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Chapter 777: Beneath the Dangerous Wall

The sound of horse hoofbeats came. It was Cui Weizhen who was worried about their fear and came over to calm them down: "There seems to be some accident ahead. Don't be afraid. Stay in the car and don't come out. I'll go take a look first. Zhang San,

Take good care of Madam and the others."

The person driving the car today is Zhang San. Even though he has become the chief manager of Jingning Bo Mansion and can be fawned over as Mr. Zhang when walking outside, he has never forgotten his identity. Today, when the master's family of three went out, he volunteered to be the driver.


After listening to Lang Jun's instructions, he immediately cheered up and looked around vigilantly, guarding against any unscrupulous people taking advantage of the chaos.

Several children in the carriage were a little uneasy. They didn't even care about the excitement outside and shrank back in fear.

Cui Zhiduan hugged Ye Zhenzhen's arm tightly and kept asking: "Mom, where is daddy? Is there an assassin?"

This child has such a rich imagination, but it's Ye Zhenzhen's fault. Who made her like to read the Jianghu stories about Rui Yi and Enmity, and talk nonsense to the child.

Ye Zhenzhen reflected to herself. Although she was a little uneasy now, she still cheered up and comforted her child: "Under the emperor's feet, the public security is good, how could there be an assassin? I'm afraid there was a traffic accident ahead."

This was a guess based on her past life experience, but she didn't expect that she got it right.

After a while, the news brought back by Cui Weizhen also confirmed this: "...Today's traffic was heavy and busy. The governor of the capital sent people early to maintain order, and was barely able to clear the way for vehicles and pedestrians in an orderly manner. However, two sons of powerful men tried to fight fiercely.

Ruthless, the horse was galloping on the main road and hit the vehicles on the side of the road. For a moment, the people were overturned and the road was blocked."

Ms. Liu was so frightened that her heart beat fast and she quickly asked: "What's the situation over there? Is anyone injured?"

Ye Zhenzhen is also worried about this problem. The cars and horses nowadays are not like the iron lumps of later generations. There are airbags and seat belts in the car. If it is hit by an external force and rolls over, someone may be killed.

Furthermore, horses are easily frightened after an accident and will have to trample pedestrians again.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, it won't cause a big disaster."

Seeing that Ye Zhenzhen was too anxious to speak, Cui Weizhen quickly said: "It's my fault that I didn't explain clearly. What I hit was a pair of carriages filled with cargo. The handlebar type was smart and he jumped off early when he saw the situation was bad.

, just suffered some skin trauma; but the two horse racers in the downtown area were so frightened that they fell off their horses. The extent of their injuries is unknown, and they have been sent to the hospital by the government officials."

Fortunately, fortunately, no innocent people were harmed. As for how injured the two culprits were... Haha, it would be fine if we didn't curse him. Who wants to care about him?

The censor is probably writing a memorial for impeachment. Apart from the injuries caused by the fall, they and their father may not get any good results.

"There's no frightening horse, right?"

Cui Weizhen patted her hand on the window edge and said, "I got there in time and helped control the frightened horse. It's not a serious problem."

No wonder his clothes were a little messy. It turned out that his uniform was worn out.

"You're not hurt, are you?"

Cui Weizhen shook his head: "No problem." They were just a few frightened horses. They were well-trained horses. Even if they were stimulated, it didn't take much effort to subdue them.

However, Ye Zhenzhen sharply saw the red mark on his palm, which should have been caused when reining in the horse——

Although Cui Weizhen is a civil servant, he is not a helpless person. When he was in Yejia Village, he relied on him to hunt in the mountains to supplement the family income.

He has always been in the habit of doing morning exercises, not only boxing, but also archery, so the skin on his hands is not delicate, and now it has red marks on it, which shows how much effort he has just used.

Ye Zhenzhen felt extremely distressed. She quickly took out the ointment for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis from the hidden cabinet in the carriage, pressed Cui Weizhen's hand that was about to withdraw, and whispered: "Don't move, I'll give you the medicine."

It's just a red mark, not really an injury, and it will naturally fade away in a few days.

Cui Weizhen didn't pay attention, but Ye Zhenzhen was very worried and insisted on grabbing his hand to take the medicine. If he didn't obey her, she would be worried.

The cool ointment melted in the palm of his hand, and it did alleviate the burning pain a bit. Cui Weizhen's eyebrows relaxed slightly, and he handed over his other hand very obediently: "Don't worry, there is no problem with the ointment prepared by Dr. Zhou.

The congestion will be gone in a day.”

Ye Zhenzhen finished applying the ointment and once again confirmed that there were no other wounds on his body, she put the ointment away with confidence.

It was impossible to say anything to advise him not to put up a dangerous wall next time, because Cui Weizhen was the same type of person as her, and he would not ignore her even if it was for the sake of the people around her.

She could only say: "Be sure to pay attention to safety next time."

Cui Weizhen complied obediently.

Only then did Cui Zhiduan have the opportunity to interject: "Dad, does your hand hurt? Let me blow on it for you. It won't hurt anymore!"

After the child finished speaking, he took his father's big hand and blew hard. His cheeks puffed up again and again, and he blew again and again. Finally, he blew until his face turned red, and then he asked breathlessly: "Daddy, does it still hurt?"


Cui Weizhen smiled with a smile on his face and touched his son's red little face: "It doesn't hurt at all. It's more effective than a panacea."

Cui Zhiduan immediately became happy, and at the same time he was also very proud. His father was very powerful, and he subdued all the frightened horses in the busy market!

He blinked the corners of his shining eyes and said expectantly: "Dad, I also want to learn to ride a horse!"

"You are still young. When you are older, daddy will buy a pony for you to learn from."

Cui Weizhen did not reject it outright. He started riding horses when he was five years old, and it was not too late for Wangzi to learn how to ride horses when he was five years old. He set his sights on Cui Zhiming. The child also had expectations in his eyes, but he did not dare to speak. His heart immediately

It softened.

No matter how friendly he and Zhen'er are, this child is still a little sensitive inside after living under someone else's roof.

He couldn't help but said in a gentle voice: "Zhi Ming is old enough to learn to ride a horse. Now, my uncle wants to see a docile pony. When the pony is bought, my uncle will teach you how to ride."

Cui Zhiming's eyes shone with surprise, but after seeing the envious look on his brother Zhi Duan's face, he immediately hesitated: "Uncle, I, I'd better wait until brother Zhi Duan grows up before we learn together."

"Don't wait for him. You are of different ages. There is no need to go out of your way to accommodate him."

Ye Zhenzhen rubbed the child's head, felt his veins and said, "Besides, you should learn it earlier, and when Wangzi is older, you can teach him."

Cui Zhiming's eyes lit up.

Cui Zhiduan was even happier than him, and nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, brother Zhi Ming, you must learn how to ride a horse quickly and teach me how to ride a horse in the future!"

Cui Zhiming liked his cousin to rely on him the most. He nodded seriously when he heard this, and couldn't hide the smile on his face.

As expected, he is a child. No matter how sensitive his mind is, happiness is still so simple.

This chapter has been completed!
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