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Chapter 17 It Can't Be All Undercover

Jing Baiye's physical condition is not as bad as his face looks, but it can't be said to be that good. No matter how hard he works, his bare-handed fighting skills can only be at B to B level without the bonus of Yan Gou Soul.

Wandering is the result of physical limitations.

He is now blind in his left eye and missing a kidney, but these were injuries caused before he took over this body, and only those on his body were his own.

It was obvious that the scars were from being executed in a previous life, but I don't know why they appeared on this new body.

Midorikawa Xin frowned when he heard what he said, and looked at the bandages on his body. He moved his mouth as if he wanted to ask something, but Jing Baiye interrupted him in time: "I'm fine now, let's go buy ingredients."

Midorikawa Xin looked away and said no more, but his expression was not relaxed.

Based on the recipe they just read, the two went to the meat section and vegetable section to buy all the ingredients needed to make Chinese egg fried rice. When they went to the checkout counter to check out, Midorikawa Xin picked up another carton of milk and put it in the shopping cart.

"What are you buying milk for?" Jing Baiye asked curiously.

"It's for you." Midorikawa Xin looked at the two large bottles of Happy Fat Home Water in the shopping cart, and then looked at him: "It's not that Coke is bad, but in addition to carbonated drinks, you should also drink some milk and

Water? Let me buy it for you. It doesn’t have to be expensive.”

Is it strange that Midorikawa Xin knows that he is poor? When he was talking to Gin in Toriya Town, he mentioned that he didn't have much money, but he didn't expect that he would take the initiative to buy milk for him. Moreover, judging from his expression, he didn't respond to being summoned.

Went to cook and got angry.

Due to his special experience, Jing Baiye is very sensitive to other people's malice and murderous intent. He can detect even fleeting evil thoughts. Not to mention the kind that hides a knife in his smile. Because of a certain inhuman principal and a certain female snake

He can also tell at a glance the psychological shadow left by mental illness and whether other people's smiles are sincere.

So he could see that Midorikawa Xin was really not angry at all, at least not angry with him.

How could such a good-tempered person be included in the organization? What's the point? Could it be that he is...

A terrible thought flashed through his mind, but was quickly kicked out of his mind by Jing Baiye.

...He is not suffering from paranoia. Although he has encountered two undercover agents in a row before, the frequency is slightly high, but there is no need to be as suspicious as Gin to the extent that he looks like an undercover traitor to everyone he meets. Besides, what's the matter with his good temper?

Shirley and the Miyano Akemi I met today are also members of the organization, and Bellmode is also quite gentle to him. Could it be that they are all undercover agents or traitors?

[Host, if you have free time... you can actually check out the comic section of the store to see if there are any works that interest you.] The system said quietly.

[Comics?] Jing Baiye is very strange, [I don’t read much two-dimensional works, I read more novels and movies... Why do you suddenly mention this? Is the system store currently offering a discount on comics? ]

【...No, it's nothing.】

Jing Baiye waited at the exit for Midorikawa Xin to come out after paying the bill, and stretched out his hand to him: "Give me the receipt, and I'll save it and pay it back to you together in a week."

Midorikawa Xin took out the receipt from the shopping bag and handed it to him. Jing Baiye took it, looked at it, folded it and stuffed it into his pocket.


It was already 5:20 when we returned to the safe house. Xin Midorikawa took the ingredients to the kitchen to prepare. Jing Baiye found the spare key to the safe house and handed it to him.

"You pick me up at 9:30 tomorrow morning and we go to the training ground together. I will send you the address later."

When Midorikawa Xin was checking out, Byakuya received Gin's email. In the email, he told him the training address and training content, and that he might be asked to interrogate the prisoners tomorrow night - the reason why he said "possible" is because the guy is currently

He hasn't been caught yet - it won't be Midorikawa Shin who comes to pick him up tomorrow night, but another low-level member of the organization.

"9:30?" Midorikawa Xin has already put on his apron. Now he doesn't look like a member of the organization at all, but more like a warm-hearted neighbor. "Is it too late? The normal training time is from

Starts at 7am.”

"I usually get up at 9 o'clock, and it's just right to pick me up at 9:30." Jing Baiye paused, and then added: "Seven o'clock is the prescribed time for most of the lower-level members. Tomorrow we will go to a place commonly used by code members.

There won’t be anyone at the training ground until at least 9 o’clock...at least that’s the case in the United States, I don’t know about Japan.”

Midorikawa Xin looked at him: "Have you ever acted in the United States before?"

"I went there to study abroad and didn't kill many people." He once killed an FBI undercover agent unintentionally. Jing Baiye didn't say the second half of the sentence. He looked at the ingredients he put on the countertop and said, "Put two rice balls for me."

Refrigerator, I’ll make it for breakfast tomorrow.”

After explaining the important things, Jing Baiye sat down on the sofa in the living room next to him and opened the laptop he had just brought down. Since it was an open kitchen, the kitchen and the living room were in the same room, so when he turned around he could see the green

Chuan Xin, the other party can also see him directly.

He clicked on the instant messaging software "Grey Mirror" that he created on his desktop. Currently, the only users are him and Belmod. It is more private and safer than specially processed emails. Some of the things he developed were not known to the organization, and originally he was not aware of them.

I wanted to recommend it to Shirley, but considering the ridiculously vigilant Gin squatting next to her, I gave it up after thinking about it.

In addition to Gin's email, he actually received an email from Belmod just now, but she asked him not to reply via email for the time being.

[Chris: You don’t need to bring any gifts to the Kuroba family. I asked you to go there to investigate the reason for the teacher’s disappearance. Just go secretly. 】

[Chris: Is there anyone around you now? I want to have a video conversation with you~]

[Grey: I'm in your safe house in Miwa Town, and a low-level member with a good personality is cooking for me. 】

[Chris: Is it Shirley’s lower-class sister?]

[Grey: It’s not her, it’s a male member. Why did you mention Shirley’s sister? 】

[Chris: Gin hasn’t told you yet?]


[Chris: The code member of the action group can find three lower-level members as his subordinates. Usually they only need to do things for him. When acting with the code members, these low-level members can more easily demonstrate their abilities and are more likely to obtain code names than

The other lower-level members should be higher...Of course, they can also be allowed to do nothing and live their normal daily lives safely.】

[Chris: Shirley is not a member of the action team, and Gin is not easy to talk to. If she wants to protect her incompetent sister, the only one she can turn to is you. Will you help her? 】

[grey:...You wouldn’t believe me if I told you I wouldn’t help you.]

[Chris: You are still so straightforward and cute...but you are always so trusting of others, and you are careful to encounter people with evil intentions. You have to take good care of your subordinates, right?]

Jing Baiye was a little speechless. The larger the number of undercover agents, the lower the ratio. Since we can find three, they can't all be undercover agents, right?

If you were so lucky, wouldn't it be nice to join some black organization and just buy lottery tickets to make a fortune?

This chapter has been completed!
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