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Chapter 129 Maybe this is the death of the society

Since Shin Midorikawa and Toru Amuro were nearby, and there were surveillance cameras nearby that monitored the venue without blind spots, Kyoubaiya couldn't take out the gun from the system backpack, so he went to the equipment warehouse next to it first.

After he returned to Japan, the codename member training ground closest to him was equipped with his most commonly used weapons.

The cz75 pistol has no special design, but it combines the advantages of many pistols: comfortable feel, reliable performance, good accuracy, it can be used as a military pistol, and most importantly, the price is not high.

Shooting training at the underground training ground is divided into static targets and moving targets, with distances of 10 meters, 20 meters, 25 meters and 50 meters.

Jing Baiye also practiced flying saucer shooting in the United States, but this practice item was obviously not available at this training ground.

He is good at using guns, whether it is a pistol for close-range attacks or a sniper rifle for blasting enemies' heads from a thousand meters away. The special growth environment makes him use guns as naturally and skillfully as commanding his own body.

...If the accident hadn't happened when he first entered Hope's Peak Academy, his shooting might have been as special as sniping.

The system's evaluation of abilities is divided into seven levels. The worst is D level and the strongest is Special A level. In fact, this classification is not careful enough.

He asked about the values ​​corresponding to each level of the system.

Level D is from minus infinity to 0 points, and level C is from 1 to 70 points, so even if the level on the surface is the same, the difference in performance can be quite large;

Starting from level B means that this ability is stronger than most ordinary people.

Level B is from 71 to 79 points, Level B is from 80 to 89 points, Level A is from 90 to 94 points, Level A is from 95 to 99 points, and Level A is from 100 to positive infinity.

His sniping is a special A level, because his numerical value for this ability is 100 points;

The reason why his IT skills are Special A level is because the upper limit of this set of standards is only Special A level.

Jing Baiye did not rush to get the gun after entering the equipment warehouse. He could use the system map to scan and directly determine the specific location of the required items. Unexpectedly, during this scan, he found something unexpected.

He walked through the rows of shelves containing dangerous items and walked straight to the cold weapons area. He opened a certain drawer on the shelf next to him and carefully took out the contents.

"...I didn't expect this to be here." Jing Baiye murmured.

That's a maki-e bamboo knife.


At 9:30 p.m., Jingguang Zhufushi drove Tohru Amuro and Angstra back to the safe house.

Angostura left with nothing in his hands, but came back with a brand new sword bag. He got out of the back seat, walked to the driver's seat and told Zhu Fu Jingguang:

"Thank you for your hard work. Go back and rest early. If there are no unexpected events, tomorrow's arrangements will be the same as today. Remember to prepare red velvet cakes for me tonight, two large and one small. I have already sent you the recipe."

Zhu Fu Jingguang nodded: "Then I'll go back. See you tomorrow."

He glanced at Toru Amuro, who was standing silently behind Angstra, and drove away from the safe house without saying anything.

Seeing Fa Xiao leave, Amuro Toru withdrew his gaze and looked at Angstra, whose back was turned to him.

I don’t know how the organization raised him. Angstra was much thinner than boys of the same age. Even if he was carrying a sword bag, he didn’t seem to have any offensive power. At this time, he exposed his back to him without any defense.


"Amuro, let's go rest too." He suddenly looked back at him.

Angstra looked even sicker and paler at night than during the day, with no blood on his face at all, as if a gust of night wind could knock him to the ground. The only red eye exposed was astonishingly bright.

When practicing shooting at the training ground just now, Angstra achieved much better results than them - no matter whether it was a stationary target or a moving target, regardless of the shooting distance, he hit the target on all targets.

During sniper training, he hit the nose of the simulated target at a distance of 1,250 yards, and hit the left eye one by one at the previous distance.

He has excellent marksmanship, is good at interrogation and sniping, and has amazing hacking skills... He is obviously an all-round genius who deserves to be recognized and cherished by everyone, why did he fall into a dangerous criminal organization?

Every time Angstra showed off her powerful abilities, Toru Amuro would have such regretful thoughts in his heart.

He had a lot of thoughts, but he didn't show it at all. He looked at the sword bag behind Angstra: "You know kendo? Do you need me to practice with you in the future?"

In the Japanese police academy, the male police officers will practice judo and kendo, the female police officers will practice aikido, and Toru Amuro knows a little kendo.

Angstra showed a hesitant expression: "No, I can see that you haven't practiced kendo for a long time... My kendo level is no worse than shooting. It would be bad if I accidentally beat you up."


As Toru Amuro was the number one in the police academy at that time, she had no rivals in terms of brainpower and force during the same period. As a result, after becoming an undercover agent, she was carefully cared for like a petite flower by a minor who looked unhealthy, which made her become an undercover agent.

He didn't even know how to react.

If he is looked down upon by someone, he can still stab him back in a weird way, but Angostela's attitude...

Angstra didn't notice anything unusual about Tohru Amuro: "Let's go in, don't just stand at the door."

Amuro regained her composure and entered the house with Angstra. After turning on the light in the entrance hall, Angstra changed into slippers and immediately ran to the second floor.

"Aren't you going to take a shower?" Toru Amuro called him from behind.

"I'll see how Qian Duoduo is doing first. You wash first." Angstra's voice came from the stairs.

Toru Amuro was a little helpless. If Angstra forgot to bring a change of clothes when he took a bath one day, he could openly use the excuse of giving clothes to go in and see his body under the bandages. He would never be able to wash them with those bandages.

It's a pity that Toru Amuro, whose hope failed, sighed inwardly and went to get a change of clothes and enter the bathroom.

After Toru Amuro took a shower, he sat on the sofa and watched TV. He placed the Corgi doll on the other side of the sofa.

Tokyo has been relatively peaceful recently, and no major criminal cases have occurred. Toru Amuro, who has no interest in TV series, variety shows, or two-dimensional movies, held the remote control. He didn't know what program to watch, and he switched channels one by one.

Not long after, Angstra also finished washing. He carried Qian Duoduo to the living room and sat next to Toru Amuro.

Amuro Toru looked at him. It was similar to the previous times. Angstra's regular clothes were changed into pajamas. The ends of her hair that had not been dried were still dripping with water, but the bandages were the same as when she went in.

"You like this kind of... beauty pageant show?"

Angstra put the corgi doll under her arm and circled the money in her arms. The calico cat cub purred with contentment surrounded by its beloved owner and toys.

Toru Amuro kept looking at Angstra after he saw him sitting down. He didn't even know what was on TV now.

When he looked back, the beautiful woman with a thin shirt on the TV screen suddenly caught his eye. His hand holding the remote control shook and he almost dropped it on the spot.

This chapter has been completed!
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