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Chapter 247 This is only fair!

The majestic prince, the general who conquered the southern border, rolled off his feet like a frightened boy and curled up in a ball on the ground in embarrassment.

Qin Zhen's hand was still frozen in the air, she tilted her head and stared at Lou Yan for a moment, and then said leisurely: "Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Lou Yan swallowed subconsciously and slowly got up from the ground, but still did not dare to get too close to Qin Zhen.

He stood up straight as if standing still, with his head lowered and did not dare to say a word, like a child who had made a mistake.

Qin Zhen: "..."

She just slept for a while, why did she become a savage beast when she woke up again?

Qin Zhen sighed and said, "Come here."

Lou Yan's facial nerves twitched, and he slowly moved to Qin Zhen's bed, but he still lowered his eyebrows and did not dare to look at Qin Zhen.

Qin Zhen was so tired that she didn't have much strength. Seeing him like this, she asked helplessly: "What's wrong with you?"

These words sounded to Lou Yan's ears like a reproach for his previous offense.

Lou Yan pursed his lips, knowing that he couldn't escape.

He squatted down by the bed again, looked up at Qin Zhen, and said with red eyes, "I'm sorry."

Qin Zhen frowned: "What are you apologizing for?"

"You were frightened today and were treated like that by that beast...I, I shamelessly did that to you. I'm really sorry." Lou Yan looked up at Qin Zhen and whispered, "I

I really just couldn’t hold it back and lost control for a moment, can you... forgive me?"

Qin Zhen: "..."

She finally understood why Lou Yan was so awkward.

It turned out that he was struggling with guilt for what happened before.

However, Lou Yan would eventually lose control, and it was entirely under his own guidance... But this fool didn't realize it at all. Instead, he felt guilty and flustered about it, and didn't even dare to look at himself.

Qin Zhen didn't expect that her willful behavior would frighten Lou Yan like this.

Qin Zhen moved and stretched out her hand towards Lou Yan.

Lou Yan closed his eyes subconsciously, but he didn't move.

Qin Zhen raised her eyebrows: "Why, do you think I'm going to hit you?"

Lou Yan was silent for a moment and said, "It's right for you to hit me."

Qin Zhen finally couldn't help but laugh, raised her fingers to Lou Yan and said, "Come here."

Lou Yan thought that he was too far away and the other party was afraid that the blow would be unsatisfactory, so he simply put his face close to Qin Zhen's hand.

But Qin Zhen was still dissatisfied and said, "Get closer."

Lou Yan moved forward again.

Qin Zhen was still dissatisfied and said, "I can't see clearly, please get closer to me."

Lou Yan stood up, leaned his upper body forward slightly, and put his whole face in front of Qin Zhen, looking at her quietly with lowered eyes.

Qin Zhen blinked, then raised her head under Lou Yan's gaze, and kissed Lou Yan quickly, right on his lips.

After the kiss, Qin Zhen lay back and said to Lou Yan calmly: "Okay, we are even."

Lou Yan's whole body seemed to have been struck by lightning, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

After a while, he stupidly asked: "What do you mean...even?"

"Aren't you sorry for kissing me before? If I kiss you now, then we are even, so you don't have to feel embarrassed." Qin Zhen said with a half-smile, "I never suffer a loss.


Lou Yan lowered his eyebrows and looked straight at Qin Zhen, his eyes were slightly red, and he said with a trembling voice: "But, I kissed you many times, and you only returned my kiss. This is not fair at all."

Qin Zhen thought for a while, then raised her head and kissed Lou Yan on the lips, and then said: "I'm a little tired now, so I can only pay you two back first, and I'll pay back the rest later."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lou Yan suddenly rushed forward, lifted her up from the bed with both hands and carried her into his arms. His head dropped and was buried in her shoulder, and he let out an uncontrollable sob.

As if he wanted to integrate the person into his own flesh and blood, he held the person in his arms with all his strength, and said unconsciously: "Zhenzhen, did you accept me? Didn't you..."

Qin Zhen's whole body hurt from being hugged by him, but she stayed in his arms docilely. After he gradually calmed down, she replied softly: "Yes."

Lou Yan buried himself on Qin Zhen's shoulder for a long time without raising his head. After a long time, he said in a muffled voice: "Then what you owe me... you can't default on it, you will have to pay it back in the future."

Qin Zhen laughed and said, "Okay, I'll do it again."

Lou Yan: "No one can be missing."

Qin Zhen: "...Not even one."

Lou Yan was finally willing to let go of Qin Zhen and stepped back a little.

As soon as he let go, Qin Zhen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Lou Yan's hug was really too tight.

Lou Yan stared at Qin Zhen's cheek. He couldn't help it, so he came over and kissed Qin Zhen on the lips. This was not enough. He was like a puppy, from the center of his eyebrows to his eyes,

Then to the tip of his nose, then to his cheeks... If he were a real puppy, Qin Zhen's face would probably be covered in saliva right now.

Qin Zhen was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry. She reached out and pushed Lou Yan's cheek and said, "Lick me like candy?"

Lou Yan smiled: "You are sweeter than sugar."

Qin Zhen: "..."

Ever since Lou Yan regained his consciousness, he spoke with terrifying frankness, which made Qin Zhen, a man of two generations, a little unable to resist.

She simply lay down, pulled the quilt to cover herself, and said to Lou Yan, "I want to rest."

Lou Yan immediately said: "I will guard you here."

Qin Zhen closed her eyes for a moment, then suddenly looked up at Lou Yan and asked, "No one from the palace is looking for you?"

Lou Yan hesitated for a moment, and finally said honestly: "Here he is, I sent him away."

Qin Zhen: "The prince is so powerful that he dares to resist the decree."

Lou Yan grabbed Qin Zhen's wrist, gently squeezed her fingers, and said lightly: "I don't want to go anywhere today."

He just wanted to stay by Qin Zhen's side, he didn't want her to be alone, and he didn't want her to feel scared again.

Qin Zhen also understood that Lou Yan did not hesitate to resist the order and was disrespectful, and he just wanted to stay at home with her.

Qin Zhen thought for a moment and was about to say something when she heard rapid footsteps coming from outside.

Linglong stood at the door and did not dare to come in, but the voice came in: "Your Majesty, someone is coming from the palace. I want you to enter the palace immediately."

Lou Yan frowned: "Didn't I tell you to send people away? I told you, I won't go anywhere tonight."

"I don't dare to send this man away, and I can't send him away." Linglong stood outside the door and said softly, "He is the commander of the Imperial Army, Mr. Qin."

Lou Yan: "..."

He subconsciously turned to look at Qin Zhen.

Even if it was Gao Chenglai, Lou Yan didn't want to pay attention to him. But this person was Qin Hong, Qin Zhen's father, so he couldn't treat him casually.

Qin Zhen was a little dumbfounded. She glanced at him and said, "Go ahead, don't make it difficult for my father."

This chapter has been completed!
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