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Chapter 970

Ye Zhenzhen, who was very coaxable, didn't know she had fallen into someone's trick, and happily discussed her latest jewelry with someone: "Actually, I also drew a few jewelry patterns, but they don't look good, so I don't have the nerve to show them to you."

In terms of design, it can be said that Ye Zhenzhen has no talent at all.

Cui Weizhen stopped talking now.

If there was no mistake, he seemed to have seen the hand gesture pattern designed by Zhen'er. It cannot be said to be ugly, it can only be said to be very ordinary. If it were made like this, she would definitely not be willing to wear it.

In order not to waste things, he would not praise her against his will.

Ye Zhenzhen is self-aware. Of course, the truth is that she is too embarrassed to show her shame in front of Cui Weizhen, a master of design.

The couple chatted all the way, and did not specifically ask where the Cuju venue was. They just walked along the inner street and soon came to a place with a small bridge, flowing water and a willow embankment. There were cargoes and merchants coming and going from north to south.

Among the common people, there are also children playing Cuju.

This is not a very gorgeous Cuju venue, but there are many people watching. If you get closer, you can find a group of energetic children playing Cuju back and forth.

These children were not very old and were not affected by the disaster, or in other words, the impact was minimal to them. While the adults were still immersed in sadness and unforgettable, they were already sweating passionately on the Cuju court.

Cheers, shouts, boos...the sounds reached their ears, and the crowd of onlookers were infected by them and began to cheer for them.

Among a group of children dressed in coarse cloth, two children wearing splendid Hu clothes caught the eye the most. They were born with cute looks, handsome faces, and a different style. It was obvious at a glance that they were noble sons with good family backgrounds.

The person carrying the ball at this time was one of the young men wearing a red Hu uniform.

Although the young master is not very old, his body is very flexible and he can run around the court with plenty of energy. His body is as flexible as a little cheetah. He is obviously just playing Cuju, but he has the momentum of Guan Gong to pass five levels and defeat six generals.

, overcoming thorns and thorns, invincible.

In the end, he hit Cuju into the net with a beautiful roundhouse kick. There was a roar of applause outside the court, and many people cheered loudly. Among them, Ye Zhenzhen screamed the loudest. One person almost shouted out the entire cheerleading team.

When the young master heard the sound, he turned around and immediately smiled, showing his big white teeth.

"Father, mother!"

He shouted and waved, and the clear children's voice soon passed through the lively crowd: "Dad, mother! Just wait for us, just finish the game."

"No rush, no rush. Just fight hard and we'll wait."

Ye Zhenzhen also kept waving in response. Cui Zhiduan and Cui Zhiming soon continued the game. Perhaps knowing that they were watching the game, the two played more intensely and proactively. Then Cui Zhiming also scored a goal, and outside the court there was another

There was a burst of cheers.

Ye Zhenzhen was starry-eyed throughout the whole process, and proudly said to Cui Weizhen: "We have been training for all these years, and our family's execution and determination are the brightest kids on the field."

Cui Weizhen was not surprised by this result.

Compared with ordinary children, Cui Zhiduan and Cui Zhiming's physical condition is much superior. They are well-nourished and strong and energetic. Not to mention that they have been taught the tricks of Cuju by a master in Fuzhong. If they still win in this situation

If not, then there is a problem.

Cui Weizhen was not disappointed and nodded in agreement: "Yes, the performance is remarkable. I will ask Yang Jun to practice with them again."

Master Yang does not just teach equestrian skills. He is responsible for enlightening some popular activities nowadays, such as Cuju, Bingxi, etc. Now that Cui Zhiduan has learned to ride a horse, he will practice playing polo in the future.

Ye Zhenzhen has no objection to this. It is okay for boys to arrange more sports activities.

A quarter of an hour later, the Cuju competition finally came to an end, and Cui Zhiduan's team won.

The charm of team activities quickly brought the children closer together. The neighbor children lost their initial politeness and awe, and cordially high-fived and fist-bumped Cui Zhiduan and Cui Zhiming, laughing and joking, becoming very close.

Ye Zhenzhen looked at it with a smile, feeling very happy in her heart. She had always been worried that her son would develop a noble and dignified character because of his family background. Now she saw that he was approachable and could play with them no matter they were princes from the palace or children in the alleys.

At one point, I finally felt relieved.

Being open-minded, humble and self-respecting is the way to live in the world.

The children were laughing and making noise. As soon as they walked in front of Cui Weizhen and Ye Zhenzhen, they immediately became quiet. Cui Zhiduan and Cui Zhiming were fine. They had nothing to be afraid of. The legs of the children were a little weak.

This is a big shot!

It was the magistrate who executed Lin Zhixian!

The children, who had never seen anyone big before, were extremely docile, like a group of kittens encountering natural enemies. They shrank their necks meekly and didn't even dare to take another look.

Cui Zhiduan didn't notice that his friends had lost their temper, and he was still excitedly introducing his new partner to his parents: "Dad, Mom, this is Daming, the best Cuju player among them, and this is Fusheng..."

The names were called one by one. The children who were called were all alert and greeted Cui Weizhen and Ye Zhenzhen with a trembling voice. Their pitiful looks were comparable to those of the students who were called by the master to answer questions.

These children are so pitiful.

Ye Zhenzhen couldn't bear it and greeted them kindly. The children seemed to realize that the nobles were not savage beasts, and they relaxed visibly.

Cui Weizhen's sleeve was pulled by Ye Zhenzhen, and he had to cooperate with a coaxing expression: "It's a good kick."

This perfunctory compliment made these children extremely excited, and the light in their eyes was almost comparable to the stars in the night sky.

Children's happiness comes very simply. A word of praise is enough. Especially when this word of praise comes from an authoritative adult, the happiness is doubled.

It was getting late and late. Although there was a high probability that there was no danger, as an adult, Ye Zhenzhen still asked the accompanying guards to send these children back to their respective homes to prevent them from having any accidents on the way.

Cui Zhiduan had a great time today. He kept chirping like a happy little sparrow along the way, as if he couldn't get enough of it. He even played Cuju with Cui Zhiming on the way, and his crisp smiles echoed in the unfamiliar and dim streets.

Ye Zhenzhen and Cui Weizhen were walking behind them, looking at their shadows stretched by the setting sun, but their moods were extremely peaceful and peaceful. Although they were far away in a foreign country, they did not feel sad about wandering at all. The biggest reason was probably

Because I'm not lonely at all.

This place of peace of mind is my hometown.

This chapter has been completed!
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