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Chapter 102 The cat +1, the police dog is about to -1

Jing Baiye bought a lot of things under the reminder of Midorikawa Xin, who has experience in raising cats. He himself is picky about food and doesn't care much about other clothing, housing and transportation, but he wants to buy everything for the cat.


When he got the receipt, Jing Baiye felt a little heartbroken when he saw the number on it. Pets were personal expenses and he would not apply for reimbursement from the organization. However, he was still happy when he thought of the lovely money waiting for him in the safe house.

Midorikawa Xin consciously took everything for Jing Baiye. He frowned slightly, his expression not relaxed.

Jing Baiye knew that he was thinking about what happened to Spiatus just now, but he couldn't say much to him about this matter. At present, he was not qualified to know so much.

Spiatus (spirytus), also translated as rectified spirit (distilled liquor), has a very strong taste, and your lips will instantly numb after you taste it, but its taste is very close to water, which can easily make people careless.

This kind of wine is mostly used to make cocktails in bars. It is special in that it is a code name sometimes used by the boss.

The first two bosses of the organization did not have code names, but the current one gave himself one, and often used this code name to approach members who had never seen him or heard his voice, from code members to the lowest level.

All members have it.

Not many people know that the boss likes to do this, only Jingbaiye, rum, gin, Belmode, and vodka, plus an Irishman who often picks him up in Japan...maybe plus pisco, after all

Ireland has a good relationship with him and might tell him this.

The boss doesn't change his appearance or his voice, and he doesn't wear a collar and voice changer. He has a strange wolf-shaped totem on the left side of his neck that looks like a tattoo or a birthmark. He only covers it with a high collar and is unwilling to use it.

Necklaces, collars and other accessories can hold it down.

For members he is unfamiliar with, he mostly uses email to communicate. Even when he calls, he uses electronically synthesized voices, rarely revealing his real voice.

Jing Baiye got into the car, and when Midorikawa Xin went to put things in the trunk, he turned on his phone, and there was an email he received when he first entered the pet store.

[I returned to Japan early and am currently in Miwa Town. Don’t be too surprised when you see me and don’t say hello to me. 】

[If your men ask about me, you can reveal to him the code name I used before...Do not reveal my true identity to him.——spirytus]

The first email was unsigned, and the second one, like other Codename members, added a special wine name at the end as a reminder.

Jing Baiye used a special application to erase the two emails and looked up out of the car window.

It is now around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky is still quite bright. No wonder the boss's two emails, except for the code names, are all written in Japanese. He is currently in a state of understanding Japanese.

After a while, at dusk when day and night interact, he will become another person... If you want to communicate with him at that time, you can only use English or French.

Midorikawa Xin returned to the driver's seat and fastened his seat belt. He noticed that Jing Baiye was using his mobile phone, and without asking him what he was doing, he quietly drove the vehicle and took him back the way he came.

As they spent more time together, Midorikawa Xin was no longer as reserved with him as he was when they first met, and he began to have a good grasp of the relationship between his subordinates and his superiors. He no longer grabbed his superior's arm and begged him to save people.

Jing Baiye leaned on the car seat. This pet shop was some distance away from the safe house. It would take about 15 minutes to get back. He took advantage of this time to send an email to the boss.

[Now that you are back, will you hand over the second task you mentioned before to me right away?——angostura]

He did not forget the task of making the "Night Baron" virus software on the system task panel. The deadline is one year, but it has a full 30,000 reward points. Tasks with a shorter deadline have such high rewards, and the one with a deadline of five years has

How many will there be?

[Don’t worry, I’m still preparing and organizing the data. You first develop the software to protect the organization’s internal data. When it’s ready, I will ask Ireland to pick you up.]

There was no code name for this email, he was speaking to him as a boss.

[Gin told me about the trouble Dai Geely caused here. He will return to France next week, and I will find another interior designer to design your apartment... Which style of decoration do you prefer? You can suggest it.


It wasn't until the boss mentioned Dai Jili that Jing Baiye thought that his apartment had not yet been renovated, and that this was the real purpose of Dai Jili's visit to Japan.

Thinking of Dai Jili, Jing Baiye immediately thought of the diamond made from Qin Feishi's ashes, and he planned to give it to him as an apology.

"Midori, have you finished the ashes diamond I asked you to get last time? Dai Jili is going back to France soon, and I want to give it to him as soon as possible." Jing Baiye looked at Midorikawa Xin next to him.

The atmosphere in the car froze for a moment.

Midorikawa Xin, who was driving, did not look back at him and replied directly: "The production process of ashes diamonds is very long, at least three months."

[I want to give Dai Jili a gift as compensation for stealing his account. It will take three months to complete it. Can you let him keep it for a while?——angostura]

[You can mail it, or ask the member who is going to France at that time to bring it over. You can continue to swipe his account for the postage, and he won't find out about this small amount of money.]

Jing Baiye fell into silence while looking at the new email sent by the boss.

It is obviously a happy thing not to have to pay for the high international shipping costs. Why would he feel unhappy when he saw this sentence?...Everyone in the organization is richer than him, wouldn't he care about a small amount of money?

He didn't reply, silently put the phone back into his pocket, and then thought of a question.

The reason why Toru Amuro lived in the safe house was that his house was bombed by Dai Geli. He has been living there for a week today, and I don't know if he has found a new place to live.

Jing Baiye knew very well that the reason why he didn't find a new place immediately was not because he couldn't find a suitable house, but because Dai Jili was particularly targeted at him for unknown reasons.

If Amuro overrents or buys a new house, there is no guarantee that he will be bombed again. Not only is the house in danger, but his own life is also in danger, and he must seek protection from code members of the same level as Dai Jili.

Now that Dai Geili is going back to France, Tohru Amuro's situation has become safer and he will propose to move out.

Jing Baiye could tell that he looked calm and natural on the surface, but in fact he was very uncomfortable living with her. If he didn't use his skills on him, he would often suffer from insomnia. The attic was so small and uncomfortable, so moving out would be a good thing for him.

Although I could understand it, Jing Baiye still felt a little reluctant to let go.

Toru Amuro's appearance and temperament are in line with his aesthetics, and his personality is okay. Living with him can give him a 30% bonus to his abilities and mood. He can cook, speed cars, and do other housework diligently... It's simply...

The perfect roommate.

This chapter has been completed!
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