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Chapter 233 What are you doing, Gin, Gin

On the round platform, Jing Baiye, holding a sniper rifle, suddenly felt a chill, as if something bad was quietly staring at him.

At the same time, the fourth simulated target in the image was hit in the left eye.

For Jing Baiye, who has received the most rigorous sniper training, within a distance of 1,000 meters, he can basically hit him no matter how many external factors interfere with him, unless someone suddenly tricks him from behind before he shoots.


After all, he used to deal with military intelligent robots that were much more powerful than humans. There was no room for error. A slight mistake would result in death.

Jing Baiye put down his gun and turned to look at Gin behind him.

Gin's long hair was blown up by the wind below. In order to avoid affecting his sight, he deliberately stood on the farthest position from him on the round platform, leaning on the railing, quietly and without making a sound.


...This is actually quite dangerous. If Bai Ye in the Mortal Realm has some evil intentions, a surprise attack could push him down and kill him.

Jing Baiye couldn't help but remind: "Gin, you can stand closer to me. Your hair will not affect me. It is dangerous for you to stand by the railing. If the railing ages and breaks..."

"The quality of the organization's things is not that bad." Gin said coldly.

Jing Baiye, whose opinion was rejected, did not persist. He and Gin had been together in the United States for a long time, and he knew very well what kind of temper this model worker had.

He raised his head slightly and looked at Gin. He never understood why a killer who had been active for a long time had such long hair. Belmod and Curacao sometimes tied their hair when performing tasks, but Gin...he never

I've never seen him do this.

In particular, his bangs are very long, almost covering his eyes that always reveal coldness and murderous intent. When he plays a guest role as a sniper, will such a hairstyle really not interfere with his sight?

Jing Baiye thought so in his heart and asked: "Ginjiu, aren't you considering cutting your hair?"

He touched his hair a little regretfully and added: "With hair as long as yours, you will definitely be able to sell it for a lot of money."

He himself has always had short hair, but Blake, who is wearing a female body vest, has long hair that is enough to sell for money. However, in order not to affect the bonus of Yan Dog Soul, it cannot be shaved too short.

"...You are too involved, Angstra."

Gin raised his left hand that was holding Beretta - he had kept the gun in the outer pocket of his coat - and hit Jing Baiye on the head with the butt of the gun, but the force was not strong.

"When you finish training, I will send you to Nishitama City to help Curacao change his appearance again..."

He told another purpose of the training ground, put away the gun, glanced down, and finally left the railing: "Vodka is coming."

"Are you hungry? Then you can go down and eat, and I can set up the image to practice." Jing Baiye said.

Gin raised his hand to turn off the setting instruments on the round platform, the surrounding virtual images disappeared, and the lights came back on. He turned to him and said, "Come down together. If you are left here alone, the vicious dog you raised will

It’s about to bite again.”

"...Don't talk about my subordinates like that." Jing Baiye couldn't help but remind him, "Last time at the training ground, he disobeyed you because he wanted to save me."

Gin seemed to have heard something funny, and sneered: "Angstra, I really doubt what you learned from Belmod, and you didn't even learn that woman's ability to understand people."


"Don't underestimate Toru Amuro. He is very loyal, loyal to his ambitions, his desires, or maybe something else that makes me want to kill him...but it won't be you."

He looked at him condescendingly and made a conclusion: "If you treat him as a loyal subordinate and love him, sooner or later he will end up being bitten by a vicious dog."


Jing Baiye calmly listened to Ginjiu's unkind advice.

"I fell in love with him at that time because I thought he was good-looking and completely in line with my aesthetic taste..." Jing Baiye said.

Toru Amuro was not as loyal as he appeared, and Jing Baiye vaguely felt this.

...This is normal. He did have a life-saving grace for him, but it is very rare to be completely loyal to him after being saved once like in the novel.

He became his subordinate only because he was facing the persecution of Dai Jili and needed the protection of other code members. If there were other code members willing to help him at that time... Jing Baiye can be sure - Toru Amuro who initially rejected him

, will never come to him.

"Now I protect him because he is my subordinate. It has nothing to do with loyalty...I don't care whether he is really loyal to me."

Jing Baiye is not a harsh person to his subordinates and must make them give 100% to him.

As long as they complete their tasks normally around him, don't destroy his property, give him some ability and mood bonuses, and don't hate and reject him from the bottom of their hearts - as long as these four points are met, in other respects, he

Don't care that much.

"...Then it's up to you."

Ginjiu looked away coldly, turned around and walked down the round platform, Jing Baiye followed him holding a gun.

The people below knew nothing about their conversation on the round platform. The vodka guy closest to the stairs was carrying a plastic bag. When he saw them coming down, he immediately took out the contents and handed them to each of them.

"Brother, this is your sandwich." Vodka handed out a sandwich and then a piece of bread, "Angstra, the melon bread you wanted."

"Thank you, I will transfer the money to you later."

Jie Byakuya took the bread and apologized. He was a little lucky that he asked him to help bring some bread. He would go to Nishitama City with Gin later, and he would definitely not have time to go back for dinner.

"Are you hungry?" He looked at Shirley and the others, "If you are hungry, you can go back and have dinner. Today is mainly my training, and you can't practice much. If you have nothing else, you can leave first."

After taking the sandwich, Gin didn't tear it open and eat it immediately. When she heard what he said, she just glanced at him and didn't say anything to stop him.

"I'm not hungry. We'll come back after we've eaten." Shirley said.

Toru Amuro, who lived with him and was in charge of dinner, frowned: "What about you?"

"I have other things." Jing Baiye did not change his attitude towards Toru Amuro because of the conversation he had just had with Gin, and his tone was the same as usual: "You and Shirley can leave together, you don't have to wait for me."

Amuro Toru was stunned and opened his mouth as if he wanted to ask, but he saw Gin on the side, the organization's number one victim with paranoia and the ultimate paranoia, looking at him contemptuously with murderous eyes.

"...I know." In the end, he could only say this.

"You should rest early when you get back. I don't know what time I will be back."

While Jing Baiye was looking after him, he bent down to put the AWM sniper rifle on the gun box, leaving his free hand to tear off the bread bag.

As soon as he lowered his head and bit into the bread, the cell phone in his pocket made a meowing sound, someone called him.


Jing Baiye hesitated for a moment, remembering Gin's threat to him. Although the person calling this time was not him, he was staying by his side, just in case he really did something to Amuro Tohru or Morohoshi...

Regardless of whether his men are loyal or not, he doesn't want them to be harmed because of himself before he completely falls out.

Jing Baiye swallowed the bread in his mouth and reached for his phone. When he unlocked it, he saw that the call was from Midorikawa Xin, and it was already his daily reporting time.

However, before he pressed the answer button, a black shadow suddenly approached him.

Jing Baiye looked up strangely, only to see Gin staring at him with cold eyes that said "There's something wrong with you" and "I found a suspicious person".

Before he could speak, Gin reached out his hand at lightning speed, pinched his right cheek, and pulled it out hard.



Gin thought he knew Angostura very well.

He likes good-looking people. In addition, he also attaches great importance to money and food.

The threat to Morohoshi was just what Gin said casually. He didn't expect Angstra to really change it. He could barely tolerate this small flaw. He had already consciously avoided the normal meal to call this brat.

, he took it just before 9 o'clock last night, and he usually finished eating it earlier.

So when he saw Angstra answering the phone while eating bread, Gin's first reaction was that this person was not Angstra.

Through the thin gloves, he could still feel the softness under his fingers. He watched coldly as the cheek flesh of the underage members of the organization was stretched until it was almost deformed.

Nothing was torn off, it was Angstra herself... How could such a threat be effective?

Angstra made a vague sound: "Gin, what are you doing?"

Gin didn't let go, he glanced at Toru Amuro's expression from the corner of his eye.

The blond mixed-race man stared at them closely. The surprise on his face and the anger at him for bullying Angstra really didn't look like he was pretending. He even wanted to step forward to stop him.

It seems that the vicious dog is real, and the loyalty is half false and half true, with a certain degree of moisture... but there is also a certain degree of sincerity.

It was better than just deceiving and using him as he thought. With Toru Amuro's ability, it was within the tolerable range. It just needed to be trained. In addition to kindness and rewards, an excellent loyal dog also needs whips and intimidation.

The model worker who had read countless people commented indifferently and finally let go of his hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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