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Chapter 729: New Grape Wine

The couple's boudoir affairs are a secret matter, and this is a posthumous matter, so we won't mention it for the time being.

It took Cui Weizhen and Ye Zhenzhen more than a quarter of an hour to arrive at the not-so-far distance between Mingxi Garden and the garden. At this time, the servants had already prepared the wine and started the stove. After everything was properly arranged, they very consciously

After clearing the place and retreating, the two of them were able to enjoy their world to themselves.

Ye Zhenzhen reluctantly left the warm embrace, walked to the stone bench and sat down. The servants very carefully laid soft cushions on the stone bench. It was not cold at all, and then the warm fire of the stove steamed her whole body.

Got up.

She wanted to untie the felt tent and glanced at Cui Weizhen secretly. He happened to be looking towards her, his eyebrows slightly raised and a half-smile on his face. Ye Zhenzhen put it on the collar for a moment, but couldn't stop it.

This man's expression is truly terrifying.

Cui Weizhen was obviously very satisfied with her obedience. He took the initiative to come over and help her take off the hood on her head. His voice was gentler than coaxing his son: "Keep the felt hood on to avoid getting cold and sick."

Ye Zhenzhen had a minor illness a while ago, with chills, fever, coughs and runny noses taking turns. She still had a shadow in her heart. After hearing this, she immediately calmed down and never mentioned untying the felt tent again.

However, your hair still needs to be trimmed.

She took out the small mirror she carried with her. The glazed mirror used by the palace was particularly clear. The fairy bun she had tied up specially to pick up her baby was already messy. The strands of hair playfully broke away from their positions and flew everywhere with the cold wind.

, the eyes and mouth are full of unruly and flowing hair. At first glance, he looks like a madman.

She looked at Cui Weizhen sadly, pointed at her head, and complained: "Look, you did a good job."

What could Cui Weizhen do? He had no choice but to pick up the moire jade comb pinned to her temples and tidy up her temples.

Strands of messy hair were carefully combed and pinned up. The hair in certain places was difficult to fix, and there was no hair oil here. If I wanted to pin it up, I would just undo the bun and tie it up again. This was a big project.

But this cannot be troubled by Cui Weizhen.

He walked to the garden and broke off a few blooming red plums. The fresh branches were inserted diagonally into his hair. The scattered hair instantly settled down. Not only that, it also added a bit of delicacy and beauty. Ye Zhenzhen looked at the mirror from the mirror.

When I saw it, I couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

However, she was very evil-minded and deliberately asked: "Who is more beautiful, me or Hongmei?"

What a familiar question.

Zhen'er is obviously very interested in this question. Cui Weizhen can't remember how many times he has been asked this question. From the beginning, he was embarrassed to say it, but now he is calm and calm, without even blushing. He praised: "Of course it's Zhen'er."

The most beautiful.”

As expected, her face turned into a smile.

Even though it was just the same compliment, she could always be as happy as a child. It was really silly.

But how did he know that for Ye Zhenzhen, as long as it was a compliment from him, whether it was with gorgeous words or simple words, she would be extremely satisfied.

I think back then, if Wei Zhen wanted to praise her personally, he would have to do it at night when he was in love or after drinking. Like now, it is undoubtedly difficult to reach the sky.

Over the past few years, he has really changed a lot.

Unaware of her feelings, Cui Weizhen had already started to warm the wine. The wine was Yuquan wine given by the emperor and wine brewed by Ye Zhenzhen himself. Cui Weizhen chose the latter.

Perhaps for other people, wine is rare, but for Yongning Bofu, it is nothing more than an ordinary thing. Cui Weizhen has cherished it from the beginning to now taking it indifferently. He will take a few sips from time to time and is completely used to it.

The taste.

Even so, wine is still one of his favorite wines.

The ruby ​​red wine is poured down, and the magnificent color dances in the porcelain white wine warmer. The sharp color contrast brings the ultimate visual feast.

Ye Zhenzhen cleaned her hands on the porcelain basin next to her, then picked up the small ingredients from the porcelain pot and added them to the wine, including cinnamon, cloves, lemon, orange peel and a little sugar. While adding the ingredients, she explained to Cui Weizhen: "You must be sure

I have never tasted this way of drinking. Wine is added with cinnamon and other substances, which can neutralize the astringent taste in the wine, making the taste of the wine more pure and long-lasting, and the taste is good."

Cui Weizhen watched her movements quietly and couldn't help but ask: "You have a lot of research on how to drink wine. Have you tried drinking wine before?"

He was asking about past lives.

Ye Zhenzhen, as a second-generation rich man who was not engaged in production, was the best at eating, drinking and having fun. In her previous life, she often gathered friends and had drinks with her, and even at home, she would often have a few drinks.

She didn't dare to talk nonsense, but just modified it a little, and said: "My mother...my mother likes to drink wine. I try and drink a few glasses at home and do a lot of research on it. Of course, I will drink other wines."

I don’t understand much anymore.”

She spoke confidently and without any guilt. After all, she was not lying. She knew about the famous wines of later generations. She knew nothing about these ancient wines, such as the bottle of Yuquan wine in front of her.

It's a pity that Cui Weizhen has been asking her about her future generations many times over the years. He has already learned about her living habits through indirect circumstantial information, and he can tell at a glance that she is lying.

She was rarely happy, so he didn't bother to pursue it. His eyes fell on the bubbling wine and asked, "Can I have a drink?"

"That's it."

Ye Zhenzhen took the jade cup, picked up the wine grapes, and began to divide the wine.

The mellow aroma of wine spread with the pouring of the wine. Ye Zhenzhen took a sip with fascination. The familiar smell made her smile unconsciously, as if she had returned to the night where she drank alone in her previous life. It was really nostalgic.

She pushed one of them in front of Cui Weizhen and said expectantly: "Try it."

In the snowy weather, the hot wine was put into the cup, and it quickly warmed down. It was just the right temperature for the mouth. Cui Weizhen held the cup and took a sip. It was indeed mellow in the mouth, with a sweet aftertaste, which was mixed with the light astringency before.

It's completely different, the taste is smoother and smoother.

He nodded in approval: "It's wonderful. This method can be used regularly in the future."

Ye Zhenzhen naturally agreed. Wei Zhen thought that she had a poor drinking tolerance and would not allow her to drink more. However, it seemed that she could satisfy her craving this winter.

She smiled so hard that her eyebrows were crooked, and Cui Weizhen couldn't help but nodded her eyebrows. He seemed helpless and indulgent, and said: "You, you, like to drink too much. If you have a headache after drinking too much, don't come to me to cry."

"Wine is not intoxicating." Ye Zhenzhen retorted without confidence, because her body was so unsatisfactory and her ability to drink was so poor.

Fortunately, after such a long period of training, her drinking capacity has improved slightly. She believes that in the near future, she will definitely be able to regain her reputation of never getting drunk after a thousand drinks in her previous life!

In response to this, Cui Weizhen just smiled. Want to drink a thousand cups and not get drunk? It's just a dream.

This chapter has been completed!
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