: "I understand."

Ye Zhenzhen was extremely curious and asked: "What do you understand?"

Cui Weizhen glanced at her and said, "The secret must not be revealed."

Ye Zhenzhen: "..."

Her deflated look successfully pleased Cui Weizhen, and a slight smile appeared on her lips, which was both beautiful and charming.

Then, Ye Zhenzhen discovered that Cui Weizhen's dressing style had changed.

In the past, his style was simple and elegant, and he had the demeanor of a gentleman who doesn't fight or fight. Now, his style has begun to develop into dark colors. One day, he even wore a black suit, and he couldn't stop the aura of asceticism that hit his face.

Come on, she almost fainted.

What should I do if my husband becomes more and more attractive?

Of course, of course we need to start taking supplements...

Ye Zhenzhen always felt that she was a lot weak, and she didn't have the shame to take supplements in a big way, so she could only secretly change the diet. After all, medicinal supplements are not as good as food supplements.

Cui Weizhen became even busier after being promoted to a higher rank, but he was able to arrange his time well and put off unnecessary entertainment. Except for occasionally working in the study, he spent most of his time with his family.

As the rising star of Cui Mansion, Wang Zai was naturally the favorite of the whole family. Ye Zhenzhen was busy watching jokes that day and forgot for a moment that that day was also the first time Wang Zai learned to crawl.

I don’t know if it was because of his mother’s ridicule that left a shadow on Wangzi’s young mind. After that day, he said he was unwilling to crawl anymore. He was annoyed by the teasing, so he reluctantly rolled a few times to try to get him to crawl?

That is absolutely impossible.

After Aunt Cui learned the inside story, she immediately made a sincere denunciation of an unscrupulous mother, which made Ye Zhenzhen ashamed and promised repeatedly that she would change her mind and become a mother again.

So the current mode of getting along has become like this: Aunt Cui is doing needlework, Wangzi is sitting on the kang and playing, and the maids are watching. The person who lured Wangzi to learn to crawl became Ye Zhenzhen - this person before

The maids did the work.

One day, Cui Weizhen came back from the office and saw his son sitting aside with aloofness. The child's mother transformed into a reptile. For a moment, his expression was extremely subtle.

Ye Zhenzhen's mood was also very complicated. She was sad and aggrieved, and she also felt a little embarrassed. After returning to the room, she immediately cried and complained: "Weizhen, you have to take care of your unfilial son.

These days I crawl around in front of him every day, but he ignores me and my knees are all swollen!"

Cui Weizhen didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a moment. While checking her knees, he said, "Why is Wang Zai so unfilial? That day I tried to hit you, but he stopped me."

Ye Zhenzhen snorted coldly: "I don't care, he is just petty and vengeful! You must coax him back."

Cui Weizhen: "..." Doesn't that mean I learned from you?

However, he did not dare to say such words, so he could only nod, "Okay, I will teach him a lesson tomorrow."

As a son, you can't disobey your father, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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