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Chapter 206 The crime of killing relatives

Handcuffs are a kind of restraint used by state dictatorship agencies. When most people see handcuffs, they think of the police, and Toru Amuro is no exception.

However, he also quickly thought that when the organization imprisoned some erring members, they would also use handcuffs or hemp ropes - to put it bluntly, this is just a tool and has nothing to do with profession or good or bad. It is not surprising that members of criminal organizations would hold it.

...but why toy handcuffs? This thing can’t lock anyone, so what’s the point?

Toru Amuro was very surprised, so he asked directly: "Is this your old toy?"

"Ah? This is... just think of it as mine." Angstra looked away and whispered, "Hurry up and drive back. I'm hungry and want to eat."

Angstra is not good at lying. She is okay on the phone. When she lies to others, she will look away. Her movements are so obvious that they are a bit cute... Wait, this is not a big deal, why should he hesitate?

Toru Amuro was suspicious, but he did not continue the topic.

He watched his junior boss fasten his seat belt again and mentioned the previous shooting: "Your marksmanship is very accurate. Mr. Morohoshi... picked up the 100 yen coin that you shot through."

"That's a counterfeit currency. No matter how small the face value is, I won't shoot real money." Angstra reminded.

"Fake?" Toru Amuro was just looking at the bullet and didn't notice that it was a fake coin.

"The cherry blossoms on the front of the real 100 yen coin are Yae Sakura, with three blooming flowers and four buds, with fifteen stamens in the middle. The one on the upper right of the counterfeit coin is missing a small petal and three stamens.

There is one missing bud on the lower left, so it’s fake at first glance.”


Toru Amuro didn't say anything for a while.

After a long while, he said dryly: "You have good eyesight."

This eyesight is not only good, it is simply terrifying. Angostela is at least 15 meters away from the coin. Many people cannot see the coin so clearly even if they hold it in their hands. How can he see it so clearly? Hold it.

Did you see it through a microscope?!

"Amuro, you should be more careful about your money. Don't despise it just because the face value is small. Many people think that bad guys only forge large-denomination banknotes and are very negligent about small-denomination coins. In fact, there are also counterfeit coins. You can collect them later.

Pay more attention during odd hours..."

Angstra muttered, but her focus was completely wrong.

Toru Amuro drove in silence. At night, the Mazda left the abandoned factory and sped along the empty suburban roads.

Angstra held the toy handcuffs in his hands. He stopped chatting with Toru Amuro and kept looking out the window, wondering what he was thinking.

The Mazda was driving very fast, and soon it entered the city. Other vehicles appeared around it, and Toru Amuro began to slow down.

Today’s dinner is soba noodles and fried chicken. I also want to add a snack for Angstra, so I’m going to make bean paste dumplings. I just happened to realize that I haven’t used up the bean paste I bought last time...

The police undercover finished thinking about the recipe for tonight with his organizational superior, and then he thought about Yuya Kazami, his subordinate who was ordered to check the information. At this time, he was probably working overtime.

Although I feel a little sorry for him, the matter of Ryu Gil Junichi and the safe house is more important... I will trouble him to work hard for a while.

After dinner, Toru Amuro went to wash the dishes, and then went up to the second floor.

Angstra stayed in the study, Qian Duoduo and the strange little bear sat on the table, holding a violin in their hands.

Toru Amuro stopped and stood at the door looking at this scene with some strangeness: He had obviously been in and out of the bedroom and study in the past few days, but he had never seen the violin case. Where did Angstra put the violin?


"Do you want to practice the piano?" he asked aloud.

"Well, it will take about an hour." Angstra looked at him, "You should take a shower first."

Toru Amuro went to get his clothes and brought two mobile phones into the bathroom.

Although he knew that his boss wanted to see him and he couldn't help it, he was still used to keeping his phone away from his body, and the bathroom was a good private place, so it was safer to hide in there and send messages.

Angstra respects the privacy of others and will not try to install strange things in the bathroom to peek, nor will she make excuses to break in when others are in the middle of washing...

Toru Amuro locked the door, put the clothes aside, turned on the faucet and shower, pretended that he had started taking a shower, and then told Fu Jingguang the information he got in the morning.

From an identity point of view, they are both undercover police officers. From an emotional point of view, they fully trust each other and will find opportunities to communicate with each other if they have important information, especially when Zhu Fu Jingguang asked him to investigate.

[The person you want me to investigate entered the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as a drug prosecutor after graduating from college. He suddenly resigned last year and his whereabouts are unknown...]

The water from the shower fell on the tiles, and heat gradually filled the room. Toru Amuro touched the water mist on the screen with his fingers and continued writing.

[There have been two accidents in that safe house. One was a tenant couple who died in the bathroom due to the poisonous gas produced by the detergent, and the other was a gas explosion that caused no casualties. They both happened seven years ago...]

[...This is the information currently known, I will let Feng Jian continue to investigate. How is the situation over there? 】

After sending the email, Toru Amuro originally wanted to put away his phone. Zhufu Jingguang was currently busy tracking xyz cocktails. It was impossible to keep an eye on the phone that the police contacted. There was no need to wait for the other party to reply... but he just took off his phone.

After taking off my shirt, my phone suddenly vibrated and a small email popped up.

[Can you please ask him to check if the tenant couple has children? If so, where are the children now? 】

Toru Amuro threw his shirt into the dirty laundry basket and quickly answered him: "Okay."

At the same time, Ekota Town.

After sending the email, Zhu Fu Jingguang still maintained a tense state. There was still the sound of xyz cocktail in his left earphone, but he couldn't hear anything.

After seeing the keywords husband and wife, poison gas, and seven years ago in the email, he suddenly remembered a conversation he had with Angstra.

——Then how old were you when you committed your first murder?

——Seven years old. One boy and one girl, two adults. Because the strength of children is difficult to compete with adults, and because I didn’t have a gun at the time, I used poison to kill.


Angstra told him the age of the first murder, the victims and the way they were killed, but did not tell him who the people he killed were.

Now the time, the victim and the method of murder are consistent. If the tenant couple are really Angstra's parents, then what he committed is parricide.

——This is a sin more horrific and difficult to understand and tolerate than killing strangers.

Zhu Fu Jingguang closed his eyes and tightened his grip on the cell phone that was used to contact Fa Xiao.

Although Angstra was a member of the organization, he didn't want him to be a demon who would commit such a crime...

This chapter has been completed!
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