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Chapter 157 Where did the black pot come from

Zhu Fu Jingguang drove Jing Baiye back to the safe house, put him down when he arrived at the door, and found another place to park.

Jing Baiye watched his car disappear from sight and did not get in immediately.

[I didn’t expect Midorikawa’s reaction to be so big.] He sighed at the system, [Is he, like Amuro, also afraid of dead people? 】

Originally, he wanted to find an opportunity to introduce Midorikawa Xin to Belmode. After all, she was his official guardian. He had to show her when he found a temporary guardian, but now he thought about it.

What if she had a sudden idea to test Midorikawa Xin's strength, such as giving him a task to kill someone... This is the reaction he had when hearing that he had killed someone, would he be able to do it himself? Even if he could do it himself.

, will it be more psychologically stimulated?

Jing Baiye could tolerate him without daring to make a move, and had the patience to slowly help him develop his courage, but Belmode could not.

[You can check your blackening value.] The system prompts, [When your blackening value changes, even if you do nothing, it will easily cause others to panic.]

Blackening value?

Jing Baiye was stunned. He hadn't paid much attention to this value on the same panel as his physical strength and health since he returned to Japan. Hearing what the system said, he opened it and took a look. His current blackening value was 52.

When he first came to this world, his blackness level was 43, and when he met the female ogre, it rose to 50. It was also from that time that the scars from his previous life began to reappear on his body.

His darkening value hovers in the middle zone most of the time, with the lowest being 45 and the highest reaching 80 - destroying his house and property for Panno - but after crushing those agents to pieces that even the best coroner

After failing to fight, the value dropped back to 50.

He doesn't know how to judge the level of blackening value, because when it comes to special achievements, the system will not tell him clearly, so he can only find out by himself.

Jing Baiye entered the safe house, and Qian Duoduo greeted him at the entrance. He bent down, picked up the cat, rubbed it, and took it to the sofa to watch TV.

Except for TV Tokyo, which is showing cartoons, other channels are showing news about Gai Moriichi.

The head was discovered five minutes ago - passers-by on the street saw it first, and they screamed. The policeman who was driving realized later, thinking there was an emergency on the street, and stopped to ask passers-by.

Only then did we find out that what caused the panic was the "little gift" hanging on the back of their police car.

"This is a very bad provocation!" the police officer being interviewed said with an angry face, his face flushed with extreme anger. "He brutally killed the prisoner and hung his head on the police car. This is an insult and public insult to the Japanese police.


Jing Baiye used the remote control to turn down the volume, and then touched Qian Duoduo's back to comfort him, lest the policeman's loud voice would scare him.

He didn't understand why he said that.

If you give a foreign guard some kind of weapon of mass destruction, put him in the Metropolitan Police Department and let him kill anyone on sight, and then broadcast it live nationwide, would this be considered a provocation, right?

Now I just gave away a head, a head without any offense. The dead are much safer than the living... The Japanese police don't dare to save people from the underworld, but they can't even deal with the head of a dead person?

No wonder Gin dares to drive that eye-catching and rare Porsche all over Japan, because he knows that the Japanese police are cowardly and useless in these aspects, right?

Just as Jing Baiye was thinking boringly, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

[I will come to the safe house with Ireland to pick you up on Saturday morning. Please don’t call me ‘boss’ in front of my subordinates.——spirytus]

Seeing the awkward wine name at the end, Jing Baiye quickly replied:


He didn't say much to ask why the boss came to the safe house. As a member of the organization, no matter how kind the boss was to him, he couldn't overstep it at will.


6:30 pm, Mihua Department Store.

Angstra looked happy after finishing the meal, with a handful of candies in his pocket that the clerk gave him when he left. Moro Hoshida said he wanted to smoke and went to the corridor. The two undercover police officers who followed him had their own concerns.

Toru Amuro was upset.

The head of Wai Shouyi was found in the police car, and the media made a fuss. The Metropolitan Police Department took this case very seriously. The higher-ups felt that this was an insult to them, and sent a large number of people to investigate the area. In the past few days, they

They all work overtime.

Originally, Morofuku Gaoming would leave Yoneka Town tonight, but as soon as Gai Shouichi's incident came out, he stayed again.

Toru Amuro didn't pick up the Mazda until almost 5 o'clock. Before he could go back to the safe house to ask Fa Xiao about what happened this afternoon, he received an email from his boss, asking him to pick him up at the Morohoshi Apartment.

Forget it, what was annoying was that Moro Hoshida was observing him along the way, which made Toru Amuro, who was particularly sensitive to other people's eyes, feel uncomfortable. But he couldn't have an attack on the spot, because Moro Hoshida just looked and didn't speak, let alone

Take action.

And Zhu Fu Jingguang just...he didn't know what he was feeling.

After he parked the car and went back, he saw the news about Wai Shouichi on the news. He knew who did it. After all, the murderer confessed to him in the store not long ago.

As a police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department and an undercover agent, Zhu Fu Jingguang should report this matter to the furious Metropolitan Police Department and let them know who the culprit is.

But he hesitated.

When he saw Angstra sitting on the sofa, holding a cat cub and a Corgi doll, smiling at him, police undercover Zhu Fu Jingguang hesitated.

——If Angstra is the murderer, then he who caused him to do it...is he the culprit?

Zhu Fu Jingguang was silent all the way. He stared at Angstra, who was walking a little ahead of him. The little boss was chewing candy in his mouth, with his right cheek bulging and a complicated expression.

What kind of experience can it take to raise such a naive and crazy boy?

Does he know how cruel the things he did are to people in normal society?

If he knew that he was an undercover... would this little boss who said "I won't let anything happen to you" use the same or even more cruel methods to deal with him?

It was Angstra who killed Gai Shouichi. Zhufu Jingguang didn't tell Amuro Toru for the time being, but now he is doubting whether Morohoshi was involved in it.

When Angstra went shopping from the safe house to the large supermarket, he only left his sight briefly when he went to pick up Morohoshida. It was probably at that time that he killed Gai Shouichi.

There were many police officers near the supermarket at that time, but no one noticed that Angstra took action.

This is not surprising. After all, he is a member of a black organization who can break into a country's intelligence agency. It is not surprising that he has such ability.

The key is Morohoshi... He went into the smoking room to smoke when he was about to enter the supermarket, and was temporarily separated from them. Then he said that he was detained by the police and asked Angstra to pick them up. During this period, did he really go there?

Smoking, or running away to do other things?

This chapter has been completed!
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