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Chapter 223 Sleep quality of undercover agents (two-in-one chapter)

Jing Baiye accepted Toru Amuro's opinion and decided to call Midorikawa Shin, but he first sent an email to Gin.

[I want to discuss the xyz cocktail mission with Midorikawa...I may miss your call next time. Don't hurt Amuro and the others, I will call you back immediately when I see your call.——angostura]

Don't be afraid of ten thousand in everything, just be afraid of the unexpected. It's better to give a warning first.

After Jing Baiye sent the email, he called Midorikawa Xin. This time, the call was connected in less than a second.

There was a bit of noise on the other side, and Jing Baiye thought that Midorikawa Xin might be on the road outside. He waited for a while, but didn't hear the other party speak. He only heard the noisy voices and vehicles in the background.

"Midorikawa?" He wondered why he didn't speak.

Midorikawa Xin was shouted out like this, as if he had finally reacted, and his voice was a little hoarse: "I was crossing the road just now... It's a little noisy here. I'm going to find a quiet place. Are you feeling better?"

This voice was very gentle, just like before he accepted this task... no, it was gentler than before he accepted this task, even a little cautious.

——As if the person he was talking to was a fragile object that was broken once and then stuck back together with great difficulty.

"I'm fine." Jing Baiye calculated how long it would take to return to the safe house: "How are you doing over there?"

They went to eat after training. Due to the delay of the murder case, it was already past nine o'clock.

The Mazda drove through a commercial street, and Tohru Amuro didn't make a sound to disturb them on the phone. Jing Baiye looked out the car window.

People were coming and going there. The office workers who came out of the subway station looked tired and hurried home. Above the dark crowd was a sea of ​​colorful neon lights. Advertisements flashed on the big screens in the mall, and the stereos of several stores played.

Playing pop music, the clerk who had a busy day was cleaning at the door, covering his mouth and yawning...

This is the life of countless ordinary people.

——Only a few steps away from him, yet so far away.

Jing Baiye looked away and heard Midorikawa Xin reply: "XYZ Cocktail has been in Ekota Town these days. Last night, I met people from the zoo organization in a bar. They seemed to be squatting with someone."

Squatting people?

He frowned. Ekoda Town was of special significance to him. It was the hometown of the original owner and the Kuroba family who had helped the original owner.

The magic accident that happened to the Black Feather Thief a few years ago was caused by the zoo organization, but the teacher did not die. After a few years of silence after leaving Japan to avoid harming his family, he acted as the Phantom Thief Crow in the United States.

, trying to catch out the people in the zoo...

After the last visit to Kuroba's house, Kaito told him that Kuroba Chikage planned to go to Las Vegas in the United States. But going abroad is not going out of the country, and it is impossible to just leave. She submitted the application to the company first and has to wait.

She can only go there after handing over work at work, and she is still in Ekoda Town.

... Could it be that the people at the zoo are targeting the Kuroba family? Want to eradicate them?

Thinking of the Black Feather family, Jing Baiye clenched his phone and said, "You continue to stare. If they have any intention of attacking ordinary people, tell me immediately."

"I know." Midorikawa Xin responded.

Hearing the assurance from his subordinate and temporary guardian, Jing Baiye was not completely relieved. He had to remind Kaito to pay attention to whether there were any suspicious persons near his home.

Kaito has been learning magic since he was a child and is much sharper than ordinary people. If someone with malicious intentions tries to break into Kuroba's house, Kaito will be able to detect it in time, no matter how clean the traces are...

While Jing Baiye was thinking about this, Toru Amuro, who was sitting in the driver's seat, suddenly sneezed.


Jing Baiye glanced at this subordinate who was in good physical condition in a strange way. He didn't understand why he sneezed suddenly. Could it be that he had a cold?

Fortunately, Toru Amuro only had one shot, and he returned to normal after that. It might just be an itchy nose or someone talking about it.

On the opposite side, Midorikawa Xin was walking. After a sound of opening and closing the door, Jing Baiye heard it finally quieted down - he must have returned to the car.

Without the noisy background sound, he noticed that Midorikawa Shin's breathing sounded a little strange.

Jing Baiye is relatively sensitive to this aspect. When he learned how to approach the target quietly in the past, he learned how to suppress the sound of breathing, so he quickly noticed the abnormality of his men.

Midorikawa Xin's breathing was very light, and a little rapid if you listen closely, as if he was trying his best to suppress some pain... When both sides were in an extremely quiet environment, this subtle sound was amplified.

"Midoriya." Jing Baiye called out, "Are you feeling unwell?"

"...sort of." The other party smiled helplessly, "xyz cocktail is very cunning, and I have to eavesdrop whenever he works. I didn't sleep well last night."

Jing Baiye thought for a moment, and it was indeed true. No matter how useless XYZ Cocktail was, he was also an undercover agent sent by another criminal organization. Keeping an eye on him would not be an easy task.

The last time Toru Amuro went to track down a CIA undercover agent, he suffered from insomnia. At that time, he used skills on him to ensure sleep. Now Midorikawa Xin is also suffering from insomnia. He should not favor one and leave him alone.

"Do you want me to come over and see you?" Jing Baiye asked, "I can accompany you..."


Before he could say anything, Toru Amuro interrupted him.

When Jing Baiye looked over in confusion, Toru Amuro patiently explained: "This is Midorikawa's mission, and this mission is very important to him. If you go there halfway, will the organization suspect that he is doing something wrong in the mission? Are you helping?"

Is he cheating? I know you mean well...but this will hurt him."

"..." This is indeed the truth.

Jing Baiye sighed and said to Midorikawa Xin: "I can't go there."

"...I know." Xin Midorikawa seemed to have heard Toru Amuro's words, "It's okay, I can adjust my state by myself."

"If you can't stand it anymore, tell me directly. Your physical condition is more important." Jing Baiye couldn't help but add.


The other person was silent for a moment, then suddenly shouted: "Angstra."

"What's wrong?"

"...When I come back from completing my mission, let's go to the hot springs together."

This is the email Jing Baiye sent to Midorikawa Xin last night. He didn't reply to him at that time. Now he repeats it with a different subject.

"Okay, I will notify you immediately when this mission is over." Jing Baiye couldn't help but smile, "I'll wait for you to come back."

By then, you will be a codename member like me.


"Daddy threw away my toys."

"What toy?"

"A pair of handcuffs, my neighbor's brother gave them to me. He said he would come after he became a policeman..."

The small face of the black-haired boy he was holding was wrinkled with tears. He wiped his tears in grievance and looked up at him.


Zhu Fu Jingguang woke up with a start. He lay on his back on the bed, cold sweat soaking the clothes on his back.

He felt that his heart was beating violently, as if someone had soaked large balls of cotton wool in water and stuffed it inside, cruelly blocking all the spaces, making his heart and lungs painful every time he breathed.

Zhu Fu Jingguang saw the electronic alarm clock on the bedside table. The time displayed on it was 4:44.

He couldn't sleep. This was already his second day of insomnia. His body was very tired and his mind was very exhausted. His reason told him that he must rest. But when he closed his eyes, he felt no sleepiness, and the heavy feeling in his chest forced him to stay awake.

Zhu Fu Jingguang pushed the quilt aside and got out of bed, put on his ill-fitting slippers and headed to the first floor.

He first went to the bathroom to wash his face, and splashing cold water on his face made his consciousness clearer.

After wiping away the water, Zhu Fu Jingguang raised his head and looked at his appearance in the mirror: his face was haggard, his eyes were bloodshot, his eyes were fierce, and the beard on his chin that had not been cleaned for several days made this face look very different.

Becoming more sloppy and vicious.

Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled to himself as he faced his unfamiliar self in the mirror.

...If he went to see Angstra like this for the first time, his junior boss would definitely not like it, right?

After washing his face, he left the bathroom and sat on the sofa in the living room.

He had nothing in his hands. The police cell phone, the organization cell phone or the bugging cell phone Angstra gave him were all thrown into the bedroom on the second floor. He just sat on the sofa with nothing in his hands.


At around four o'clock, the sky was no longer completely dark, and there was a faint light on the horizon.

The living room is connected to the courtyard. Through the glass door leading to the courtyard, Zhu Fujingguang can see the trees in the courtyard.

As if ironically, there is a cherry blossom tree growing in the safe house of this criminal organization.

There is a proverb in Japan called "Seven Days of Cherry Blossoms" to express the short blooming period of the cherry blossoms. It is already the end of May and the cherry blossoms have long since withered away.

With Fa Xiao and Angstra, Zhu Fu Jingguang could keep a calm tone when communicating with them, not wanting them to worry or making him suspicious.

But when he was alone, with no partners or enemies around him, he finally lost control of his suppressed emotions.

Sure enough, as he had guessed before, the deceased tenant man and woman were Angstra's parents, and this was his former home. The people he poisoned when he was seven years old were his biological parents.

What Angstra committed is a crime of parricide that has been intolerable in most countries, most regions, and most eras from ancient times to the present.


Thinking of the information collected by Zero, Zhu Fu Jingguang clenched his fists.

He once had a happy family, a kind and considerate father, a gentle and considerate mother, and a smart and sensible brother. Even when everything fell apart when he was seven years old, he and his brother were each adopted by relatives, and the relatives who adopted him never beat or scolded him.

, raised him well.

He couldn't understand why some people dared to kill their biological parents, and he couldn't understand why some parents would hurt their biological children.

More than 30 domestic violence police records were issued, and the sister who eventually died due to violence - while children of the same age were enjoying the love of their parents and other elders, he struggled in the quagmire, eventually suffocated, and sank into the endless darkness.

The light never showed mercy to him, and the police... the police who were supposed to symbolize justice not only failed to help him, but were even one of the culprits who pushed him into darkness.

And he himself...when he didn't know anything clearly, he used his prejudice against the members of the black organization to doubt the crimes he had committed, worried that he was an incurable little devil, and planned to deliberately alienate him...

"Cough cough cough!!"

Zhu Fu Jingguang's breathing was suddenly blocked. He coughed violently, and his lungs were burning, leaving him completely breathless.

He grabbed the clothes on his chest, slowly curled up his body, and lowered his head until it was almost on his knees. After a while, he finally recovered.

Zhu Fu Jingguang maintained this posture for a long time before slowly getting up. He took a few deep breaths, blinked his dry eyes, and looked at the glass door again.

Not far from the tree was a row of wooden walls, and he knew that behind the wooden wall was the house of Liu Yoshi - the home of his former senior who once wanted to be a policeman but was now missing, Yyu Yoshi Junichi.

It was out of concern and suspicion about his senior that he asked Fa Xiao to investigate, and he found out about the past that he had not expected.

Zhu Fujing Guangmu sat there in a daze. In a daze, he remembered the black-haired boy he had seen near the park seven years ago and appeared again in his dream.

——"A pair of handcuffs, given to me by my neighbor's brother. He said he would come after he became a policeman..."

——"He will come to save me and my sister!!"

In the memory, the light of the setting sun gradually dissipated, and the boy standing with his back to the light finally put down the hand wiping his tears, revealing a pair of intact red eyes.

His skin is pale, his cheeks look soft, and he looks very cute.

He looked up at Zhu Fu Jingguang, who was much taller than him, and his tone was no longer aggrieved that his father had thrown away the toy, but firm - he believed that the person he had made a promise with would definitely keep his promise.

The boy in the memory rushed to the garbage pile to look for his thrown away treasures again;

The various scenes outside my memory finally connected the clues together.

The boy who rummaged through the trash seven years ago, the senior who graduated in the same year but gave up on becoming a police officer, the neighboring houses, the criminal evidence recorded in paper files, and what he said to his senior when he called him to ask why he gave up.

——"It's meaningless... Jingguang. All my efforts have been meaningless now..."

Across the phone, Liu Jishunyi's tone was light and airy, like a kite that had its strings torn off and was floating in the sky. After losing its only support, no one could hold him back. His voice sounded like he would cry in the next second.

come out.

——"I'm late, none of them are here anymore."


Zhu Fu Jingguang looked at the cherry blossom tree that was past its flowering period.

...It turns out that he had met Angostela so long ago.

This chapter has been completed!
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