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Chapter 902 Distinguished Customers

The daughter of a princess and the princess have different weights. Ye Zhenzhen added some more to the prepared baptismal ceremony before sending it out. The same was true for the full moon banquet.

At this time, Ye Zhenzhen's belly was already swollen and she was already six months pregnant. Finally, she could no longer hide the matter. Aunt Cui, who was far away in Taiyuan, still knew the news.

Aunt Cui sternly reprimanded her son and daughter-in-law for concealing their behavior in the letter at home, and planned to return to the capital from Taiyuan. Cui Weizhen and Ye Zhenzhen were both a little anxious. The sky was getting colder by the day, and Aunt Cui's body was definitely

Can't stand it.

But Aunt Cui was unable to make the trip in the end, because after autumn, the two elders of the Wang family fell ill.

When Ye Zhenzhen heard the news, she looked a little unhappy. The two elders of the Wang family were already quite old in this era, and they usually suffered from minor illnesses. If they fell ill this time, there might be something wrong with them.

Cui Weizhen came back from the office, and his brows did not relax after hearing the news.

In addition to worrying about the health of his grandparents, he also has more on his mind. If one of his grandparents is in trouble, his eldest uncle will have to live in mourning for three years. Unless His Majesty seizes his love, the Suzhou magistrate who has just taken office will have to abdicate in favor of someone better. At that time, the situation will change.

It will have a considerable impact.

And Aunt Cui...

Cui Weizhen was worried and fell into a long silence after reading the letter home. Then he looked at Ye Zhenzhen in a daze, looking like he was hesitant to speak and found it difficult to speak.

Ye Zhenzhen had some guesses and took the initiative to say: "You can take your son to Taiyuan. I said before that when I have time, I will take the bailiff to Taiyuan to visit my great-grandfather and great-grandmother. I just took him to Taiyuan because I am pregnant."

This matter has been shelved. Now is the right time. You two, father and son, should go take a trip."

"I don't trust you." Cui Weizhen looked at his wife's bulging belly, his brows full of worry.

Ye Zhenzhen suppressed the reluctance in her heart and said with a smile: "I have maids and servants in my house to take care of me, and I have an old doctor on call at all times. What should I worry about? If I don't worry, after you and your son leave Beijing,

I will take my parents to my house and stay there for a while."

This seems to be the best way.

Even if he was worried in every possible way, he could never escape what he had to do. Cui Weizhen sighed softly, held her hand and said, "I've wronged you."

"What's there to feel aggrieved about?"

Ye Zhenzhen is not a hypocritical person. When her elderly grandmother fell ill, it was only natural for Cui Weizhen, as her grandson, to visit her. If it weren't for the fact that she was pregnant and didn't dare to travel, she would still have to accompany her.

She naturally changed the subject: "Let's go together to pick up Duan from school, and by the way, ask for leave from Mrs. Zhou."

Cui Weizhen did not refuse, and ordered his servants to prepare a car, and together they went to the Palace of the Prince of Wei.

The children haven't finished school yet. Cui Weizhen and King Wei were discussing matters in the front study. Ye Zhenzhen chatted with Princess Wei. It only took a while before Cui Zhiduan finally left school.

Cui Weizhen explained the situation to Old Master Zhou and learned that the student was going to visit his sick great-grandfather. Old Master Zhou did not refuse. The great Zhou Dynasty governed the country with filial piety, and literati who observed filial piety were highly praised.

When Cui Zhiduan knew that his great-grandfather was sick, his little face wrinkled up. Ye Zhenzhen couldn't bear to see her son sad, so she pinched his little face and comforted him: "Don't worry, great-grandfather and great-grandmother are old, it's just commonplace for the elderly.

Some diseases can be cured by taking care of yourself. Since you are leaving for Taiyuan soon, why not buy some specialties from the capital and take them there with you, as you have done your best."

These words are meant to coax children to listen.

The gifts were prepared by the servants, so there was no need for their master to buy them in person? It was just that Ye Zhenzhen felt that the atmosphere was a little heavy and wanted to take the father and son to go shopping to relax.

Cui Weizhen knew her good intentions and did not object. Cui Zhiduan was a good boy, so he had no objection. As for Cui Zhiming, he couldn't get in the middle of this kind of thing, but his uncle had just asked for leave for him, intending to take him with him.

Going to Taiyuan.

The East Market is always lively all year round, with constant shouting and hawking, a constant flow of people, and noisy bustling. Cui Weizhen did not dare to relax at all. He carefully supported Ye Zhenzhen from the moment he got off the carriage. Cui Zhiduan and Cui Zhiming were on the left.

I walked beside them and went to various shops.

Since she planned to run out of things, there was no point in wandering around. Ye Zhenzhen recalled the preferences of the Wang family's relatives and went in to buy a few things when she saw a suitable shop. Of course, the shops at the moment also had door-to-door delivery services.

, especially for large customers like Jingning Bofu, the shopkeepers dare not ignore them, and their service is extremely considerate.

Shopping is indeed a magic weapon to relieve mood. After all this shopping, Ye Zhenzhen felt much better.

As they were walking, Cui Weizhen suddenly turned around and led them into a nearby shop. This shop was familiar to Ye Zhenzhen at all. It was Duobao Zhai where she often made jewelry.

The shopkeeper of Duobao Zhai does not need to know anyone else, but Uncle Jing Ning and Mrs. Ning Guo are absolute exceptions. These two are the nobles of Duobao Zhai!

Although Duobao Zhai was famous in the capital in the past, it definitely did not have the unique status it has today. Why? It is simply because the jewelry patterns designed by Jing Ningbo for his wife were all completed by their Duobao Zhai masters.

Every time a new piece of jewelry is released, it will quickly become a trend among the elite circles in the capital. Duobao Zhai will also rise accordingly, enjoying a transcendent status among the jewelry shops in the capital.

If there is anyone in the capital who wants Uncle Jing Ning and Mrs. Ning Guo to play the piano in harmony, the money shopkeeper of Duobao Zhai will definitely be the first to do so. In order to thank Mrs. Ning Guo, the shop donates a lot of money to Baishan Hall every month.

At this moment, a distinguished guest came to the door. Shopkeeper Qian didn't care about entertaining other people. He hurriedly stepped forward to greet him with a warm and friendly smile: "I have met Mrs. Ning Guo, Uncle Jing Ning and the two young gentlemen. An honored guest is here."

, the shop is flourishing. Uncle, you visited the shop in person despite your busy schedule. Could it be that you have new patterns that need to be made? "

The masters of Duobao Zhai were highly skilled and well-known, and the ladies and ladies from the capital flocked to it, vying to come here to make their head and face jewelry. Ye Zhenzhen heard people complain to her more than once about the difficulty of getting a job at Duobao Zhai.

However, Ye Zhenzhen has never had this problem.

Because Cui Weizhen is already a valued customer of Duobao Zhai, whenever he comes to make jewelry headpieces, regardless of whether the masters of Duobao Zhai are free or not, they will give priority to the jewelry of Jingning Bofu.

It's funny to think about it, Cui Weizhen is a grown man, but he is treated better than other ladies, and becomes a distinguished customer of a top jewelry store.

Well, I don’t know if anyone has used this as an excuse to impeach him...

[The author has something to say]

I originally wanted to use the word supreme customer, but in this era, the word supreme cannot be used carelessly. I always feel that distinguished customer lacks some meaning.

This chapter has been completed!
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