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Chapter 523

Guests arrived one after another, and everyone had no time to play around, so they quickly became busy.

As time passed and the guests had almost arrived, Ye Zhenzhen asked the two helping couples to go back to the table to rest while she and Cui Weizhen continued to greet the distinguished guests at the door.

After about a cup of tea, another carriage stopped at the door of Cui Mansion, and a group of people walked out one after another. Looking around, it turned out that King Cui and his family were coming together.

Cui Shihong and Wang Junshen's eyes met, and for a moment they were facing each other head-on, neither giving in to the other, which actually caused outsiders to see the illusion of sparks flying.

The third uncle who also arrived coughed slightly, and the two of them immediately withdrew the sharpness in their eyes. Regardless of what they thought in their hearts, they both greeted their elders.

The third uncle nodded, followed by the heads of the Cui and Wang families, and walked slowly to Cui Weizhen and Ye Zhenzhen: "I haven't been to the capital for a long time. I didn't adapt to the road conditions. I was stuck in a traffic jam for a while, so I just came now.

You have worked hard."

Cui Weizhen bowed his hands and said, "It's really inappropriate for my third uncle to come all the way to the kid's first birthday party. Weizhen would like to thank his third uncle for caring about Wangzai. He liked the wooden horse you gave him before."


The third uncle stroked his beard and smiled: "As long as Wang Zai likes it. Old man, if I don't move my muscles and bones, I will rot. While I can still go out, I should go out and see the world, so as not to be bored in the countryside and not know the changes of the years.

Bored old fogy."

Cui Shihong squinted his eyes to hide the doubts in his eyes. Did the third uncle really just want to relax? He always felt that he and Cui Weizhen had something to hide from him.

And Wang Junshen, a treacherous villain...

Wang Junshen smiled back at him and walked up to talk to Cui Weizhen: "You don't have to stand any longer. Come in with us."

Ye Zhenzhen glanced at Cui Weizhen: "Third uncle, eldest uncle, uncle, let me take you in. Wei Zhen still needs to wait for the distinguished guest here."

The three of them were all moved. They thought that the two people were standing at the door to greet them, but they didn't expect that there were distinguished guests. They thought about it secretly in their hearts, but did not show anything on their faces. The third uncle said openly: "Then please trouble Wei Zhen.


Ye Zhenzhen was polite and took the three elders to the front hall, which bordered the garden. Many guests were guided by servants to go to the garden. There were many people sitting together in twos and threes in the hall, chatting.

Seeing Third Uncle and the others coming in, many people came over to chat.

Although the aristocratic family was suppressed by the imperial court, it had a reputation and heritage that had been maintained for hundreds of years. It was still an unattainable existence in the minds of the people at the time. Many people were proud of being associated with the aristocratic family and marrying the aristocratic family. It seemed that they had even the slightest connection with the aristocratic family.

relationship, they can also become noble and extraordinary.

The third uncle, Wang Junshen and Cui Shihong were very comfortable with this kind of scene, chatting with everyone cordially and yet reservedly. Ye Zhenzhen ignored them and went back to look after the children.

Today her parents also came early. Ye Dayong was not used to the situation outside. Wei Jinyu, the son-in-law, was talking to him. Aunt Ye and Cui were with Wang Zai in the house. These two grandmothers loved their grandson very much and were making arrangements for Wang Zai at the last minute.

I'm practicing catching weeks.

Ye Zhenzhen couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry. The anxiety of the two elders was comparable to that of later generations of parents whose children take the college entrance examination.

Hope that your child will succeed does not only refer to parents. The expectations and anxieties of the elders in the family for their children are really no less than those of parents.

This chapter has been completed!
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