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Chapter 976 Mingzhou City

After breakfast, Ye Zhenzhen took Cui Zhiduan and Cui Zhiming together to visit the injured guard.

Ye Zhenzhen was not familiar with the road and it was not easy to wander around in other people's territory. Biani continued to ask Sister-in-law Zhang to help lead the way. The place where the guards were training was far away from their residence. It took several turns to get there. No surprise,

Saw Cui Weizhen here.

Cui Zhiduan and Cui Zhiming came forward to greet him, and Ye Zhenzhen asked him: "Have you had breakfast?"

"I used it with Wu San."

Cui Weizhen looked at them and expressed some disapproval: "Why don't you sleep more?"

"Dad, we want to visit the guard uncles." Cui Zhiduan poked his head around, but without his father's permission, he did not dare to go in and disturb the uncles inside.

"Doctor Yu is changing their medicine. It's not convenient to go in now." Cui Weizhen was explaining to the couple when Dr. Yu's eldest son and Yu Zhi's father, Yu Gansong, came out with the medicine boy.

As soon as Ye Zhenzhen saw him, she asked anxiously: "Doctor Yu, how is everyone's situation?"

"Go back to Madam, are there enough medicinal materials? Except for the five seriously injured guards, everyone else has minor injuries. Fortunately, the medicinal materials we brought are enough, and everyone's injuries have stabilized initially. We just can't help the bumps, otherwise the injuries may worsen.


That means they won't be able to leave the village for a short period of time.

Ye Zhenzhen shifted her gaze to Cui Weizhen.

Cui Weizhen pursed his lips and said: "The delay on the road is too long. We can't stay here for long. We have to leave for Mingzhou tomorrow. As for the seriously injured guards, they will stay in the village to recuperate for the time being, and then go over after their injuries are healed."


This is also a feasible approach.

Because the guards had just changed the medicine, it was inconvenient for Ye Zhenzhen to go in. Finally, Cui Zhiduan and Cui Zhiming went in to express condolences on her behalf. The two children stayed inside for a long time before they came out. When they came out, their eyes were red and they seemed to have been crying.

Ye Zhenzhen rubbed their heads and sighed softly.

On the second day, except for the guards who were seriously injured and unable to move, and the servants and doctors who were left to take care of them, everyone else continued to get ready and set off.

Wu San led some of the young men in the village to go down the mountain to see him off. Unexpectedly, just when they were about to say goodbye, Wu San suddenly clasped his fists towards Cui Weizhen and said, "Master Cui, we are willing to escort you to Mingzhou. Please allow your permission."

This is a real surprise.

Zhou Wu and others were more or less injured, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. If they encountered assassins or bandits who refused to give up, they might not be able to resist.

Wu San's combat power is not weak, so it would be great if the young men led by him join him.

Wu San was from Mingzhou, and he took them through the small roads with ease. Not only was he able to escape the surveillance of the assassins in black, but he was also able to shorten the journey. In the end, they arrived in Mingzhou one day earlier than expected.

When they saw the three-character plaque "Mingzhou Prefecture" hanging high at the gate of the city, everyone breathed a long sigh of relief - we are finally here!

Because Li Yue had already settled in Mingzhou, Cui Weizhen and others had just arrived, so they did not choose to rest at the post station, nor did they notify the government officials to greet them, but lined up directly to enter the city gate.

Mingzhou is indeed the hinterland of the Central Plains and the ancient capital of three dynasties. Even though it was hit by a flood just last year, the city of Mingzhou has restored its prosperity and prosperity. Brick by brick, city and square, all demonstrate the unique magnanimity and grace of the city.


Of course, this is also related to the fact that the capital of Mingzhou has not suffered serious damage.

As the hinterland of the Central Plains, Mingzhou Prefecture is not as economically and culturally developed as the capital city, but it is still very prosperous.

The carriage drove all the way, and everywhere it looked, there were merchants gathering, mansions and shops, and a dazzling array of goods. The prosperity was no less prosperous than the capital city. There were nobles riding horses and wandering around on the streets, as well as barbarians holding camels, and some picking goods.

There are all kinds of salesmen passing by in an endless stream.

Pedestrians found many businessmen from Persia, Korea, Dashi and other countries, and their number was actually even greater than those in the capital.

Cui Zhiduan was puzzled and asked curiously: "Mom, why are there so many foreigners in Mingzhou?"

"Because Mingzhou is on the Silk Road and is one of the important transit points for foreigners entering the Central Plains, their number has increased compared to the capital."

Cui Zhiduan suddenly realized it and immediately started to look forward to it: "There must be a lot of fun and delicious things in Mingzhou's market."

Ye Zhenzhen smiled and shook her head. She was indeed a child, and her heart was not filled with any gloom. While adults were still worried, he had already discovered the beauty of life.

"Yes, when we settle down, ask dad to take us for a nice walk." Ye Zhenzhen said, touching his head.

The mother and son chatted in the carriage, and the carriage moved forward steadily.

The motorcade of Jingning's uncle's house lined up to enter the city gate. This was the ancient capital of three dynasties, not a remote place like Shi County. The carriages regulated by the uncle's house immediately attracted the attention of interested people. In addition, Cui Weizhen's picture was not a big deal for Mingzhou people.

Strange faces, so they had just arrived at the government office, and there were already many officials gathered at the door to greet them.

"Your Majesty, the magistrate, comes to welcome you. Your Majesty, the magistrate, has come from afar. Please forgive me for not being able to welcome you from afar."

Cui Weizhen jumped off the horse and said: "There is no need to be so outspoken. It is also a fate for me to return to Mingzhou and work with all the ministers again."

A middle-aged man in the lead was Yang Zhidao, a fellow magistrate of Mingzhou Prefecture. At this moment, he stepped out of the crowd and invited: "Even so, the magistrate has come a long way and has been a dusty journey. We should help you to cleanse yourself from the dust, otherwise

It seems rude. Your Excellency, the lower officials have decided to hold a banquet at Qingfeng Tower, and please come to us with your honor."

Cui Weizhen thought about it and agreed.

Although we met half a year ago, the meaning of taking up the post this time is different. As a boss, you still have to give some face to your subordinates.

After half a year of official business, Yang Zhidao roughly understood the temperament of the new prefect. He was immediately satisfied and did not disturb you any more. Instead, he held his hands and said: "Your Excellency has traveled a long distance, so I won't bother you to rest. Three.

In the future, the lower officials will be waiting for your arrival at Qingfeng Tower."

Other officials also resigned one after another. After a while, they left one after another, leaving only a group of ordinary people watching curiously.

After the officials of the government office left, Li Yue, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately came up to him: "Uncle, I have arranged the inner office properly, and all the furnishings have been arranged according to the habits of the masters. I will wait for you and me.

The masters have arrived."

Cui Weizhen was not stingy with his praise and nodded: "Thank you for your hard work."

The three short words were not gorgeous, but they made Li Yue straighten his chest with excitement. For him, the praise from his master was the best affirmation, and the hard work of the past six months was worth it.

This chapter has been completed!
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