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Chapter 136 How to get information from bitter wine

After lunch, Jing Baiye logged into the official website of the American Powerball Lottery.

You can not only buy tickets for Power Bullet online, but also redeem prizes online. Jing Baiye binds a bank card to his account and chooses the 30-year installment model to reflect the money in the first year.

444 million U.S. dollars, converted in thirty years, will get 14.8 million U.S. dollars every year.

Because the amount was too high, it would take a few days to be verified before it could be credited. He had to pay attention to phone calls and emails these days.

Jing Baiye looked at the data on the website happily, picked up the mobile phone next to him, and sent another email to Belmod in the United States.

[In order to avoid taxes, I chose the 30-year installment withdrawal model, and I have just withdrawn the first year’s bonus...]

In addition to wanting to give benefits to his subordinates, he also wanted to buy gifts for his guardian member Belmode and his friend Shirley.

People's feelings are developed little by little, and even blood ties cannot be squandered casually. If others are good to him, he should also be good to them.

Jing Baiye lay on the table and thought for a while. The two of them were definitely not short of money. They would not be short of clothes, cosmetics, and luxury goods. He didn't know what gift to give.

【...Do you have something you want?】

Since it was a private email, Jing Baiye sent the email without adding a code name.

[You can choose whatever you want. ps: Don’t tell Gin about winning the prize.]

It was midnight in the United States, but Bermod's reply came quickly.

Jing Baiye knew the reason for Bermod's reminder. The organization's blackmail of the president started at 100 million yen, and 444 million U.S. dollars was not a small amount even for the organization. She was worried that Gin would let him confiscate this windfall.

When it comes to money issues, Jing Baiye is soberer and calmer than anyone else. He is willing to exchange gin for hair growth hormone, but he will never give all the money to him.

He sent another similar email to Shirley. Due to Toru Amuro's reminder in the morning, he didn't directly tell Shirley about winning the lottery... It's not that he didn't trust her. Her guardian member was Gin, so he should pay more attention.


[I have a lot of money recently, do you have any gifts you want?——grey]

In the laboratory, Shirley's freedom was far less than that of herself and Belmode. After sending the email, Jing Baiye closed her mailbox and opened the food review app to search for high-end restaurants in Mihua Town.

He looked at the customer reviews from the photos of the dishes, and finally settled on the Observation Restaurant located on the top of the Mihua Central Building.

He didn't receive a reply from Shirley until the end of Jingbaiye's lunch break.


At 6:15 p.m., Toru Amuro drove to the park, and Kagemitsu Morofuku sat next to him.

Car seat etiquette is also particular. If there are only two people, Angstra will sit in the passenger seat. If there are three people, he, as the boss, will definitely sit in the back seat.

Angstra was still sitting in the same place feeding the pigeons. When Mazda came over, he got up and wiped the feed crumbs off his hands.

"Go directly to the training ground?" After he got in the car, Amuro asked again for insurance reasons.

"Well." Angstra put her commuting bag aside and took out her mobile phone from her pocket. "After the training is over, we will go to the Rice Flower Central Building. The observation restaurant on the top floor seems good."

Mazda left the park and drove towards the training ground.

Toru Amuro secretly glanced at the rearview mirror in the car. Angstra was sitting there looking down at his phone. Due to the distance, he could not see the content on the screen clearly.

"Look ahead when driving, don't look at me." Angstra said suddenly without raising her head.

"……Feel sorry."

Amuro Toru, who was caught peeping at the bag, looked away, exchanged a vague glance with Morofushi Jingguang, and then looked forward again.

When Zhu Fu Jingguang went to pick up someone for the first time, out of curiosity about Angstra, he also observed him through the rearview mirror in the car, and he was also discovered at that time.

Although he is so sensitive to other people's eyes, why is he so nervous about some things in life? Is it a difficult problem to obtain information from him, or can it be done easily?

Toru Amuro thought about what happened when they went to Polo Coffee Shop in the morning.

Zhu Fu Jingguang did not go to the coffee shop just to have breakfast. He went there because his contact chose to meet there.

Due to Angstra's excellent hacking skills, they mostly used public phone booths to communicate with the police during this period, which caused a lot of trouble, but this was for their own safety.

The contact person at the Metropolitan Police Department did not know the existence of Tohru Amuro, so at that time Zhufu Jingguang entered the Polo Coffee Shop first, wearing a bug with him.

They were listening and waiting for him in the park near Toru Amuro. When they were halfway through the conversation, he pretended to be an ordinary customer and entered the coffee shop.

Before going in, Toru Amuro put on a little disguise. When he put on a hat to cover up his conspicuous blond hair, he remembered Angstra's excellent makeup skills.

Compared to her excellent marksmanship and sniping skills, Angostela's camouflage ability and hacking skills are more enviable. Especially the camouflage is too practical for spies who need to get close to others to obtain intelligence...

When Toru Amuro arrived at the coffee shop, she chose a seat a table away from them and casually ordered something like an ordinary customer.

The reason why the contact came to Zhu Fu Jingguang was already known to him when he was eavesdropping just now.

Nishitama City is also within the scope of Tokyo. The Metropolitan Police Department received intelligence and learned that the president of Joban Group, Mio Joban, bribed city councilor Ohki Iwamatsu to illegally amend the municipal bill and build the first double building in Japan.

Tower skyscraper.

Not long ago, a reporter happened to take a photo of Representative Oki secretly entering a hotel. Due to the shooting angle, only the profile of the Senator was taken, and the appearance of the people around him was not captured.

The photo was deleted within ten minutes after it was posted online. This reporter was involved in an accidental car accident yesterday, and the film disappeared from his home. After investigation, the police found that his brakes had been tampered with.

This method is very similar to that of black organizations, and one of their usual methods is to seize the handles of large company presidents and politicians and blackmail them or make them work for the organization.

The Metropolitan Police Department suspected that the reporter's death was the work of a black organization. While sending people to continue investigating the president of the Joban Group and Representative Ohgi, they also contacted the Metropolitan Police undercover Kageko Morofuku who had infiltrated the organization and asked him to try to see if he could get

Relevant information.

After the memory was over, Toru Amuro sighed inwardly.

Zhu Fu Jingguang is now just a low-level member and cannot even access the organization's intranet. The only intelligence source he has access to is Angstra.

In the morning he also asked him not to do any illegal acts against Angostela against his will.

Now he himself has to find a way to dig out information from him...

This chapter has been completed!
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