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Chapter 784

Although Ye Zhenzhen became a money-splitting boy, she had a lot of fun. After all, with her current financial resources, losing some money to her friends was nothing. When she went out to play, the most important thing was to have fun.

She had a great time, and Cui Zhiduan didn't give in too much.

Zhou Xuchen's secret base is in the small garden at the back. There is also an ice rink in the garden. Although it is not as big as the one outside, it is enough for children like them to play.

Different from his mother, although Cui Zhiduan is young, Bingxi's skills are not bad at all. Due to the age limit, he is not as good as other young men, but he is still at the upper-middle level and has not fallen behind in several games.

However, his physical strength was limited after all, so he came down to rest after another sneak. Zhang San quickly stepped forward to help him wipe his sweat and drink water, and kept asking: "Little man, are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?"


Cui Zhiduan took a sip of water and touched his bulging belly: "I'm not hungry, I just want to go to the toilet."

Zhang San calculated the time to go out and found that it was time to go to the toilet, so he asked the servant of the Imperial Mansion who was waiting next to him and learned that there was no hut in the small garden, so he had to go to the yard next to the garden to find one.

The servant was very enthusiastic: "Butler Zhang is not familiar with the road, so let me take the young man there."

Zhang San was worried about leaving his young husband to a strange servant, even a servant from Huangzhuang, so he refused: "No, you can stay here and take care of me. I will take my young husband with me."


The servant did not refuse. After all, in comparison, the Fourth Young Master of the Wei Palace was more important. Since the other party did not need him, she was more willing to stay and serve the Fourth Young Master.

Zhang San took the little boy to go to the toilet, and specifically asked the other boys if they wanted to go with him. Except for Xiaodouzi who had a need, the other children had so much fun that they didn't want to leave at all. Zhang San had to go with Xiaodouzi's mother.

Mom, I took the two children to the hut together.

According to the description of the servants of Huangzhuang, they walked along the corridor after leaving the garden, turned in through a moon gate, and then entered a courtyard. There were latrines in the courtyard, and the latrines were divided into men's and women's toilets. It happened that Cui Zhiduan and Xiao

One bean per person.

Xiaodouzi was young, so her mother-in-law went in to help her little master go to the toilet. Zhang San originally had this intention, but Cui Zhiduan wanted to save face and refused with his chubby hands: "No need to wait, I am already an adult."

Sister Xiaodouzi is still watching, and must maintain the dignity of his little man!

Zhang San nodded with a smile: "Okay, if you need anything else, please tell me."

Cui Zhiduan nodded, and then walked in with small steps. Zhang San was standing alone outside, inevitably looking around to observe the surrounding environment. Suddenly, two eunuch-looking people sneaked into the yard, and he felt something

Strange, he quickly avoided his body and hid behind the big tree.

The two eunuchs seemed to be in a panic and didn't bother to take stock of their surroundings. The older eunuch pulled at the younger eunuch next to him and lowered his voice and asked, "How are you? Have you taken the medicine?"

"Down, down."

The little eunuch was so frightened that his lips turned white, and he said tremblingly: "Today is my shift. I poured the medicine into the stable when others were not paying attention. I saw with my own eyes that the horse ate the grass mixed with medicine.


The eldest eunuch nodded: "Well done, have you disposed of the medicine bag?"

"It's done. I'll burn it all with the fire." The little eunuch looked at him with red eyes: "Eunuch Zhuo, what about my family..."

The eldest eunuch glanced at him coldly, and the other person immediately fell silent and did not dare to speak. Then he said with satisfaction: "Don't worry, you are working for the master. When the matter is completed, I will definitely not treat you and your family badly."

.By the way, is there any chance of getting close to Uncle Jing Ning?"

Zhang San's heart skipped a beat, and his expression turned ugly. It turned out that their master was also the opponent's target.

There was already talk over there: "...No, Jing Ningbo rode his mount instead of using the horses from the stable. I am of low status and have no chance to come into contact with him."

The eldest eunuch was a little reluctant, but not that persistent. He sneered and said, "It doesn't matter if they don't use their hands or feet. After all, they won't be able to get out of the forest."

When Zhang San heard this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but there was a movement in the latrine. It seemed that the young master had finished using the toilet and was getting ready to come out.

Never let the other party find out there is someone here!

Zhang San was so anxious that he didn't know what to do. He suddenly found a kitten lying on the wall basking in the sun. He had an idea in his mind. He first apologized silently, then picked up the pebbles under the wall and said to the kitten.

Throw it away.


The kitten was hit by a stone and screamed miserably. The two little eunuchs, who were already guilty of committing crimes, were even more frightened. They didn't dare to look at it and ran away in a hurry.

It was precisely because of this that they did not hear the collisions and exclamations coming from the latrine.

Zhang San heard this and ran into the latrine to take a look. He found that the young master had knocked over the basin for washing hands inside, and the water splashed all over the floor. Fortunately, his clothes were not wet, but his cloak was.

Cui Zhiduan didn't care about this, but asked hurriedly: "Xue'er is barking! Is it injured?"

"It's not Xue'er."

Zhang San could no longer care about the cat on the wall. Someone was secretly planning to kill His Royal Highness the King of Wei and his husband who were out hunting. This news must be reported to his wife as soon as possible.

He picked up the young man and tried his best to calm down the panic on his face, and said: "The young man has wet his cloak. It's so cold that he might get sick. Let's go back to my wife's place and change into a new cloak."


Cui Zhiduan still remembered the cat with the miserable meow, but he saw that Uncle Zhang was a little anxious, so he obediently said nothing more and hugged his neck to say hello.

Zhang San came out with Xiao Langjun in his arms, and happened to meet his grandma who came out with Xiaodouzi in her arms. Her expression was different. She didn't know whether she was frightened by the cat outside, or because she also heard the conversation outside.

After all, in terms of location, the women's restroom is closer to the two eunuchs.

Zhang San did not explore further. At this time, his expression had calmed down. He nodded to the other party and said: "Mother Zhou, I will accompany the young master to go ahead and change into a cloak. Please do as you please."

Grandma Zhou pursed her lips, hugged the girl in her arms tightly, and said, "I'll go there with you."

Zhang San looked at her deeply: "Okay."

Aunt Zhou was very cautious. Before going out to the yard, she carefully looked around the surrounding environment to make sure there were no problems before she nodded to Zhang San. The two of them speeded up their pace in a tacit understanding and hurriedly walked to the front yard.

There was laughter and laughter over there, but no one knew that the storm was coming.

This chapter has been completed!
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