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Chapter 69 Apologize

Su Yinghuai, who came from the capital, quickly became the new favorite of Linxi County's social circles.

Unlike Ye Shiming, a clown who can't get on the stage, most of them are local tycoons and squires, and famous families have friends with him. Ordinary people who follow the crowd have no chance to jump in front of them.

This is the real relative of the county magistrate. I heard that his father Su Chenyu may be promoted to minister next year. With such a golden backer in front of him, who else can he fawn over?

Ye Zhenzhen heard all this news from Shopkeeper Li. As Man Tingfang was in the women's business, she had to gossip a lot. She heard that many women had been harmed by it, and some even bit their tongues and committed suicide on the spot because they couldn't bear the humiliation.

But so what?

The woman was brought to Su Ying's bed by her husband in person. She wanted to sue him for taking someone else's wife and murdering her, but it failed. Li Xuandao suppressed the matter without causing any trouble.

Ye Zhenzhen felt heavy and couldn't do anything about it.

Soon, I received a message from the county magistrate’s wife.

The post did not state the reason for the invitation, but only stated it briefly and concisely, showing carelessness and contempt. It really seemed like Mrs. Li's style.

Those who come are not good.

The Cui family was still under the jurisdiction of Li Xuandao, and Ye Zhenzhen had to give face to the county magistrate and his family before they completely broke up with each other.

On the day of the appointment, it was snowing heavily.

The woman who greeted Ye Zhenzhen at the door looked familiar. She was the nanny who informed her of Ye Sanyong's house last time. Her surname was Yang.

Aunt Yang greeted her politely, took her through the west corner gate of the county government office, passed through the lace door, walked along the red and green-tiled corridor, crossed a moon gate again, and finally arrived at Li

The magistrate's backyard.

There are many maids waiting under the eaves of the main house, wearing red coats and green satin vests. They are of high quality and the materials are better than those of ordinary girls.

Seeing her and Nanny Yang coming from a distance, someone opened the curtain and went in to report. As soon as they got closer, a maid with a pleasant face came out and bowed slightly, "Ms. Ye, Madam has invited you."

Under the service of the maid, Ye Zhenzhen took off her cloak stained with snowflakes. As soon as the curtain was lifted, there was warm warmth accompanied by the fragrant incense. She shivered, resisted the desire to sneeze, and raised her eyes.

Take a look at the scene in the hall.

The furnishings in the house are splendid, and the soft jade in the end is fragrant, and the wealth is astonishing. The purple sand Guanyin incense burner in the corner is lightly burning, flickering with bright and dim light. Occasionally, there is a soft crackling sound from the charcoal basin, and a quiet sound is heard.

Mrs. Li was not there, but there was laughter coming from the cubicle. There seemed to be a male voice, and the voice was somewhat familiar. Ye Zhenzhen couldn't help but frown, and then she saw the soft curtain with red flowers sprinkled with flowers was opened by the maid, and Li

The lady and her group walked out slowly.

Mrs. Li, Mrs. Su, has a long face, and her facial features are not outstanding, but she is uniquely majestic. Today she is wearing a scarlet red brocade dress with gold embroidery, which makes her even more elegant and majestic.

Ye Jiajia, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, lowered her eyebrows and nodded, carefully holding Su's hand. She glanced at Ye Zhenzhen quickly, and then quickly lowered her head. Her well-behaved look was completely different from her lively and willful girlhood.


To put it bluntly, concubines are nothing more than men's playthings. With such a humble status, how can they stir up any trouble with the main wife's methods?

There was a hint of sadness between her eyebrows, and she didn't think she was very favored.

In addition to Ye Jiajia, Mrs. Su was accompanied by a man and a woman. The man was Su Yinghuai and the woman was Li Minghui.

Mrs. Su sat down on the Grand Master's chair, looked at Ye Zhenzhen, and smiled before saying anything, "Ms. Ye, I've been waiting for a long time. It's snowing outside. It must have taken a lot of effort to walk all the way. If I had known better, I would have let the family know.

I used my bicycle to pick you up, and you suffered for nothing."

Yes, the Cui family still has no carriages and horses, so all travel depends on walking.

The county town was only such a big place, and Cui Weizhen was not sociable, so Ye Zhenzhen was too lazy to prepare. Unexpectedly, this would also become the source of Su's ridicule.

"You're welcome, Madam. It's just a few steps away, no need to bother."

Ye Zhenzhen was neither humble nor arrogant, and did not show the slightest hint of embarrassment or embarrassment. She added, "It turns out that Madam is receiving relatives, but I came at the wrong time. So I can't disturb you. I will come to visit Madam someday."

This relative is naturally Su Yinghuai.

Although the protection between men and women in this era was not very strict, it would be too rude for Su to let an adult man accompany her when receiving female guests.

Of course, it might also be because she didn't want to treat Ye Zhenzhen politely.

"Ms. Ye, please wait."

Su stopped her with a smile that did not reach her eyes, "This is also the purpose of inviting you here today. I heard that my nephew had some misunderstandings with you at Yunya Temple and was very uneasy when he came back, so I made this move and invited Mrs. Ye

Come here and let him apologize to you in person."

Will Su Yinghuai apologize?

In fact, unreasonable things just happened.

Su Yinghuai stood up and held up his hands, with a gentle and sincere smile on his face, "Mr. Cui's father is my father's boss. My father has always admired him very much. He often used the word Cui Gongzi to encourage me when I was young. It left a deep impression on me. I didn't expect to meet him here."

He also unintentionally offended his wife... Madam Ye, it was me Meng Lang before, please forgive me."

Both his expression and posture are very serious and sincere, and he acts like he is real.

Ye Zhenzhen glanced at his legs inadvertently, and said sarcastically with a half-smile, "It's easy to say that it was all a misunderstanding. As long as Mr. Su doesn't bear any grudge against me for accidentally hurting him."

Su Yinghuai subconsciously clamped his legs, and the familiar pain hit him again. His face was slightly distorted, but strange excitement and excitement emerged from the bottom of his heart, and even his breathing became a little urgent.

Such a hot woman is really rare.

The other party's intense gaze was so obvious that it was difficult to ignore it.

Ye Zhenzhen was disgusted and disgusted. She didn't expect that Su Yinghuai would not change his lust and dare to attack her. Was it because he disliked her for not being ruthless enough or something?

She didn't want to stay in this disgusting place for a moment longer.

"Mrs. Li, now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, I have some chores at home, so I can't stay for a long time, so I'm going to leave first."

Mrs. Su put down the tea cup and smiled slightly, "Ms. Ye, why are you in such a hurry to go back? Do you think you dislike my poor hospitality?"

"My little girl doesn't dare."

"That's good, just stay and stay longer."

Mrs. Su's eyes fell on Ye Jiajia and said with unclear meaning, "Jiajia has been in my Li family for many days. She often talks about you as my sister to me. I miss you very much. It's rare for you sisters to meet each other. It would be nice to get closer to me."

It doesn't matter. Jiajia, what are you still doing? Haven't you seen that your sister's tea cup is empty? Why don't you go and refill it?"

When it came to the last sentence, the gentleness disappeared and the severity appeared. Such shouting and shouting was just a slap on Ye Zhenzhen and Ye Jiajia. In her eyes, the two sisters were inferior to the two maids.

This is clearly a powerful attack that kills two birds with one stone.

This chapter has been completed!
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