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Chapter 113 They Did Nothing

Toru Amuro came down the stairs and when he was about to reach the first floor, he happened to see Datehang and Angstra communicating.


His body tensed up instantly, his pupils shrank, and he froze on the stairs for a moment, especially when he saw what looked like a notepad in Angstra's hand.

If his memory is correct, the squad leader has the habit of carrying a notebook with him and recording in it. When they graduated, several of their close classmates took a group photo together wearing police uniforms, and the photos were taken with Polaroids. At that time, Datehang

I put that photo into my notepad.

He saw Datehang taking the notepad and getting on the elevator again. Angstra, who stayed there holding the book in one hand and putting the other hand in her coat pocket, looked towards the stairs.

Toru Amuro calmed down, walked downstairs and came to Angstra's side as if he hadn't seen anything.

"Are you okay?" Angstra reached out and touched his hand. "Your palms are sweaty. Are you so afraid of the police?"

Toru Amuro found that his expression and eyes were as before, even a little worried about him... It seemed that his undercover identity was not exposed.

He asked tentatively: "What were you and the policeman talking about just now?"

"He thanked me for reminding him that the notepad and the photos in it were very important to him."


Toru Amuro couldn't say anything for a while. Did the monitor really keep that photo in his notepad?!

Thinking that that kind of photo might fall into Angstra's hands, Toru Amuro's heart sank again. Although he didn't see Angstra flipping through the notepad on the stairs, he didn't know when he

Get it, just in case before he goes downstairs...

"Didn't you read what's inside?"

Based on Morofushi Kagemitsu's observations and direct interactions with him during this period, Toru Amuro gradually understood Angostela's temper.

This minor member is different from most other members of the organization. He is relatively straightforward and does not like to beat around the bush. It may be most efficient to ask him directly. He rarely gets angry or gets violent about it.

"No." Angstra frowned slightly as if she was offended: "Looking through other people's things casually is an invasion of other people's privacy...Didn't your teacher teach you that doing so is disrespectful?"


His elementary school teacher taught him that it was rude to do so, but his police school teacher... taught him how to invade other people's privacy without leaving any traces.

Tohru Amuro looked away with a guilty conscience. He saw other policemen he had never seen walking towards the stairs, and realized that there were still a large number of policemen here, plus an old friend who he now had to avoid.

"You've finished borrowing the books, let's go back." Toru Amuro looked at the book in Angstra's hand, "What did you borrow?"

"The original French version of "Laws of Nature."" He replied, "I don't know if there are other language versions. This book is quite interesting. If you are interested, you can look for the Japanese version."

Toru Amuro nodded and was about to leave with Angstra, when two students carrying schoolbags came down the stairs - the same two they met on the third floor.

"It's the brother who was in the library just now." The girl among them looked at Toru Amuro, raised her face and asked with concern: "Brother, have you found someone?"

The boy next to him rolled his half-moon eyes, and Toru Amuro felt that he had some sour malice toward her.

"Xiaolan, you should call him 'uncle', right? He looks at least ten years older than you, and his skin is so dark... And he was on the phone in the library just now, and his voice was so loud that it was disturbing.

Others are not polite at all when they read."

Amuro Toru was speechless. He could tell that this little boy was deliberately finding fault... No, he was not deliberately finding fault. Some of what he said was the truth.

Just now he saw that Angstra was not on the third floor. After asking the two nearby children if they had seen anyone, he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call on the spot, regardless of whether doing so in the library would disturb him.

other people.

"It's okay, I've found it." Amuro Toru smiled, "It's so late, you should go home early."

Angstra didn't speak. When he was quietly hiding behind others, his sense of presence could be very low.

Toru Amuro noticed that he didn't seem to want to talk to the two students in front of him, so he silently blocked their sight for him.

Toru Amuro and Angstra came to the parking lot.

It wasn't until he got into the car and fastened his seat belt that Toru Amuro remembered what he had heard on the previous phone call. The scene where Angstra and Datehang came into contact really frightened him, making him almost forget about it.

He didn't drive immediately and looked at the people around him.

Angstra put the book in her commuting bag, put the commuting bag and lunch box on her lap, and waited quietly for him to drive.

Viewed from the side, Angostela's cheeks have the roundness of a child, which feels good to the touch.

He is in the teenage years between children and adults. He looks sickly and can arouse people's desire to take care of him. No wonder the female clerk always prefers him when he goes to the restaurant... Even he and Zhu Fu Jingguang sometimes forget this.

He is a dangerous member of the organization.

Tohru Amuro realized again that Angstra was only fourteen years old, not much older than the two kids carrying schoolbags he met in the library.

"What did you mean when you called me on the phone..." Tohru Amuro finally asked.

——The police were one of the driving forces behind the birth of Angostura.

When he said this, Angstra even laughed. His voice was obviously very nice, but it made Amuro's hair stand on end.

The police and criminal organizations are originally opposites. Why do we say that the police promoted the birth of Angostura? Is his codename related to the police?

No matter how patriotic Toru Amuro is and how much he loves the police academy he attended, he still has to admit that there are many scum in the police force.

He didn't dare to reveal Angstra's matter to too many police officers, for fear that some undercover agents sent by the organization would know about it. He only asked his contact person Yuya Kazami to investigate, but there was no news so far.

In fact, he had little hope of tracing the name. Gray Crow, Gray Crow, sounded like a pseudonym.

Thinking of the horrific injuries on Angstra's body, Toru Amuro's heart sank. He almost didn't dare to think about it anymore, he just wanted it not to be the worst kind.

"Which sentence?"

"That sentence about the police being behind it...did the police do something to you?"

Angstra put one hand on the car window, supporting her chin, and pressed the other hand on the stacked commuter bags and lunch boxes to prevent them from falling.

Hearing Toru Amuro's question, he did not continue to laugh, but instead looked at him with strange and incomprehensible eyes.

"It's one of them...and the police didn't do anything to me, really nothing."

This chapter has been completed!
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