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Chapter 116 The youth with the power of death

After Morofuku Kagemitsu left, Toru Amuro and Angstra got into the Mazda together.

Toru Amuro fastened his seat belt and backed the car out of the garage. Before officially setting off, he secretly looked at the people around him.

Angstra's clothes were no different from those when eating. He did not change into more low-key dark clothes for the convenience of hiding. He was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and leggings. Several pockets were deflated, and his legs were

He was not wearing a holster on his chest, waist or armpits.

In his impression, Angstra never liked to carry a gun with him. The revolver he used when he interrogated the cadres of the Mud Society was taken from him.

"What's wrong?" Angstra noticed his gaze.

"What did Midorikawa say to you when he left?"

When Toru Amuro was washing the dishes, he felt something was wrong with the look he was looking down on. When he heard footsteps coming from the stairs and knew it was Angstra coming down, he came out of the living room to look for someone, and happened to see Morofu.

Jing Guang pulled him to talk at the entrance.

"He said men should also pay attention to safety."

Angstra held her chin with one hand, touched Toru Amuro's face with the other hand, and said in a serious tone: "It's okay with me, but you are more dangerous, so you should always protect yourself."


Toru Amuro didn't understand what the other party meant for a while, but Angstra's expression was very serious.

Even if you take it literally, Angostela, who looks great and looks very harmless, is more likely to be attracted to... Wait a minute.

It seemed that Zhu Fu Jingguang looked at him with that strange look after he said he wanted to see Angostela's body.


After realizing what terrible misunderstanding Fa Xiao had about him, Amuro breathed a sigh of relief and almost didn't hold it up. His hands on the steering wheel tightened instantly, and he almost lost control of his expression.

He really just wanted to see Angostela's body without clothes and bandages to confirm how many injuries he had on his body. He had no other bad idea of ​​having to be sent to physical salvation to atone for his sins.

Although his intention at the time was a little perverted, there are many illegal operations by the police, and peeping and filming is only the lightest one.

Amuro heard about a senior who framed the father of his childhood sweetheart, who was already talking about getting married, and sent him to prison in order to force someone who was capable but did not want to be involved in the incident to help.

He and Angstra looked at each other. The junior boss in this organization had no idea what they had exchanged in the kitchen, nor did he realize the true intention of Zhu Fu Jingguang's words. Now he was reminding him that this was something that had implications for him.

People with bad intentions should pay attention to safety.

Toru Amuro tried hard to suppress his aching conscience and said in a joking tone: "You are so cute, so you should be more careful, right? I heard that some female teachers in the United States with bad habits will attack boys like you."

"I did meet one." Angstra said after thinking for a while.


Toru Amuro's eyes widened in shock. He just said it casually, but he didn't expect that Angstra had actually met her before.

"What did she do to you? Where is she now? Has she been arrested?" He asked immediately regardless of whether this would cause resentment.

Angstra was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect him to ask directly: "That happened five years ago. I was her seventh target. She was caught before she attacked me."

Toru Amuro frowned, anger rising in his heart... He forced himself to calm down and start thinking.

Angstra was only nine years old five years ago. He was the seventh target. With so many victims, and they were children under the age of ten, it was certainly not small news.

After returning from the library, he can search for similar cases that occurred in the United States that year.


Mazda left the safe house and drove towards the closed library.

Jing Baiye sat quietly in the passenger seat. Toru Amuro's words reminded him of the ogre case that happened five years ago.

Even if the female teacher was set as one of his targets, he didn't have any ill feelings toward her. He didn't care that she tried to kill him or eat him. His first reaction when thinking of her was those Boston pies she once brought him.

The chiffon cake is really delicious.

Jing Baiye once visited her house and found a strangely colored red velvet cake in her refrigerator. He smelled the smell of human blood on it.

Now that I think about it, the red color of that cake may not only be made of food coloring, but that day happened to be the day after the fourth victim was killed.

Thinking of that cake, Jing Baiye took out his mobile phone and sent an email with the recipe to Midorikawa Xin.

He has already agreed to let him make nest custard tomorrow, and then let him make two red velvet cakes the day after tomorrow, one big and one small. The three of them will eat the small one, and take the big one to the Internet cafe the next day and share it with others.

eat together.

After sending the email, the car was almost at the library. Jing Baiye put away his phone and opened the system map.

It was only after eight o'clock, and the map showed several small white dots nearby. These were passers-by whose names he did not know. They were leaving in the opposite direction to the library, and they might be office workers nearby.

Jing Baiye didn't pay attention to them, narrowed the map to the library area, and then his eyes fell on the two small white dots at the door.

These two are identified by names: one is Shinichi and the other is Xiaolan.


Jing Baiye remembered that these were two students he had met in the library before, and he had heard their names.

Regardless of whether it is a surname, a first name or a nickname, as long as he knows one of them and has seen the other person's true appearance, they will appear in the passerby group on the system's communication panel, and he will check their specific ability values.

The boy named Shinichi looked almost the same as Kuroba Kaito, so Jie Baiye paid special attention to him. After learning his name, he went to see his stats.

One of his abilities makes him very strange - the power of death, level A (temporarily).

At that time, Jing Baiye specifically poked the system and asked what kind of ability it was. Different from clear skills such as unarmed combat, IT, sniping, and marksmanship, this [Death Power] made people feel unscientific at first glance.

The system did not give him a direct response, but simply said: [I can't explain this to you in detail. You will understand it naturally after you have more contact with him. ]

Jing Baiye does not believe in God and does not believe in the existence of the God of Death in the world. He does not have any faith. Due to some past experiences, he even has an instinctive disgust and disgust towards those overly fanatical believers.

The answer the system gave him was too weird, so when he met the two students again on the first floor, Jing Baiye silently shrank behind Amuro Toru, not wanting to come into contact with this strange boy Shinichi who had the power of death.

This chapter has been completed!
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