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Chapter 153 Why is it so coincidental

After Toru Amuro left, who was hesitant to speak, the other three people also went out.

Midorikawa Xin parked the car elsewhere, and Jing Baiye and Moro Hoshida were waiting for him to drive over at the door.

Jing Baiye originally thought that this new subordinate was a man of few words, but he didn't expect that Zhu Xingda would talk to him shortly after Midorikawa Xin left.

"There are so many bandages on you...are you really okay with your body?"

This is the first reaction of many people when they see Jing Baiye. He is not surprised that the Zhuxing Assembly asked this: "It's okay, that was an injury I suffered before. Now I am very healthy, you may not be able to beat me."


Zhu Xingda's eyes fell on his face, and then moved to his arms. His lips moved but he said nothing.

Jing Baiye has checked Morohoshi's abilities through the system, and his bare-handed fighting skills are the same as Amuro Toru and Midorikawa Shin.

If it were one-on-one as an enemy, he would definitely not be able to fight; but if he was competing as a teammate, with the bonus of the Youyan Dog Soul, his bare-handed fighting level would be improved from B level to A or even Special A level.

It's easy to hit a waste cement pillar, let alone hit someone.

What Morohoshi is most concerned about is his sniper level, which is the same as his special A level.

It's not easy to find someone in the organization who is so good at sniping, and he happens to be his subordinate. Then he can be his observer when carrying out troublesome assassination missions in the future...

Jing Baiye thought about it, Midorikawa Xin had already driven back, Moro Hoshida got into the passenger seat, and he sat in the back seat.

"Where to go?"

Although it was Morohoshi who wanted to buy something, Midorikawa Xin was asking about Jing Baiye.

"The commercial street over at 6-chome, I remember there seems to be a large supermarket there."

Thinking of that large supermarket, Jing Baiye thought of the dog that had committed suicide... No, it was FBI agent Hoover. They met again near that supermarket.

After Hoover actually committed suicide, he determined how terrifying the effect of "turning into your dog and dominating it" was. It was indeed top-notch mind control. However, he was still unable to determine how long the control lasted, and he had to find another opportunity to conduct experiments.

Jing Baiye didn't want to test it with his subordinates or innocent passers-by, so it would be a good opportunity to go to the mechanical house near Hakone Hot Spring. The boss said that maybe people from other organizations would go.

As he was thinking, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated, and he took it out to check his email.

[I'm shopping with my sister, are you free to come for dinner tonight? - Shiho]

It was sent by Shirley. After the guardian was changed to Curacao, she seemed to be much freer than before. At least she saw her sister more often.

[Let’s have dinner next time. I just got a third subordinate here. I’ll invite them to a dinner party tonight. Which commercial street are you in now?——Grey]

[Near Yoneka-cho 6.——Shiho]

After seeing the email, Jing Baiye opened the system map. Since Shirley was an acquaintance in the family and friends group, even if she was not a teammate, he could search for her location through the system map. It didn't take long for him to find her.

Not only on the system map, but when looking out the window, Jing Baiye spotted two familiar figures walking out of a dessert shop.

"Midori Chuan, please stop at the intersection ahead."

"What's wrong?"

"I see someone I know."

Midorikawa Xin stopped at the intersection, Jing Baiye opened the car window and waved his hand over there.

Shirley was startled when she saw a car suddenly stopping in front of her. After seeing clearly that it was Jing Baiye, she breathed a sigh of relief: "What a coincidence."

Next to her was Akemi Miyano, who seemed to have contacted and met her sister immediately after she returned from Hokkaido.

Miyano Akemi saw Morohoshi sitting in the passenger seat and smiled at him: "I didn't expect to meet again so soon."

Hearing her sister greeting a strange man, Shirley's eyes suddenly shifted from Jing Baiye to Zhu Xingda. She looked him up and down with hostile eyes.

"This is my third subordinate, Zhu Xingda, who just came here today." Jing Baiye introduced.

Meeting the Miyano sisters was an accident. The purpose of Jing Baiye coming to the commercial street was to take Moro Hoshida shopping. After a simple greeting, the two parties separated.

Then he received another email from Shirley.

[You should pay more attention to Zhu Xingda. He is different from your other two subordinates and makes me feel very uncomfortable.——Sherry]

Since it was related to the organization, Shirley no longer used her name, but instead used the organization's internal code name.

Jing Baiye was not surprised by Shirley's attitude. After all, the temperaments of Morohoshida and Gin were quite similar. The difference was that the murderous aura in him was not as obvious as Gin's. It was normal for Shirley to be repulsed.

[I will pay attention. Have you told your sister that I want to invite you to the hot spring?——angostura]

[I told you. She is very happy and willing to go together.——Sherry]

Midorikawa Xin had already driven the car to the parking lot opposite the large supermarket. After Jing Baiye read the latest email, he put away his phone and got out of the car with the other two.

"I want to have a cigarette." Zhu Xingda stopped in front of the outdoor smoking room at the entrance of the supermarket.

Jing Baiye knew that he was a heavy smoker, so he wouldn't force himself to quit smoking, as long as they didn't smoke around him: "Okay, then you can come over by yourself later. If you can't find anyone, just call."

Zhu Xingda nodded to show that he understood, opened the door and entered the smoking room.

The closed door blocked the smell and sound inside. Jing Baiye pulled Midorikawa Xin beside him: "Let's go in."

Midorikawa Xin was looking at the smoking room and turned back after being pulled by him: "What do you want to buy?"

"It's time to change the towels. We're almost out of shower gel and shampoo. We need more money to buy more stuffed toys..." Jing Baiye kept counting.

"Would you like to buy some more snacks? You can usually satisfy your hunger."

"No, I prefer you to give me freshly made snacks."

Midorikawa Xin was stunned and smiled helplessly: "Then I'll go check out the glutinous rice flour and cake flour. There aren't many in the safe house."

Jing Baiye wanted to add a few ingredients - although he couldn't cook, he had read a lot of recipes and remembered the basic ingredients for making snacks - and when he was about to speak, he caught a glimpse of a sneaky figure walking in the lane next to the supermarket.

Poke your head forward and explore your brain.

Midorikawa Xin had his back turned and didn't see it, but Jing Baiye saw the man's appearance clearly: gray hair, wearing dirty clothes that looked like they were picked up from the trash can, and a tattoo under the left sleeve.

——It’s Wai Shou Yi who escaped from prison and has not been caught by the police so far.

If it were an ordinary prisoner, Jing Baiye, who is face-blind to ordinary people and has a thickened filter in his eyes for ugly people, would never be able to remember his appearance.

But Wai Shou Yi was different, because Midorikawa Xin was afraid of him, so Jing Baiye spent more time memorizing his appearance.

...Why did this guy really show up? He obviously didn't think he would meet him when he was in the safe house more than ten minutes ago!

This chapter has been completed!
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