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Chapter 972

Xin Ning continued her journey after her 100th anniversary celebration, and Mingzhou was getting closer and closer.

They had been running around and tired for the past month and could not bear the ups and downs, so the guards spontaneously sped up. Seeing that they were getting closer to Mingzhou, the convoy suddenly stopped.

Ye Zhenzhen happened to be riding horses outside with Cui Weizhen today. Seeing this, she frowned in confusion: "Why did you stop?"

We have just set off, and it’s not time to rest yet. Besides, this terrain...

Cui Weizhen didn't answer, frowning and staring ahead. Ye Zhenzhen realized something was wrong with the canyon - it was too quiet, even the sounds of birds were inaudible.

Along the way from the capital, we passed through countless valleys and woods. The mountains and forests in May were very lively, with apes singing, birds chirping, and leaves and branches rustling. Now, all the sounds have disappeared, as if they were driven by something terrible.

The monster devours the general.

Ye Zhenzhen was restless and suddenly remembered the situation when she and General Deng went to support Cui Weizhen after he disappeared in Qingyun Mansion but were ambushed halfway.

Her heart suddenly rose, and the TV series she had watched in her previous life were playing in her head. This situation often meant danger, and there might be an ambush when she went there.

Zhou Wu, who came back from exploring the road, looked equally solemn: "Uncle, madam, the terrain here is steep and the mountains and forests are abnormal. I am afraid it may be dangerous. For the sake of safety, you two please get into the carriage and we will rush through the canyon."

The canyon is the only way to go, no matter what, but their convoy is bloated. Although there are guards to protect them, most of them are unarmed women and children. If there is really any danger, they may be dwarfed by comparison.

Ye Zhenzhen was a little panicked, but she still forced herself to calm down. Cui Weizhen gently shook her hand, then let go and said: "Zhen'er, you go in and accompany your mother and child, I'll stay outside."

Ye Zhenzhen opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end she nodded and said in a tight voice: "You have to be careful."

She turned back three times step by step, and finally returned to the carriage.

At this time, Zhou Wu and others had asked everyone to be alert, and the atmosphere in the convoy suddenly became tense. When Aunt Cui saw her coming in, she asked nervously: "What happened outside? Is there any danger?"

Cui Zhiduan and Cui Zhiming both looked over in panic.

They are still young and have not experienced many storms. They are like deer in the forest. The slightest disturbance can make them nervous and uneasy.

Ye Zhenzhen looked calm and rubbed their heads gently: "It's okay, don't worry, there should be bandits ambushing them, the guards are all on alert, it's nothing serious."

Everyone gasped in unison. Their journey here was uneventful. They had never seen any strong bandits. Even if there were any, they all retreated consciously when they saw their strength. Now there are actually bandits ambushing them.

Are they desperate for their lives?

Everyone began to worry. If the bandits had the courage to ambush, wouldn't it mean that the other party was very strong and not afraid of the convoy's defense at all?

Ye Zhenzhen glanced at Mrs. Hu who was holding Xin Ning, and she reached out to take it. At this time, it was the most peaceful thing for her to hold the child in person.

Let’s talk about the outside.

Zhou Wu and others held weapons in hand and were on alert, then waited for Cui Weizhen's instructions.

Cui Weizhen looked at the carriage that was heavily protected by the guards. His expression was still solemn. He was on guard as never before and tightened the reins: "Let's go!"

As the neat sound of whips fell, the horses neighed and ran towards the canyon. There was no problem in the first half of the journey, but everyone did not dare to relax at all, and kept secretly vigilant. Sure enough, when they were halfway through, there was a sudden roar, Cui Weizhen

Seeing arrows coming from both sides of the canyon, he immediately drew his sword to resist: "Be careful!"

The guards reacted faster than she did, and they all drew their swords to block the incoming arrows. As soon as the hidden arrows stopped, masked men in black rushed out from behind the bunker and started to kill them all.

The men in black were numerous in number and moved nimbly. They specialized in attacking mounts and slowly dragged Cui Weizhen and others down.

The carriage that Ye Zhenzhen and others were riding in was surrounded by guards and was safe for a while. But what was strange was that the men in black didn't seem to have this intention and did not waste any firepower on the carriage. All the power was like Cui Weizhen's attack.

Go ahead and show your determination to fight until death.

Cui Weizhen also noticed it and deliberately stayed away from the area where the carriage was located to prevent stray arrows from accidentally hurting his family.

The guards were all good at it, and they had the advantage of fighting on horseback, making it difficult for the enemy to get close, which slowly eased the enemy's offensive pressure.

Cui Weizhen was not fooled by the situation. He hit the man in black who was approaching him with his sword and calmly ordered: "Don't let us fight, leave quickly!"

The guard who fell from the horse was rescued by others and rode together. Everyone worked together to break through the siege. Just as they were about to leave the canyon, the attacks of the men in black became more fierce. Someone ordered in a cold voice, "Don't let them leave. Jingning will be killed."

Uncle, stay!"

The lights of swords and shadows of swords kept interlacing, and the situation became more and more unfavorable. At this moment, a group of people suddenly rushed down from the mountain. They were all adult men, wearing coarse linen clothes and holding simple weapons in their hands. They did not look like good citizens, like fallen grasshoppers.

Kou's bandits.

Cui Weizhen's heart skipped a beat. There was a wolf in front of him and a tiger in the back. Now he was really in a dilemma.

The bandits were also cunning. When they saw the two groups fighting each other, they had no intention of intervening. Instead, they just stood aside and watched, as if they wanted to reap the benefits.

Cui Weizhen's mind suddenly changed and he shouted loudly, "Fellow heroes, we are being chased by thieves. If you are willing to help us repel the enemy, we will definitely thank you greatly afterwards."

Not to be outdone, the man in black threatened, "I advise you not to meddle in other people's business and leave early, otherwise we will kill you too."

The bandits stood there indifferently, as if they had no intention of taking sides. Cui Weizhen looked at the guards who were facing increasingly difficult times, and his face became darker and darker. If this situation continues, even if they cross the canyon, they will still be seriously injured.

Despite the situation, he still couldn't escape the hot pursuit of the man in black.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted, "I recognize the boss, the gentleman in the middle of the team is our benefactor."

Cui Weizhen was wearing riding attire along the way. Although it was neat and tidy enough, he still couldn't conceal his scholarly air and noble demeanor, which made him stand out among a group of heroic and strong bodyguards.

He obviously looked like a weak scholar, but he showed no fear despite being surrounded and could actually take action against the enemy. It was so strange that people couldn't help but look at him a few more times, and he was recognized.

Strangely, it was one of the bandits who recognized her.

What's going on?

This chapter has been completed!
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