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Chapter 846

Ye Zhenzhen carefully tied up her hair. Of course, Cui Weizhen's help was indispensable. She couldn't do it alone.

The miscellaneous things were finally resolved.

Cui Weizhen looked at him the whole time, and Ye Zhenzhen almost forgot about the main business: "Let me ask you, what happened to the maid who poured the wine?"

I went round and round, but in the end I couldn't escape.

Cui Weizhen hung up the wet towel and glanced at his wife: "I said, but you are not allowed to be angry."

As soon as you hear it, you know it's not a good thing.

Ye Zhenzhen: "...I'm starting to get angry now."

"Then I won't say anything?"

A knife flew over, Cui Weizhen touched his nose angrily, and confessed honestly: "That person is not the maid of Prince Wei's palace, but the girl from Shuyu who was invited. I met her before when I was drinking with my colleagues.

Fate, she came here specially to toast me last night, but I didn’t accept it, and the drink spilled on me during the push.”

The woman in Shuyu is the Qinghuer in Kangpingfang.

Ye Zhenzhen fell silent, no wonder she was vague just now, looking around, he turned out to be a peach blossom debt left over from a secret trip to Kangpingfang.

Although Cui Weizhen would not do anything sorry for her, the incident itself was very disturbing, and she didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Her silence made Cui Weizhen a little panicked. He reached out to grab her hand, looked directly into her eyes, and explained: "Zhen'er, don't think too much. I have nothing to do with her. The minister asked me to wait for him to go to the study apartment."

We ate wine and ordered that person to play the piano and sing. I didn’t recognize her even when we saw each other yesterday. It was her who introduced herself to her family and showed her courtesy. At the dinner, I had to give Prince Wei some face, so I allowed her to get close to her.

Opportunity to get married..."

"I know, I didn't think much about it."

Ye Zhenzhen sighed softly: "You men's family is indispensable for socializing. Whether you go to Kangpingfang or not is not your wish. I don't blame you."

Cui Weizhen pursed his lips: "I'm sorry."

Ye Zhenzhen was shocked. She didn't expect him to apologize so frankly, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"You don't need to apologize, just... if you go to Kangpingfang in the future, just don't hide it from me."

Call her hypocritical or unreasonable, but as a wife, she really can't remain indifferent to her husband going to the fireworks place.

She knows how good Cui Weizhen is, and she also knows how much women outside are attracted to him.

Cui Weizhen gently raised her chin and found that her lowered eyes were covered with a slight mist. He felt a pain in his heart and kissed her without thinking, with endless apologies on his lips, clumsily and stubbornly.

Expressing one's apologies.

Ye Zhenzhen couldn't bear it at all, so her attitude quickly softened and she stopped pestering her.

Have a peaceful night.

The next day, Ye Zhenzhen woke up to the slightest movement. It turned out that Cui Weizhen had returned from morning exercises.

Looking at his wife walking out of the bed, Cui Weizhen, who was getting dressed, made a move: "Did I wake you up?"

"No, I woke up."

Ye Zhenzhen took his girdle: "I'll help you."

Cui Weizhen was a little flattered. He never expected that he had made someone angry yesterday and would be enjoying being served this morning.

He was worried, fearing that Zhen'er would suddenly give him a "surprise".

Ye Zhenzhen wanted to laugh when she saw his look like this. Of course, she didn't suppress her smile and gave him a look: "What's your expression? I'm tying a girdle for you, not dynamite. What are you doing?"

He looked as if he was about to die."

Cui Weizhen coughed in embarrassment and admitted his mistake very readily: "I judged the gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain."

Her attitude was extremely good, maybe she was really frightened by her appearance last night.

Ye Zhenzhen was a little embarrassed when she thought about it. Maybe it was because of her drinking. She was quite emotional last night and almost cried. If she didn't still have some sense, she would have shed tears long ago.

It's okay, it's okay. If I really cried, I wouldn't be able to see anyone today.

With a sullen face, Ye Zhenzhen carefully took care of Cui Weizhen's clothes, and specially picked a sachet she made by herself and hung it on his waist, saying: "Okay, you go and have breakfast."

Cui Weizhen hugged her and placed a kiss on her cheek: "It's still early, you can go get some sleep."


Ye Zhenzhen shook her head: "If I go back to sleep, I really won't be able to get up. I have to send my son and the others to school later."

Cui Weizhen: "You don't have to work so hard, just let the servants deliver it."

"The only things I can give away are these few years. When he gets older, he may not be willing to let me give them away."

The more Ye Zhenzhen talked, the more sad she became: "Wangzi is already five years old, and he has become a little adult in the blink of an eye. In the future, he will be less and less in my arms and act like a baby."

Cui Weizhen glanced at her belly, hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing.

But Ye Zhenzhen saw it and unconsciously put her hand on her belly and asked, "Do you want to have another child?"

Ancient people believed that having more children would lead to good fortune. No matter how much Cui Weizhen was influenced by her, it would be difficult to change this concept, right?

Unexpectedly, Cui Weizhen shook his head decisively: "No more babies. We only have Wangzi."

Ye Zhenzhen was a little surprised. His previous attitude was not like this. Although he didn't force it, he still had a casual attitude. Why did he become so resistant all of a sudden?

As if he understood what she was thinking, Cui Weizhen said softly: "There is a clerk in the household department whose wife had difficulty giving birth in the first month. She couldn't bear it the day before yesterday and she died."

Ye Zhenzhen fell silent. No matter in ancient times or in later generations, a woman's childbirth was equivalent to passing through the gate of death. This was especially true in ancient times when medical technology was underdeveloped. I don't know how many women died in this gate.

She herself was a little scared, but Cui Weizhen's stress reaction was obviously more severe, so she had to try to comfort her: "I have already given birth once, and the second one will be much better. Besides, don't you want to have another daughter?"

Who doesn’t like daughters?

But... Cui Weizhen glanced at her: "Maybe he is another brat."

Ye Zhenzhen was dumbfounded. Obviously, she could not guarantee a boy or girl, but she wanted to give it a try after all.

"Wangzi is too lonely alone. It would be good to give him a younger brother and sister." She tried to persuade him: "Let's stop taking the medicine."

In order to prevent pregnancy, they have been drinking the medicine prepared by Dr. Yu.

Cui Weizhen obviously hadn't made up his mind yet and responded vaguely: "Let's wait a little longer."

He was afraid that Ye Zhenzhen would continue to lobby, so he quickly changed the subject: "Okay, it's almost time, I'll go and say hello to my mother first, and I'll have breakfast at my mother's place."

Before she could say anything more, she left quickly.

Ye Zhenzhen: "..."

It’s so cowardly, but can this really avoid the problem?

Ye Zhenzhen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she thought he was a little cute because of his stupidity.

This chapter has been completed!
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