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Chapter 121 Destined to walk in the dark night

Wednesday morning at 9 a.m., Otaru City, Hokkaido.

Miyano Akemi put some old things in the box and looked back at Morohoshi, who was sitting silently on the sofa with a photo frame.

Today she came to help him pack up his father's belongings and find him a room in the training ground to put them away. Then he will receive a closer inspection for about a week.

Yesterday afternoon, after Gin finished his preliminary interrogation of Morohoshi, he threw him to Miyano Akemi and put an electronic collar around his neck that contained a bomb, a bug and a locator. The countdown to the bomb was ten days.


"Let Angstra unwrap the 'gift' herself."

These were Gin's exact words, and he had a trembling cold smile on his face when he spoke.

After saying that, he left. Dealing with a low-level member who was forced to join the organization due to debt was just an interlude. He had more important things to do.

Morohoshi stared at Gin's leaving figure without saying a word. Miyano Akemi thought he would be furious and take it out on her or Kaizuka Shirou. Just when she was about to step forward to check his injuries, he suddenly looked at him.

They looked over.

Zhu Xingda was silent. No matter what he said or where he went, the people responsible for monitoring him would know everything.

"I want to go back once." After a while, he said.

Miyano Akemi knew he was talking about Mr. Morohoshi, and nodded repeatedly: "I will accompany you there and help you pack your things... After Gin returns, you will also go to Tokyo."

"No, I can do it myself." He raised his hand and touched the electronic collar around his neck, "I'm wearing this thing, so you don't have to work hard to monitor me anymore."

Miyano Akemi was a little embarrassed and was about to argue that it was not surveillance, but she was speechless when she saw the collar.

She knew the electronic collar on Morohoshi's neck. The code members represented by Gin often used this to monitor people who had made mistakes or who had just joined the organization.

Gin will stay in Hokkaido for nearly a week. During this week, he will continue to look for opportunities to test Morohoshi.

If the stars behave abnormally in the past few days, or if the collar is not removed by the end of the countdown, this bomb will explode. It is not powerful enough to blow up a building, but it will leave no trace of the person wearing this collar.

More than enough.

"Who is Angstra he's talking about?" Zhu Xingda asked.

When Angstra was mentioned, Miyano Akemi's fear dissipated a lot. She comforted: "He is a member of the code name of the same level as him. Angstra is very young, not yet an adult, but has a very easy-going personality.


When he heard her narration, Zhu Xingda had no expression on his face, but his eyes were very strange. It was more like an unexpected joy than surprise.

This look was so strange that Miyano Akemi almost felt that she had seen it wrong.

When she looked at Zhu Xingda carefully again, his eyes were as cold as his expression, as if it was just her illusion.


Miyano Akemi suppressed the weirdness in her heart and suggested again: "Then I will come and help you pack your things tomorrow. I saw the situation there in the morning. It might be troublesome for you to pack it alone... This is not surveillance, I want to help

help you."

She was only seven years old when she lost her parents, but she still remembers how it felt. She didn't ask Zhu Xingda to forgive them, she just hoped that she could do something for him to make her heart feel a little better.

This time Zhu Xingda looked at her silently for a few seconds, did not refuse, and nodded very lightly.

Miyano Akemi looked away, sighed, and continued to pack her things.

She had been searching in the cabinets and drawers for a long time, but she didn't find any photo albums in the house. The only family photo taken when she was a few years old was in a photo frame, and Moro Hoshi held it in his hand and observed it repeatedly.


At the same time, Otaru City training ground.

Gin calmly took back the Beretta, and the bottom member opposite fell to the ground with a thud. He ignored the body and turned to look at Vodka.

He didn't speak, but Vodka knew what he was going to do. This was a tacit understanding he had developed over many years of being his little brother. He immediately used the notebook at hand to check the list and compared the photos on the list with the corpses on the ground.

"Brother, this is the last one in Otaru City. We will wait for the guys from the Sapporo area to come next."

Gin sneered: "If that gentleman hadn't given me the list directly, I wouldn't have known there were so many rats in the organization who would rather die than take poison."

Vodka actually doesn't understand the reason why the boss is so strict about prohibiting drugs. Give him a hundred courages and he won't ask the boss and Gin: "Fortunately, except for Gin, no other Codename members have been found to be involved in drugs."

The boss will only remind the members of the code name when banning drugs, and will not specifically inform the numerous and mixed lower-level members. If the lower-level members are exposed to drugs, they will be killed directly. Smart or well-informed people will naturally know after seeing them a few times.

When it comes to Gin Feishi, who was once his subordinate, Gin doesn't feel any regret at all. Instead, he wishes he had a dislike that he never had before.

"Has the source of the drugs been found?" he asked coldly.

"Come out, and like Qin Fashi, they are the Sakai Group of the underworld organization in the Kanto region." Vodka operated a few times on the keyboard, "The leader of this organization is said to have suffered from uremia in his early years and underwent a kidney transplant seven years ago.


When he heard the pronunciation of that last name, the sneer on Gin's face slowly faded away.

"It's not 'Sakai', it's the realm of realm." He corrected coldly, "When used as surnames, the pronunciation of ' realm ' and ' Sakai ' are the same. You got them confused."

"Brother, do you know this organization?"

Gin gave Vodka a cold look, and the latter fell silent instantly.

Not many people in the organization know Angstra's real name. Currently, only the boss, Rum, Belmode and him know it. He has never mentioned it to Vodka or Shirley.

Anyone who knows the kid's real name also knows his life story.

Angstra... Jing Baiye, even if he hadn't been picked up by Belmode and brought back to the organization, he wouldn't have been able to be a clean and well-behaved student and live a life that normal people could have. He was destined to go away from birth.

In the dark night.

The Kyougumi was the fourth largest yakuza organization in Japan more than 20 years ago. It began to decline thirteen years ago, and its scale shrank from the entire Japan to just Kanto.

Unlike other mafia organizations, there are no adoptive brothers or adopted sons in the Jing Gui. All important members are related by blood, and the leadership is passed on to biological children. No matter how much people who are not related by blood contribute, their status cannot be compared with those who are related by blood.

Except for the daughter-in-law who married from outside and the son-in-law who married into the family, everyone in their family has black hair and red eyes. According to the information Gin has seen, there is no exception.

There is also a strange rule in their family that the grandchildren will repeat the names of their elders of the same gender. For example, Angostela's biological grandfather was also named Jing Baiye, but he disappeared many years ago.

This chapter has been completed!
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