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Chapter 110 Libraries are very safe

At 6 p.m., Sakai Byakuya left work on time, carrying his commuting bag and lunch box. When he arrived on the first floor, he happened to meet Yonehara Sakurako packing her things.

She officially started working yesterday. She has not taken many professional courses, so she can leave more time for part-time work. On Monday and Wednesday, she works from 10 am to 12 o'clock, on Tuesday from 3 pm to 6 pm, and on Saturday

From 9 am to 6 pm, the rest of the time is closed.

Jing Baiye's hourly wage is relatively high, and the money she earns every month is enough for daily expenses.

"Hello boss, are you off work too?" Sakurako Yonehara greeted her immediately when she saw Jing Baiye.

Jing Baiye nodded in response to her and asked, "What do you think of this job?"

"It's good. Mr. Hasegawa takes good care of me." Sakurako Yonehara smiled, then showed a hesitant expression, "Well, I have a question... Are Mr. Hasegawa and I the only employees in the Internet cafe?"

Yonehara Sakurako has never seen anyone from the other information groups. Except for Keibai Ye who went out through the front door, Hara Yoshiaki and the others all used the secret door behind the men's locker room.

"I'll look for it again." Mentioning this, Jing Baiye felt a little ashamed.

This is not just an ordinary Internet cafe, it is also one of the places where organizations secretly meet and exchange information at night. As an ordinary person who has nothing to do with the organization, Yonehara Sakurako can only work during the day, and she works part-time, so she cannot work all the time during the day.


Although there is a self-service machine installed at the door, guests who come to the Internet cafe can use the machine to register when Yonehara Sakurako is away during the day, but Hasegawa is the only one on the night shift. He has been overloaded during this period, and the computer in Jibakuya's office can

Checking the surveillance, he saw that he sometimes couldn't help but take a nap in the middle of the night.

The two left the Internet cafe together and parted at the intersection. Sakai Byakuya watched Yonehara Sakurako walk away and headed to a nearby bookstore, waiting for Toru Amuro to pick him up.

There were not many people in the bookstore. Jing Baiye walked aimlessly through the rows of bookshelves. He looked at the books on them and remembered that he had not finished reading the new book by Kudo Yusaku that he bought before.

There are also books in his system store, which are constantly being updated. New books from each country will be automatically put on the shelves two months after publication. After purchasing the physical book, the electronic version will be automatically transferred to his mobile phone.

The price is within the acceptable range. Converting the required reward points into cash is almost the same as buying it in a bookstore.

It seems a bit expensive to keep buying books? Jing Baiye thought about it.

He doesn't have any bibliophilia. After buying books and reading them, he puts them on his bookshelf, and then regularly puts them on second-hand book websites to package and sell them at a low price.

[I don’t know what the library is like here.] He said to the system.

When I was studying, I often went to the school library, which has a collection of 5 million books and 200 employees. The National Diet Library, the largest in Japan, is a bit far away from here, and the nearby Yoneka Town Library covers an area of ​​about 100,000 square meters.

It's big, and you can tell from a glance that there aren't many books in it.

[How about you go and have a look?] The system suggested, [The closing time there is 8 pm, you can go there in time.]


When Jing Baiye left the bookstore, Toru Amuro drove his Mazda and stopped in front of him. He walked around to the passenger seat, opened the door and got in.

"How are Qian Duoduo today? Are you naughty?" Jing Baiye is most concerned about this matter.

"It's quite well-behaved. It didn't run around or grab anything. After eating, it lay on your bed and slept." Toru Amuro didn't drive immediately. He seemed to be struggling with something, and tentatively said: "Angstra

, Regarding the email you sent us this morning..."

"The email made it very clear. If Gin ever scares you or does anything to you in the future, you can tell me and I will pay you mental compensation."

Jing Baiye put down his commuting bag and lunch box, took out his mobile phone, and sent an email to Midorikawa Xin that he would be back later, while reminding Toru Amuro, who was responsible for picking him up and dropping him off: "Don't go back yet, come with me to the library."

"Is it Mihua Library or a library in another area?"

"rice flower library."

"Where are you going...is it an organized mission?" Toru Amuro asked tentatively.

"...?" Jing Baiye gave him a strange look, "I'm going to borrow a book."

He didn't understand why Tohru Amuro thought so. How could criminals come and cause trouble in a relatively quiet and artistic place like the library?


The Miwa Library is five stories high. Toru Amuro stopped the car in the parking lot behind and entered the library with Angstra.

This is Angstra's first time here. To borrow books, you must first apply for a library card.

Japan does not have an ID card or household registration book like the flower grower next door. When traveling, most people rely on a driver's license and health insurance card to prove their identity. Underage students have a student ID card.

Toru Amuro was originally curious about what documents Angstra would use, but when he checked in at the front desk, he took out a passport directly from his jacket pocket and handed it to the registration staff.

Seeing this scene, Toru Amuro was startled, and subconsciously reminded him not to put important documents in his pocket, as it would be easy to lose them... But he quickly realized that instead of worrying about the members of the organization, what he should do most

The best thing to do is to find a way to see the passport number, which will be an important clue to find out Angstra's identity.

The staff registered very quickly. In the short time it took for Tohru Amuro to be distracted, Angstra had already taken back her passport and got a new library card from the other party.

"What's wrong with you?" Angstra saw him standing there and poked him strangely, "You also want to apply for a library card?"


Toru Amuro watched with complicated eyes as he put his passport and library card back into his pocket, and silently warned himself not to worry about Angstra. It was good for him to be so neurotic, so that it would be easier for him to steal his

Something to investigate...

...Even if he reminds him, he will only remind him after he has collected important information.

"Which floor do you want to go to?" Toru Amuro asked, looking away.

"Go to the third floor. The new book area and the children's area are together."

There were not many people in the library at this time, and Angstra didn't want to take the stairs, so she took Toru Amuro to take the elevator with her.

The elevator happened to stop on the first floor, and the door opened automatically after pressing the button.

As soon as Toru Amuro walked in, he vaguely felt something was wrong.

The smell of disinfectant in the air is too strong, but the surrounding area and the floor are very dry. There is an obvious stain on a certain button, which doesn't look like it has just been cleaned... Besides, except for the special smell of disinfectant,

, he also vaguely smelled a little blood.

The third floor arrived soon, and Toru Amuro left the elevator with Angstra. When the elevator door was about to close, he couldn't help but look back.

If the identity and time were not wrong, he would definitely find a way to investigate.

This chapter has been completed!
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