In the imperial study room, after Zhong put Concubine Sun on the couch, Dongfang Che had also changed his clothes and came out from behind the jade bone screen. Zhong thought for a while and asked Dongfang Che his doubts, "Go back to the emperor,
I can’t understand why the Emperor asked Concubine Sun to stay tonight even though he clearly doesn’t like Concubine Sun.”
Zhong was secretly by Dongfang Che's side all day long. Dongfang Che was thinking about who loved whom. He knew it better than Dongfang Che himself. He could see that the emperor disliked Concubine Sun more than usual. But since he didn't want to see Concubine Sun,
The emperor could have just made excuses to ask Concubine Sun to go back.
The emperor did not do this, but pretended to be gentle and affectionate, and drank and talked happily with Concubine Sun. Zhong could see clearly in the secret just now. If the emperor suddenly changed his temper and started to like Concubine Sun, this would be damning.
He won't believe it either.
So now he was confused as to what the emperor's motive was for doing this. Having been with the emperor for so long, he knew the emperor very well. Dongfang Che was definitely not a person who was willing to wrong himself easily.
At this moment, he thought for a long time, and even if he tried to break his head, he still didn't know what the situation was.
Upon hearing this, Dongfang Che flicked the non-existent dust on his clothes with his slender fingertips, and his face changed into an expression that looked like an idiot, "You forgot how General Zhan gave you
Hearing this, Zhong rolled his eyes, and suddenly his face looked like he had just woken up from a dream, "Quiet understands." General Zhan's advice to the emperor was to bribe him as much as possible, after all, there were too many targets targeting the emperor.
In an instant, he finally understood why the emperor kept Sun Guifei tonight. Now thinking about it, keeping Sun Guifei was indeed a good idea. After all, it is much better to bribe someone than to offend someone. After all, these are extraordinary times.
A look of understanding suddenly appeared on Zhong's face. For the next time, Dongfang Che didn't speak either, but there was a touch of loss and sadness between his beautiful eyebrows.
There was also a flood of tangles in his heart. At this moment, Dongfang Che complained to Zhan Meixiang in his heart. This woman is really, he has been waiting for so many days, waiting for her to come and explain to him. As long as there is a reasonable explanation, the previous relationship between the two
All the unhappiness will be written off, but what's wrong with this woman? She hasn't come to see him for so many days?
Is this woman so cruel, or is Dongfang Che just a dispensable character in this woman's mind?
Thinking of this, Dongfang Che gritted his teeth tightly. Although he asked the guards to go to Yonghe Palace, he also hinted that if the queen wanted to come to him, let the guards turn a blind eye.
Don't embarrass the queen. In order to prevent those guards from embarrassing Zhan Meixiang, he basically thought of everything for her, but he has not been looking forward to this woman until now.
The night was deep, but Dongfang Che didn't feel sleepy at all. All he could think about was the woman he hated and loved at the same time. During the long night, he couldn't sleep because of her. But what was that woman busy with at this moment?
The wind at night was slightly cold, and Zhan Meixiang walked with a somewhat frivolous pace. Yonghe Palace and the Royal Study were not very far away.