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Chapter 201 The person who can't wait

Jing Baiye sighed and stopped thinking about the past. He began to think about what he should do next.

[So I am a ghost now? I will live like this in the future... and continue to exist? 】

Originally, he wanted to say "live", but the execution really impressed him, and he clearly knew that he was already dead.

[No, I'm looking for a new body for you. As long as the other person is willing to sign the contract and you fulfill his wish, you can replace him in the future and use his body to live again, and his soul will disappear.] System


[This is equivalent to death, right? There are such people?] Jing Baiye looked at the surrounding environment. At first glance, it looked like a normal and peaceful place.

[Yes, there are quite a few.] The system said, [I have found a suitable one, you can take a look at his life...He is here, he is the boy walking towards you from a distance.]

Jing Baiye wanted to hide behind a telephone pole, but then quickly realized that there was no need to do that - a certain bicycle was riding towards him. The person on it did not avoid it, but the bicycle did not hit him and went straight through his body.

...Others cannot see him or touch him.

The boy the system mentioned was about seven years old. He had a schoolbag on his back and looked like he was only in the first grade of elementary school.

He has jet black hair, pale cheeks and bulging flesh. He looks good, like an exquisite doll in a toy store window. Most of the pedestrians around him are wearing short-sleeved summer clothes, but he is wearing long sleeves and trousers, following a man who is slightly older than him.

Little girl behind.

The boy lowered his head with tears in his eyes. He attached a pair of toy handcuffs to his clothes and wiped them carefully. After wiping, he lifted them up to smell them.

"Stop looking for things in the garbage." The girl turned back and held his hand. "Dad will be angry if you make it so dirty."

"Even if I'm not dirty, he will still be angry." The boy muttered, "He lost my treasure, but luckily I found it back... I hate dad so much."

"Bai Ye!" The girl frowned, stopping him from continuing.

Hearing this name, Jing Baiye opened his eyes in surprise.

In his first life, he had no name at the beginning. He was raised intensively in a training camp without parents or relatives. The people who raised them would only call the number on their armband. He was born on April 4, so it was 44.

[Jing Baiye] was the name he gave himself when he accompanied his teacher on a mission to the border for the first time.

[This child has the same name as you. People with the same name are more compatible than others. It will not be so painful for your soul to merge into his body. Moreover, he is only seven years old. Children have simple interpersonal interactions. In their own growth stage, their personalities are changing.

Major changes will not arouse others’ suspicion.】

The system paused for a moment and continued to add: [Generally speaking, the biggest trouble for possessed children is their parents, but there is no need to worry about this child at all. 】

Jing Baiye watched the two children walking by him, and with his excellent eyesight, he noticed the faint bruises on the boy's sleeves.

Could it be that his parents are also...

Jing Baiye did not follow them immediately, but just watched their backs go away. He reached out and touched the right side of his neck, where there used to be several cigarette scars left by his father in the past.

【Will he be willing to give his body?】

It wasn't until they were completely out of sight that Jing Baiye withdrew his gaze and stood calmly on the spot.

【I can see that he is not completely desperate yet.】

Hope, despair, and perhaps the influence of Enoshima Shields made him particularly sensitive to these two emotions.

The moment they passed each other, Jing Baiye deliberately paid more attention to the eyes of the boy with the same name. They were rare crimson and as beautiful as freshly shed blood. He stared at the treasure in his hand, tender and sparkling.

——Those are eyes that still hold hope.

...Would a person who still has hope in his heart give up his body and soul to fulfill a certain wish?

[You can choose the observation period, three days, seven days or ten days. If you think it is suitable, I will communicate with him.] If the system does not pick him up, [If you think it is not suitable, I will continue to find other bodies for you...

…At that time, they may not have the same name, and it will be more troublesome to integrate them.】

[Then let’s take seven days.] Jing Baiye thought about it and chose the middle one.

[Once the observation starts, you can only move within ten meters of him.] The system prompted.

【I see.】

Jing Baiye started a seven-day observation.

The system didn't tell him the boy's family background, but through watching over the past few days, he gradually figured it out.

He respects other people's privacy. When the boy goes to the bathroom, takes a shower or sleeps, he will float out quietly and stay in the corridor or courtyard...but he still sees his body and sees a streak on his side.

Obvious surgical scars.

This seven-year-old boy had one of his kidneys removed, and the person who received the transplant was his uncle.

The boy was born into a yakuza family, which was not as big as the Kuzuryu family. Originally, his grandfather was the first heir, but one day he suddenly abandoned his wife and children and disappeared. He was neither alive nor dead, so the second-in-line heir took his place.

The boy's father was reduced from a glorious young master to an outcast. From then on, he became mentally distorted and even turned his anger on his own children. Due to the tradition of the Jingzu, his son had the same name as his father, and they both had black hair and red eyes.

And his mother is the kind of top love brain who "love is everything". Judging from their looks, except for their hair color and eye color, the rest of the siblings are very similar to her, and they are 100% her biological children.

One time when she was wearing a navel-baring top, he saw a scar on her abdomen from a caesarean section.

But she never stopped her husband's violent behavior, not even once.

The two children who were connected by blood were scarred, and she didn't care at all. She would only worry about whether her husband's hand would hurt from the beating.

There are various reasons for the boy's father to hit him. It may be that the girl did not pack his things, the bath water was too hot, the food was not to his liking, or the sound disturbed him while eating... Among them were "the boy stayed at the door of the house" and

"The boy cried" and the number of outbursts was the highest.

After returning home from school, this boy likes to put his schoolbag in the hallway, run outside alone, and stare longingly at the intersection.

Jing Baiye felt that he was waiting for someone, maybe the person who gave him toy handcuffs - when he was waiting for someone, he would hold those handcuffs in his hand - but a few days passed and no one came.

The boy always stayed there full of hope, but in despair his father pulled his hair or clothes back home, closed the door and began to beat him violently.

Jing Baiye didn't know whether he was brave or timid. She said he was brave and cried every time he was beaten. When he cried, he was beaten harder. He said he was timid and still stood there the next day after being beaten.

"He said he would come to save me and my sister..."

Jing Baiye once heard the boy curl up and talk to himself like this when he fell to the ground, but he never knew who he was talking about.

In this family, the only person who can protect the boy is his sister, who is two years older than him and is also a weak child.

Because of this sister, even if no one else comes to save him or help him, there is still a little hope in his eyes, and the eyes staring at the toy handcuffs are still shining, full of confidence and expectation.

At the end of the sixth day, Jing Baiye felt that he would continue to wait.

This chapter has been completed!
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