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Chapter 226 The King of Time Management (two-in-one chapter)

Angostela, whose real name is Jing Baiye, is a very handsome boy who only met Izarun a few times, but left a deep impression on him.

The first time he met Angstra was seven years ago.

7 years ago, Tottori Prefecture.

The weather in July was getting hotter and hotter. Nineteen-year-old Yi Zejun dressed up like a harmless college student and drove a rented Toyota on a remote mountain road.

As the mountain road wound upwards, Yi Zerun thought about his trip these days and sighed.

People who have multiple jobs are busy... He graduated from the police academy at the end of June. He was busy choosing a job department first; then he reported back to the immigration team and told them that he had accomplished the initial goal; he confirmed that his undercover status had not been used by that person.

After Bian was stripped, he returned to his real employer to report on July 10.

...Obviously the reason why he didn't go to college was that he didn't want to continue to be a time management master - taking school classes during the day and organizing tasks at night - but now it turns out that he is indeed no longer a master, and has become a time management person that even Gin would admire.

The king of management.

[Gin is very interested in your police academy graduation photos.]

Thinking of the email his boss sent him in the morning, Izarun sighed again. He could already imagine how Gin would laugh at him when they met later.

A mansion finally appeared in front of him. Izarun turned to the left and slowed down in front of the entrance of the underground garage.

He stretched his hand out of the car window and pressed a button on the nearby identification machine. The garage door opened automatically, and he picked an empty parking space and parked the car.

There were several cars parked in the garage. Izarun took a look after getting out of the car. Rum's Rolls-Royce, Ireland's Citroën, Gin's Porsche... Lamborghini? Belmode is also here?

Izarun knew Belmod's apparent identity, and he had a good relationship with her and Friedman due to their friendship with her in the human body laboratory.

He took the internal elevator down from the underground garage. The mansion above was a disguise, and the base below was there.

The elevator stopped at the fourth underground floor. Just as Izarun was about to take a step, a bullet flew past his hair on the right side and opened a hole in the inner wall of the elevator car behind him with a bang.

Yi Zejun, who was almost beaten to death, felt calm and walked out of the elevator as if nothing happened. He looked up and quickly understood what happened——

Gin, who was over twenty years old, held the Beretta in one hand and pointed the gun at the blonde woman with her back to the elevator with a livid face. The other hand was tightly covering his chest, where the clothes were a little messy.


Yi Zejun silently pushed up his glasses.

Gin's actions really made him feel like he was being teased and harassed by a female gangster. He became so angry that he wanted to take off his coat and put it on him...

It's a pity that he can't do this, otherwise Gin will empty the magazine on him in the next second.

"You are so cold, Gin."

The blond woman - the female gangster Belmode held her chin, her tone of voice was deliberately sad, "I waited until you were an adult before I did this to you."

...What's with this tone of saying that the little apples are ripe and ready to be picked? It turns out that she never touched Gin before he left. Is it because he was underage? Belmode is quite ethical in this regard.


Gin completely ignored her and turned to look at Izarun, whose heart was spinning: "Jerez, how long do you want to watch the show?"

Yi Zejun was a little uncomfortable with this code name. He was sent undercover as soon as he got the code name, and few people called him that.

He walked up to them and was about to speak when he caught a glimpse of a small figure from the corner of his eye - standing next to Belmod was a little boy, probably only in the first grade of elementary school. He wore an eyepatch on his left eye, and the only thing exposed was

The right eye is crimson.

Seeing him, Yi Zejun's heart skipped a beat, and he almost blurted out "boss".

But he realized in time that the boss was just immortal, not a child. There was no medicine in the organization that could rejuvenate people.

And this kid doesn't look like the boss, only his hair color, eye color and skin color are similar... Speaking of which, since he doesn't look alike, why would he subconsciously identify him as the boss?

"This kid was picked up by Belmode." Gin noticed Izarun's confusion and explained.

The boy had been looking at Yi Zerun's face. Yi Zerun thought his face looked a bit familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"Gin, isn't he cute? Do you like him?"

Belmode touched the boy's head and pinched his face. The white and round cheeks trembled like jelly between her fingers.

Gin snorted, put away the gun and turned around to leave.

Izarun bent down and took out the words he learned in the police academy when dealing with children: "Children, tell me, what is your name?"

"Bai Ye, Jing Bai Ye." the boy said.

Hearing this surname, Izarun, who was sent to the border team as an undercover agent, raised his head and looked at Belmode.

"He has broken away from the relationship with the team, and the boss allowed me to adopt him," she explained.

"Where did you adopt him?"

"Ekota Town."

The Thousand-Faced Witch in the organization smiled back at him, "Jerez, you must have heard of this place, right? This is the hometown of your friend from the police academy."

Izarun was not surprised that the people in the organization knew about his friendships in the police academy. He took the initiative to inform him.

He is the second among the police academy graduates this year. The first is Ryu Gil Soon-il. He also came to the police academy after graduating from high school. He thought he was very talented and deliberately approached him. The two of them became friends over time.

Thinking of everything in the police academy, Yi Zejun pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose. He had good eyesight. He wore them to hide his aura.

Most people who have been in black organizations have a villainous aura that is more terrifying than ordinary murderous aura. Izawa Jun's aura is relatively weak, only his eyes are sharper, so he adds a pair of glasses as insurance.

"Are you a policeman?" The boy looked at him.

"Yes." He is just a fake policeman who is red on the outside but black on the inside.

Izarun raised his hand and flicked Jie Baiye's face: "My code name is Jerez Brandy, you can call me 'Jerez'."

Jing Baiye looked at his face again: "You look very good-looking. It would be better if you don't wear glasses..." He made a gesture of stroking his hair, "If you comb your hair back and expose your forehead, you will look very good."

Izarun, who was complimented on his appearance, looked at Bermod, who continued to smile at him.

"This child just saw that I was pretty, and after I said a few words to him, he was willing to go with me."

...The human trafficker at least bought a few pieces of candy to coax you, but you, an important member favored by the boss, are not as good as an ordinary trafficker? Just show your face and leave with your child?

Yi Zerun swallowed his words: "If you abduct a child like this, his family will call the police."

Belmod's smile was a bit weird: "No, his parents are no longer here."

"——They have been killed by this child himself."

With the subtle mentality of "the next generation of the organization is awesome, I am so weak and helpless and can only tremble", he went to the office to meet the boss.

The boss is sitting in the back office. His appearance remains the same as when he first joined the organization a few years ago. There is a crow with a deformed foot perched on his shoulder.

The underground office has no windows and is surrounded by gray walls. It looks like a huge cage.


Yizerun walked to the table, bowed respectfully, and slowly straightened up: "I'm back."

He recounted all his experiences from the border team to the police academy this year, skipping the unimportant ones and talking about the more important ones. He had already sent emails to the very important ones and there was no need for him to repeat them here.

After listening to his report, the boss smiled at him: "Thank you for your hard work, Jerez."

Jun Izawa, who had regretted countless times in his heart for not going to college honestly, felt that all the hard work this year was worth it when he heard these words from his boss.

The boss asked with great interest: "Is your life in the police academy interesting?"

"...It's very troublesome. It's a closed management. Family members can only visit at fixed times, and they can't leave the school at will. If you want to run out for personal matters, you will be locked up. You can't find any excuse."

Mentioning this, Yi Zejun wanted to sigh.

He has a deep memory of confinement. After all, his dormitory roommate and good friend Liu Jishunyi was also incarcerated.

On May 5th, when Liu Jishun saw the new newspaper in the morning, his face changed drastically when he scanned a certain page. He suddenly wanted to leave school, and even got into an argument with the instructor who stopped him.

As a result, they couldn't leave. Their instructor was a very rigid and disciplined person, and he probably wouldn't let them go even if there was a big earthquake.

Yi Zerun didn't hear the specifics of their quarrel. He only knew that Liu Jishun was put in solitary confinement for a whole week and was not released until May 12th.

The boss listened quietly to his complaints before speaking: "If he is really in a hurry, such a week of confinement will be enough to cause him regrets throughout his life."

"Maybe. He declined the invitation from the police and has not yet decided where to go..."

Izawa Jun lowered his head, took off his non-prescribed glasses, took out the glasses cloth from his pocket and wiped it, his eyes fell on the cherry blossoms in the corner of the glasses cloth.

"...Maybe he won't become a policeman."

Thinking of that friend's back when he left the police academy on his graduation day, he looked like a wandering ghost from a distance. Izarun himself didn't know how he felt.

In the beginning, he approached Ryuji Junichi because he was not convinced. Even though he had been training for many years, he could not compete with him in some events... But in everything he did, he regarded him as a friend, a sincere one.

As an undercover agent, making friends in an undercover place is too bad...

Jun Izawa wanted to sigh again. He felt that Gin would definitely kill him if he found out, and Friedman would definitely laugh at him - this undercover senior who went to the US Special Forces a few years before him looked down on the so-called


He left the office. As an undercover agent, he couldn't stay at his old club for too long. On his way to the elevator, he passed by the shooting training area.

The boss likes and is good at shooting, so he specially placed the office next to it. He casually looked inside and saw Gin and Jing Baiye practicing there.

...No, it can’t be said to be practice, it can only be said to be Gin’s one-sided teaching.

Gin would not be merciful to children. He pointed a gun at Jing Baiye, and Beretta poked a shallow pit on the child's soft cheek.

"What a waste." He sneered unceremoniously.

"I'm sorry, I will practice more in the future." Jing Baiye lowered his head and admitted his mistake honestly.

Izawa Jun glanced at the target in the distance and thought that Gin was deliberately trying to find trouble. A seven-year-old child's hand strength was insufficient, and he had just practiced shooting, so it would be good if he could hit the target.

Ginjiu sneered, moving the muzzle of the gun on Jing Baiye's face, poking it from time to time. He seemed to like this action.

"...Gin, if you want to pinch him, you can just do it. Hold the gun and be careful of misfire." Izawa Jun stood behind him and said quietly.

He has known Gin for several years and can see some of his true emotions.

This child named Jing Baiye sometimes looks very similar to the boss. As the number one vicious dog under that gentleman, Gin will definitely not hate him.

After speaking, Izarun tilted his head sharply, causing the bullet from the Beretta to fly past the left side of his hair.

"You are so fierce, you will scare the children."

Izarun felt that he sighed more and more often after temporarily returning to the organization. It was becoming more and more difficult for him, an ordinary member, to get along here.

Although he has met the boss, knows Rum's real name and appearance, knows all the weaknesses and dark history of Gin, knows what experiments the organization has done, has been praised by Belmode for his acting skills, and has been to many important bases of the organization,

He is currently a triple undercover agent sent out by the organization... but he is really just an ordinary member.

"This kid is not easily scared." Gin sneered, "Don't underestimate him in this regard, he is a little lunatic."

...You really like him more, right? When you shot him just now, you must have become angry because of what he said, right?

Izarun touched both sides of his hair. If one of them missed even a little, he would have completely quit this game called life.

But since he's not dead, let's continue.

Yizerun returned the same way and drove away in his rented Toyota.

There is nothing going on at the Environmental Affairs Team these days. He will go to the Police Department the day after tomorrow to go through the entry formalities. He will officially start work on August 1st, so he can come here a few more times these days.

Halfway through his car, before he returned to the city, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Yizarun, who had completed a one-year professional course, stopped the car responsibly and refused to use his mobile phone while driving. He picked up the phone only after he stopped.

"It's me... I have something to trouble you with."

Liu Jijunyi's voice came from the other side.

This was the first time he took the initiative to call after they graduated from the police academy. The previous few times, Yi Zerun took the initiative to ask how he was doing, but received no response.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. If I can help, I will try my best to help you."

"Can you help me search the electronic files when you go to the police station? The newcomer should also be able to search...In May this year, in May of this year, who handled the case of Ekoda Town...where a girl accidentally fell into the water? Who were the specific police officers?"

...Ekota Town?

Somehow, Jing Baiye's face suddenly flashed through his mind, and Yi Zerun replied: "Okay, I will let you know when there is news."

This chapter has been completed!
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